2015 Geezer Ski Bum Tour - DCSki #1
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JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 4, 2015 (edited February 4, 2015)
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,016 posts


2015 Geezer Ski Bum Tour - DCSki #1

By Jim Kenney

Trip Kickoff, Feb 4, 2015

I retired in early January 2015 after 37+ years as a U. S. Government employee.  I headed west on January 31st for a two month journey to discover my inner ski bum.  The plan is to be on the road for about 64 days and cover approximately 6,400 miles.  For the solo portion of the trip I’ve identified a string of cheap motels, hostels, and possible couch-surfing opportunities.  Later my travel arrangements will take a slightly more upscale approach as family joins me.

My first stop is two weeks in the Vail/Beaver Creek area. Then I plan to head towards Park City and The Canyons and eventually make my way to Kirkwood, CA.  From there I want to drive to Jackson, WY and I’m already looking forward to a rendezvous with my wife Kathy at Denver International Airport on March 2.  We are going to stay in a condo in Summit County, CO for 30 days skiing Keystone, Breckenridge, Arapahoe Basin, etc.  Our adult kids will join us for part of that time.  I’m planning to drive home by April 4th.

My prime directive is to remain in one piece and survive the experience.  I feel like a 61 year old kid in a candy store, but I’m going to have to pace myself, for sure.  I’ve logged my first three ski days and already my left knee is barking, but that’s why God created pain relievers. Will my body hold up for two months of skiing and traveling after being a desk jockey and weekend warrior for so long?  I don’t know.  I’m already employing geezer tactics like midday power naps, gondola downloads at 4PM, and never refