Colorado or Bust, Apr 12-19
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April 11, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
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Colorado or Bust; a travelogue by Jim and Vince Kenney
April 12-19, 2009

We're trying something new for us this trip - hoping to post nightly reports on our spring ski trip to Colorado. This is our kick-off post. We depart early, early tomorrow morning.

Trip goals:
1. Find some great late season skiing in Colorado
2. Enjoy a week of father and son quality time together
3. See the country on a mega road trip and return in one piece

It hasn't been an especially huge snow year in the Rockies. The third week of April is the latest date I've ever scheduled a ski trip to Colorado or anywhere else. Will there still be great skiing out there? Only one way to find out.

My son Vince will be graduating from high school one month after our return. There are life changes ahead. I'm still able to share most of a ski day without slowing him down too much. He's still willing to hang out with pops. Who knows how long this window of mutual ski compatibility will
last? Get it while you can.

We both have more time than money. We're driving 1800 miles each way in a 12 year old car. I like the open road, Vince would rather fly the friendly skies. Will we make it back before old Bessie blows a gasket? Stay tuned.

Over the next week here on we'll try to post daily comments and images of our adventures in Colorado Ski Country USA.

Jim Kenney
Happy Trails!

April 11, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Good luck you 2!! I hope your trip is filled with lots of good father/son time, save travels, and PLENTY of POW POW!!!
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
April 11, 2009
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
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so who is running this show, Jim or Vince ? i'd say Vince.

that sounds really superb. webcams at a-basin look great lately. walker and i drove home from saddleback last year and had a great time - especially with a 3 CD set of grateful dead tunes. safe travels to you Jim and Vince, and good times.
Laurel Hill Crazie
April 11, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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Flashing marquees out on main street
Chicago, New York, DC and its all the same street
Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings

Truckin' out to Colorado
Been thinkin' gotta mellow slow
Takes time to pick a place to go
Get back truckin' on

Keystone gotta soft machine
Copper too close to Breckenridge
Loveland's got the ways and means
A-Basin keeps truckin' on.
The Colonel
April 11, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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Have a great trip. Most of CO mountains got tons of snow last week. Should be great. Wish I was with you, or at least having you meet me at the airport in Denver!
Happy Easter
The Colonel smile
April 11, 2009
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April 12, 2009
Member since 02/23/2006 🔗
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Vince and Jim,

Wow...I'm envious. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. I've never skied out West...what are you doing to deal with the altitude?

Hope you enjoy the snow, and the "guy trip" thing, too!

Travel safely,
Laurel Hill Crazie
April 12, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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Jim & Vince, check you Private Messages.
April 12, 2009
Member since 12/27/2004 🔗
235 posts
Awesome. I did this way back in 1989 over Easter Break. We loaded up a Chevy conversion van with my folks, myself, two of my buddies and drove to Breckenridge.

We stopped in Salinas Kansas on the way out. Drove straight through on the way back. I still remember it being pitch black as I drove through Kansas and listened to Michigan beat Seton Hall.

The first couple of days was warm spring skiing (t-shirts). The next few days we received around three-feet of snow.

I still have plenty of good memories from that trip. I'm sure you'll have the same.
tskski - DCSki Supporter 
April 12, 2009
Member since 03/13/2003 🔗
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Just returned from CO. Husband and I drove straight through(25hrs.). Spent two days in Co Springs with our 4th son. Then he picked up 2nd and 3rd sons at airport and we met at condo in Silverthorne. Skied Keystone, Copper, and Loveland. Sun and blue skies every day with great snow conditions. Probably the best ski trip we've had. Left Friday morning, drove straight through again arriving at home in VA Saturday morning around 11:30. Hope you have a safe trip and enjoy the skiing as much as we did.
April 12, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
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Sunday, April 12: Happy Easter

We took 68 through Maryland, then 79 to Charleston where we caught 64 to ST. Louis then 70 to KC, about 1150 miles total. Good travel day, only traffic was in Missouri, but they sell gas for $1.81 there. Tomorrow we go to Colorado!

Photo 1: Easter morning in Braxton County, WV

Photo 2: The ST. Louis Arch in ST. Louis. We also saw a large crowd leaving nearby Busch Stadium after a Cardinals game.

Jim & Vince Kenney
Happy Trails

April 13, 2009
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts

Jim & Vince,

Just told the Wife about your road trip, she and I are both quite impressed. Gets some turns in for me. Looking forward to your posts.

Originally Posted By: Laurel Hill Crazie
Flashing marquees out on main street
Chicago, New York, DC and its all the same street
Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings

Truckin' out to Colorado
Been thinkin' gotta mellow slow
Takes time to pick a place to go
Get back truckin' on

Keystone gotta soft machine
Copper too close to Breckenridge
Loveland's got the ways and means
A-Basin keeps truckin' on.

LHC - Catch a show in Albany this Friday nite and ski VT on Sat. & Sunday? crazy
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
Laurel Hill Crazie
April 13, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,054 posts
You have Dead tickets? Close the season in VT? Don't even tempt me. I've got a beat up '93 VW Eurovan weekender. We can sleep in the parking lots and on Shake Down Street.

I need a miracle to make this happen. My wife would kill me......or maybe convince her to go to???? Son will have to go too, don't know if he's ever been to a Dead show.

Vince, tell your dad to check his PMS also. vail snopro has some cheap tickets. Uncle Louie can show you around.

April 13, 2009
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
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Sounds great. Just returned from my UT trip late last week. I too enjoy seeing the countryside by driving. Have a great time skiing. Just don't get caught in any blizzards on the high plains. If one shows up wait it out. Take it from someone who tried to drive in one.
April 13, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
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Monday April 13, 2009

"Easy" drive today, about 650 miles from KC area to Georgetown, CO. We made a quick stop in Denver around 3pm where it was sunny and 65 degs. Continued on to the Georgetown Mountain Inn where we'll stay the next two nights, but couldn't resist driving 10 more miles for a preview visit to Loveland ski area. It was 5pm and the ski session had ended, but it was great to walk on snow for the first time since the Snowy Luau at Timberline about three weeks ago. Two skiers who had lingered at the base area told us that it had been a perfect partly sunny spring ski day on the mountain with dry packed powder conditions, with the snow only turning soft down by the base area. Supposed to be more of the same weather tomorrow, then possibly a few inches of new snow in the middle of the week. We ski Loveland on Tuesday, Arapahoe Basin on Wed and Thurs, and Copper Mountain on Fri and Sat.

1st photo: Juxtaposition of old and new windmills in central Kansas. A few miles west of Salina there were about 100 of the new energy type windmills. The old water wheel windmills are still commonly used everywhere to fill drinking holes for animals.

Video: We made it to Colorado Ski Country USA after two days and 26 hours of road time. It was worth it! Loveland ski area is a fun spot.

2nd photo: After a fun visit to the Loveland ski area we drove a couple miles up towards Loveland Pass and I got a shot of Vince at elevation 11,500' with Loveland's amazing ski terrain behind him. Pretty much everything white in the background is skiable and much of it lift served. Loveland is Colorado's secret giant, not so famous, but over 1000 acres of terrain.

April 14, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
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Awesome shots!! Cheers to some good skiing!!
The Colonel
April 14, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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How big are those wind turbines? Usually objects in foreground appear large, and the wind turbines dwarf the windmill and house.
Have a great time. Enjoy your skiing. A personal note about Copper Mt. I stayed there for a week many years ago with my family. It is laid out quite interestingly. Downhill skiers left is the more gentle section of the mountain, but there are green ways down from some of the bowls; in the middle is intermediate heaven, and to the far right is the rugged diamond stuff. This is a great arrangement since there are less chances an out of control beginner, or a out of control expert bomber will cross your path.
Remember to drink lots of water to help offset the first few days at altitude.
The Colonel smile
April 14, 2009
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
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I was only at Loveland once, but liked it a lot. It is like Copper in that the steeper stuff and the good tree runs are to skier's right. If you take them to the bottom it requires a short walk back to the lift. If it snows the wind comes from the west (directly over the ridgeline) and lift #8 on the far skier's left is sheltered and collects powder. It also has good visual reference if it turns to whiteout above the tree line. The ridgeline runs look interesting on the map; couldn't see them when I was there due to snow & whiteout. They slide frequently so be sure the patrol has OK'd before you go. A friend ski bumming in CO says Loveland is the best ski area in the state, if you hike the ridge. He usually comes out on Rt. 6 and thumbs a ride back to the lift.

One more thing. You can get to Loveland from Georgetown even when Eisenhower Tunnel and Rt 6 (over Loveland Pass) are closed. That was the situation the day I was there.
April 14, 2009
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
LHC - My good friend (and ski patroler) and his wife will be attending the show in Albany. They have extra tickets. I was very tempted, but we have 5 soccer games on Saturday, plus its picture day. Going to the show tonight at the Verizon Center.

Vince & Jim,

Great pictures!

There's a great pizza joint in Georgetown that serves honey for your pizza crust. Need to check it out.
Snow Crash
April 14, 2009
Member since 12/4/2007 🔗
12 posts
Originally Posted By: Vince
Over the next week here on we'll try to post daily comments and images of our adventures in Colorado Ski Country USA.

Hi Vince-

What kind of budget are you looking at for this trip?
I'm trying to arrange my first ski vacation to Colorado
for the 2009-2010 season, and would like to know if this
kind of roadtrip would cost less than just taking
Amtrak from the DC area to Colorado.

Did you get some kind of special deal for lift tickets and lodging?
The Colonel
April 14, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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You can usually find air travel cheaper than Amtrack. I went from Dulles to the airport at Steamboat Springs in early Feb. for approx. $159 round trip, plus bags.
The Colonel smile
April 14, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
Originally Posted By: Snow Crash
Originally Posted By: Vince
Over the next week here on we'll try to post daily comments and images of our adventures in Colorado Ski Country USA.

Hi Vince-

What kind of budget are you looking at for this trip?
I'm trying to arrange my first ski vacation to Colorado
for the 2009-2010 season, and would like to know if this
kind of roadtrip would cost less than just taking
Amtrak from the DC area to Colorado.

Did you get some kind of special deal for lift tickets and lodging?

This is a low budget, hard ball trip. You have to be wack in the head like Vince and I to do it this way. Gas will run about 250, but that compares to about 600 I was looking at for two airfares and car rental for our week. We're also brown bagging and eating in a lot. Stayed at friend's house in KC, no charge. But oh my, April is such a cool time to be here, no crowds, low prices in all ways, mild weather, snow is still great, etc.

We just finished a great day skiing at Loveland, will post more pics and vids tonight. Vince is waiting for me at the motel hot tub at Georgetown Mtn Inn.

Thanks for all the comments and encouragement folks.
Jim Kenney
April 14, 2009
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
Can't wait to see the pics. Way to get out there and ski!
April 14, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
Tuesday April 14

Great day at Loveland, mostly cloudy skies, but sun came out for a few hours in PM. No wind, ~50degs on slopes, but snow still dry at 12K feet. Love has a reputation for wind, but I've done four days here spread across 6 years and have yet to experience it. We rode every chair in the place, probably the best skiing was over by the steep bumpy runs off chair 1. We skied black diamonds over there like Cat's Meow, Avalanche Bowl and Over the Rainbow, bumps were soft, fluffy and workable, but this was our first day at altitude and our sea level lungs had us stopping to suck wind frequently. We took the obligatory few rides up chair 9 to 12,700 feet along the Continental Divide. You can see Abasin, Keystone and Breck from the top. Tomorrow we start the first of two days at Arapahoe Basin, neither of us has skied it before. We are very much looking forward to meeting "The Legend".

First video: an early morning run on a pretty groomer called Drifter. Everything groomed was excellent, some of the huge ungroomed bowls had variable conditions, sometimes very dry stuff, sometimes a little gloppy.

First pic: they have some amazing, high elevation low-intermediate terrain off chair 2. That is the continental divide above and includes some hike to extreme terrain.

second video: Vince on a bumpy double black called Over the Rainbow to lookers left of chair 1. It's about as steep as Extrovert, but goes for 1000+ vertical feet. Vince could handle it, but his lungs couldn't, should get easier as we adapt during the week.

second pic: Vince on Over the Rainbow with the awesome terrain of chairs 9 and 4 behind him. Loveland has about 2400 vertical, but skis much bigger due to enormous horizontal spread, ~4 mile- wide high cirque that is all lift served.

third pic: this is the e-tow cabin at about 11,500'. It's a shelter for cold days and a good place to picnic on pretty days. This is not the first time we've brown bagged it there. I told Vince this might be one of my favorite places to eat lunch on Planet Earth.

Jim Kenney
Happy Trails

April 15, 2009
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
Looks great out there! Really nice to see pics of good skiing and snow here in mid April.

OK, so I have to ask, what's with the double pole plants Vince? My college ski coach from Austria would have been tearing his hair out and yelling "swing ze polz! vun-too! vun-too! vun-too!".
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
April 15, 2009
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
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Isn't Loveland wonderful ? You have a lot more snow now than we had in February, in fact, it might even be colder right now than it was that week. And doesn't Jim sound like he has a future career as mountain guide ? The cabin is nice, but i can never bring myself to stop skiing long enough to enjoy it - there are those nice runs through the north chutes to chair 9 just waiting for you.... :-)
The Colonel
April 15, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Wonderful video and pics. We are all jealous back here. I do have one question, especially after watching your first video:
how have you managed the handle the crowded conditions?!!
The Colonel smile
April 15, 2009
Member since 02/23/2006 🔗
792 posts
Gorgeous, guys! Looks like you were handling Over the Rainbow well to me, Vince...plenty of air as you headed on down. Drifter would be more my speed.

Looking forward to your report on A-Basin.

April 16, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
Wednesday April 15 - Arapahoe Basin

Beautiful day, mostly sunny, highs in upper 40s. Most know Abasin has the black diamond goods, but there are also some great hard blue, easy black groomers (and long green cirles too). We started with some of the best cord and fastest carving runs of our lives on the Lenawee chair on the front face, then quickly moved on for about two AM hours in Montezuma Bowl. Skied more great groomers there and pretty steep chutes off Zuma Cornice.

Then we moved back to the front to follow the sun in the legendarily steep Pallavicini area on front face of mtn. They were running the 20th annual Enduro race: 21 teams of two, doing as many laps as possible in Pali section for 10 straight hours. The record is 71 laps! This section is full of world class double black diamond runs. I had a yardsale on Pali Face and a friendly competitor named Susie dressed in an angelic powder blue outfit stopped to bring my lost ski down about 25 yards to me. Great athletes and nice people too. All race proceeds go to charity.

After a late lunch we skied an area called Land of the Giants, big rocks scattered across a huge open bowl below the super steep East Wall on front face of mountain. Skied glades, gullies and more bumps on front face of mtn rest of afternoon. Caught last chair ride as 4pm closing bell rang. Tremendous first day ever at The Legend! Back there again tomorrow when winter returns with a couple inches of snow expected and high temps of 32 degrees.

We're enjoying a bit of luxury tonight staying at the Dakota condos at River Run in Keystone. This property is managed by Key to the Rockies. Five miles from Abasin.

Jim Kenney
Happy Trails

First video: Vince doing some lonely carving on Larkspur on the top half of Montezuma Bowl.

first pic: Jim on a chute called Schauffler in the Montezuma Cornice area

second video: Vince tackling Schauffler

second pic: one of the Enduro competitors on West Alley in the Pali area, this was the steepest run we took all day, can't imagine doing it 70 more times in one day.

third pic: Vince in Land of the Giants, fun, but unforgiving natural terrain features here.

April 16, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
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Laurel Hill Crazie
April 16, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,054 posts
Did I tell you how much I hate you two right now? I'm mowing the lawn and other yard work and you two are still chasing winter. Well, at least the Pens won last night and the Caps lost. I guess I have that.

Awesome TR guys. I really enjoy the pics and videos. I never skied Loveland and it's been, oh god, about 20+ years since I skied A-basin. When did I get old????

Keep them reports coming.
The Colonel
April 16, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Looks like lots of snow in Denver tonight/tomorrow and the Front Range...hope some of it falls as powder on you all.
Have Fun,
The Colonel smile
April 17, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts

Thursday April 16 - Arapahoe Basin
Our second day at Abasin was a fun, stark contrast from our first. The area received approximately six inches of new spring snow overnight and about another four inches fell throughout the day. It didn't get much more than 40 degs today and visibility in the open bowls was tough. It was not a great picture taking day, but the sun did come out for about 60-90 minutes in the afternoon and conveniently melted the snow off Hwy 6, at least for a while.
In the morning we followed closely beside snow fences to help with depth perception and sought out glades like Eureka and Torrey on the west and east sides of the Zuma lift respectively. There was also good powder tree skiing in the front side glades such as Scudder near Norway lift and Cabin glades under the Lenawee Mtn lift.
It was a wet snow and we went in to dry off and grab some lunch around 1230pm. No sooner had we stepped into the new mid-mtn Black Mtn Lodge than the sun broke through. We gobbled some snacks and quickly headed back out to take advantage of the visibility. By this time there was conservatively a good 10 inches of new and somewhat heavy snow on the trails. Big gobs of chop everywhere.
After riding the Pali chair for a while Vince talked me into skiing the run under it during the brief window of sunshine. Part way down my old legs were fried so I bailed onto nearby Standard. Vince continued on Turbo, but it was exhausting for both of us. He really had to power his way through deep clumps of snow, not to mention giant bumps. I think he grew some hair on his chest today.
We continued to ski the front side of Abasin, but visibility worsened again and we called it a day about 30 mins before closing time (forgive us). We wanted to make sure old bald-tired Bessie could get us to Frisco, CO. I'm typing this in the living room of the Frisco Lodge in the historic part of town. Friday and Saturday we ski Copper Mtn. We can use the free Summit Stage bus to get there from here and give Bessie a break. We're hearing reports of a foot or more of snow falling on and off between now and Saturday, temps are supposed to drop. Yowsa! Hopefully it will have a little lower water content.
Jim Kenney
Happy Trails.

First pic: Jim in Cabin glades
Video: Vince with snow falling on a groomer called Columbine in Montezuma Bowl
Second pic: Vince under the Pali lift
Third pic: Jim on Dragon below the East Wall

April 17, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Jim, Vince

Up til now i've been happy that you've got to do this trip and i'm really enjoying the trip report, BUT this morning i saw the weather forecast for Denver/boulder front range and now I hate you also, j/k but JIM, dewd what's with those tires????? Didn't learn anything at teh Knob??

Have fun
Your friend (jealous) Jimmy
April 17, 2009
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,353 posts
Wow, looks like your best day yet. I am astonished at this 'spring' in the mountain west. Alta got another 25" 2 days ago. Just a bit of regret about coming home before catching it all. But I have no complaints.

Make some turns for me. smile
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
April 17, 2009
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts
Well, at least the Pens won last night and the Caps lost. I guess I have that.

Easy there mate. Keep that up and I may have to challenge you to some T-Line skiercross...

Vince, JimK, excellent trip. Thanks for the updates!

You'll be glad to know we're keeping the local economy afloat back east while you're whooping it up.
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
April 17, 2009
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts
old bald-tired Bessie

You still haven't got new tires? confused I'm amazed you two are still alive and made it out to the Rockies.
April 17, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Originally Posted By: JohnL
old bald-tired Bessie

You still haven't got new tires? confused I'm amazed you two are still alive and made it out to the Rockies.

To the Rockies?? I'm surprised they made it home from Blue Knob!!
April 17, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
April 17 - Copper Mountain
Yesterday was just a warm-up. Today was the real deal, approximately 10-18" of fresh and fairly light snow depending on what part of the mountain you skied. We skied ourselves to exhaustion riding Copper's fleet of long HSQs. Copper was a great venue to host the best powder day of young Vincent's life, one of my best too. Even some of the locals were calling it one of the top days of the season.
We skied the center front face of the mtn and the west front where the wicked slow Alpine double chair made us feel like we were back home at Blue Knob or Timberline. We found the best snow up high in the single black tree lined runs around the Excelerator chair and the wide open Union Bowl area off the Sierra lift. Despite heavy snow, the visibility was better than the day before.
After an epic morning we grabbed a bite at a mid-mtn restaurant called Solitude Station and hit some easy blues on the east side of the mtn to rest a bit. Then a friendly local offered to lead us down three runs in the black diamond Union Bowl where the snow was deep, but vis a little tricky for first timers to Copper. Vince called these runs the highlight of the day - 18 inches deep and pretty light stuff. He finally understands the hypnotic magic of deep pow.
They expect another foot tonight. Tomorrow at Copper Mtn holds much promise for our final day in Colorado Ski Country USA. Deeper snow and the Sunsation end of the season party, including free music by many acts like Bob Marley's original band The Wailers. Only one thing, maybe the need to change the name of the event to Snowsation.
PS: The Summit Stage free bus was the unsung hero of the day. Got us to and from the mtn from the Frisco Lodge without incident. Meanwhile I70 is closed this evening in both directions due to the snow and numerous accidents.
PPS: I compromised after BK and got two new rear tires, only the front are bald :-)
Jim Kenney
Happy Trails

First pic: not Vince's best form, but illustrative of the deep snow
Second pic: the powder hounds were out in force, but no lift lines. It's April in paradise.
Third pic: a boarder catches a little air in one of many terrain parks at Copper. Great talent out here on the hills. We saw a boarder do a 15" huck off a rock at Abasin. My camera went into standby just as he took wing.
Video: Vince and I are receiving on the job training in powder skiing. It's not how good you are, it's how much fun you're having.

April 17, 2009
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
Jim, looks awesome out there. I have to say, reading reports that are full of contagious enthusiasm like this, well, it's almost as good as being there. Glad you guys are having such an epic trip. I am sure this will rank as one of your best ski days ever.

BTW, I like hearing the old-guy grunts at the end of the video -- it's a nice contrast to the young ripper action at the beginning wink.
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
April 17, 2009
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
941 posts
so, first you go to loveland, maybe my 2nd favorite place on earth, then you go to maybe my favorite place on earth, abasin, and now you stay the same lodge that Cheryl and I visited two years ago. only, and this is the terrible part, you're getting more snow than I ever got. i can't believe it. you're not staying in the last room at the end of the hall on the 2nd floor are you ? probably not, that was only one small bed. still have the yellow lab on the couch. yeah, i know, every summit county lodge has one of those. pizza at tia amo ? breakfast at butterhorn ? its a great world, isn't it ?
April 17, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Gosh I'm jealous of you two!!!
April 18, 2009
Member since 02/23/2006 🔗
792 posts
Originally Posted By: skier219
Jim, looks awesome out there. I have to ... (snip)
BTW, I like hearing the old-guy grunts at the end of the video -- it's a nice contrast to the young ripper action at the beginning wink.

Right. Makes us old geezers feel a lot better!

Laurel Hill Crazie
April 18, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,054 posts
Wow, you guys hit the spring skiing jackpot. I'm so glad that you had this opportunity to share the experience together. Next time I'm going stow away in your trunk. grin
JimK - DCSki Columnist
April 18, 2009
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,016 posts
70 still closed around Georgetown. We ski Copper today. The Front Range ski areas have received 2-3 feet. Snow slowing now. We'll ride Stage to ski what should be epic conditions. Will spend an extra night up here and head East Sunday morning.
Think snow, but be careful what you wish for :-)
The Colonel
April 18, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Interesting that you just posted. I logged onto DCSki to send a note that I just read I70 still closed from Vail to Golden, and wondered what shelter you might have had to divert to.
Glad to hear you made it back to hotel, great to hear you are still getting to ski today, and thankfull tho hear you are remaining in CO an extra night before heading back east...better to drive on a good night's sleep.
Have a safe trip back,
The Colonel smile
Laurel Hill Crazie
April 18, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,054 posts
Don't worry guys, I'll call the boss and tell 'em your sick..... sick of work. I'll tell 'em you have eye problems.....can't see coming into work.
April 18, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
April 18 - Copper Mountain
Tremendous last ski day in Colorado. It is mind boggling that some of the best skiing of my life comes the day before this resort closes for the season. But there's still Arapahoe Basin and Loveland for another several weeks if anyone is tempted by our reports ;-)
The best snow was up high on the mtn, so Vince and I started the day with several warm-up laps off the Excelerator chair. It's located above a mid-mountain restaurant called Solitude Station that we used for a centrally located lunch stop.
Then on a lift ride a charitable young, local boarder showed some love for skiing tourons and gave us a tip to check out Upper Enchanted Forest on Copper Peak. It's accessed by the Storm King surface lift rising above the 12000' level. There we skied some of the deepest snow of our lives (see pics and vid) in a gladed area with beautiful large evergreens offering nice spacing.
Next we took a break cruising some blues across the front face of the mtn. We eventually made a last pass through the East side of the trail layout for a run down the black diamond run called Triple Treat under the retro Alpine double chair. Then it was up to Solitude Station for lunch around 1pm.
Here an extraordinarily nice thing happened. A member of the online community who I'd never met before recognized me from viewing photos in this thread! His Epicski name is Alta6 and he was accompanied by a couple other friends including another Epicski member going by the label Mr Vertical. I was a little hesitant to join them for some runs fearing I'd impose on them, or worse - slow them down.
These guys were so gracious I quickly got over any funky feelings. Over the rest of the afternoon they treated Vince and I to a guided tour of some great runs we would have never found for ourselves including another pass through a different part of the Enchanted Forest and some deep, deep pow in an area called Union Meadows off Union Peak. These guys were GOOD and inspired Vince and I to raise our game. It was an exciting finish to a ski week neither of us will ever forget.
When the day was done we hung around the Copper base area for some après food, drink, music and fun at the Sunsation end of season party. Copper provides a great resort experience with super ski terrain and a base complex that is incredibly convenient to the Denver metro area (when a spring blizzard doesn't close the road that is).
Jim Kenney
Happy Trails
Video: deep snow in Enchanted Forest early in the day, Sunsation party action late in the day
First pic: I grew whiskers, Vince got a goggle tan - signs of a great week
Second pic: powpow Copper style
Third pic: Mr. Vertical leading the way down high alpine terrain
Fourth pic: Sunsation zaniness. These retro style aerialist competitors were flying high in more ways than one.

Scott - DCSki Editor
April 18, 2009
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,282 posts
Hmm.. It looks like Vince might have forgotten suntan lotion? Raccoon eyes are a skier's badge of honor.
April 19, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Originally Posted By: Scott
Hmm.. It looks like Vince might have forgotten suntan lotion? Raccoon eyes are a skier's badge of honor.

Heck yea! Wait till someone at school makes fun of him this week. He'll pull up a few of his Youtube videos and quickly put them in their place. Other guys his age were practicing baseball or hanging around track meets during their Spring Break. Vince was bashing DEEP POW POW!!
April 19, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
Great trip report. Cool that you skied with some Epicskiers and also the friendly locals that guided you. Off season crowds and a couple feet of fresh. Yes, that could inspire some happy feelings. Closing days in my experience tend to have a party feel to them even if there isn't deep powder or a reggae festival. I bet you're still smiling.

Drive safe. The new tires proved to be a good idea, I reckon. I bet you didn't rent powder skis. I know I wouldn't have.
The Colonel
April 19, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Jim and Vince,
What an experience, what a trip, what an incredible father-son bonding, what a lifetime of wonderful memories.
Your quads must be rock hard by now! Maybe you ought to co-author a book..."How To Enjoy Life In Paradise With A Teenager"!
Congrats Vince, enjoy college next year, and cherish this memory for the rest of your life. You obviously have a very special DAD!
The Colonel smile
April 19, 2009
Member since 12/27/2004 🔗
235 posts
Awesome trip report. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to next season.
Laurel Hill Crazie
April 19, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,054 posts
And I thought my loathing of yunz guys could get any worse. mad

Jim and Vince what great good fortune for the two of you. Vince, one day I hope you will show me some of the terrain the Epic Bears showed you. You've found a passion that will be lifetime pursuit.

Drive safe and I'll ski with yunz again next season.
The Colonel
April 19, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Originally Posted By: Laurel Hill Crazie
And I thought my loathing of yunz guys could get any worse. mad

Jim and Vince what great good fortune for the two of you. Vince, one day I hope you will show me some of the terrain the Epic Bears showed you. You've found a passion that will be lifetime pursuit.

Drive safe and I'll ski with yunz again next season.

That's if any of us can keep up with you two in the future!?
Be sure to let us know when you get back home in VA, we worry about you!
The Colonel smile
Connie Lawn - DCSki Columnist
April 19, 2009
Member since 04/19/2009 🔗
138 posts
This is absolutely terrific! You set a standard for the rest of us - as skiers, writers, photographers, and parents. You help make the entire cite superb!
How was the driving? How many storms did you encounter? Yours, Connie (
April 20, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
April 19 - Returning East
I was never so grateful to sit on my duff all day. I found today's car ride restful, especially with Vince helping on the driving. It was a fantastic week of skiing, but also physically demanding for me. Vince is patient to put up with all my picture taking and lollygagging. He thinks I'm doing it for the magnificent DCSki readership, but it's really a guise to get the old guy plenty of slopeside breathers between stretches of skiing.
Our route today was simple, 900 miles on Interstate 70 from Frisco, CO to St. Louis, MO, approximately the halfway point home. We do the remainder tomorrow. Before I forget I'll give a special shout out to the Frisco Lodge. Just two blocks from the Summit Stage stop (15-20 minute ride to Copper), it was our shelter from the storm, provided a great breakfast each day, and has a nice hot tub.
The road out of the mountains was safe and clear, but evidence of an exceptional spring snow storm was obvious. When we arrived last Monday the foothills west of Denver were brown. Today even Golden, five miles west of town was still blanketed in the 14" it received Fri-Sat. But elevation is everything. The city of Denver and the rest of Eastern Colorado had only a patchy few inches.

There was quite a crowd headed westbound on 70 to get some last ski licks in. The Loveland parking lot was packed. Kansas and Missouri were a snowless 60+ degrees as we passed through them today.

Jim and Vince Kenney
Happy Trails
First pic: Golden, Co. Can anyone confirm that the domed building is the Coors Brewery? The beautiful Flat Iron Mtns by Boulder are dead center background.
Second pic: Carving railroad tracks in the snow - Eastern Colorado.

April 21, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
April 20 - Home Sweet Home

We made it home, safe and sound. Thanks for your interest and comments.

Jim and Vince Kenney
Happy Trails
April 21, 2009
Member since 02/23/2006 🔗
792 posts
Jim and Vince,

Thanks for taking us all along on your epic journey out West! Your reports extended my season for another week.

Glad you made it home safely.

Sleep well,
Connie Lawn - DCSki Columnist
April 21, 2009
Member since 04/19/2009 🔗
138 posts
Welcome back - I keep replaying your videos. How I miss Western skiing. Get the gang (including families and Scott) and come visit our Lake this summer. Yours, Connie Lawn and Charles Sneiderman
April 25, 2009
Member since 04/4/2009 🔗
42 posts
Pic 1: powder day accumulation at Copper Mtn

Pic 2: Bessie's finest hour, climbing 11990' Loveland Pass, Abasin in background - East Wall to left, Pallavicini mogul terrain to lower right

Pic 3: At the apex of snow storm 4/17/09 the only peek we got of the sun was a few minutes after dinner in Frisco CO, then didn't see again until next afternoon.

Pic 4: on the drive home a John Mellencamp song came on radio just as we left his native Indiana and passed through Louisville, Kentucky...
"Oh but ain't that America for you and me
Ain't that America somethin' to see baby
Ain't that America home of the free
Little pink houses for you and me."

May 4, 2009
Member since 09/5/2008 🔗
46 posts
Jim and Vince,

What a great trip Report! Based on the pics that trip is going to be one to remember. You guys hit the perfect spring conditions and maybe some of the best for the 2009 Colorado season. Great pics and video. So what do you think - flying or driving, which is better?

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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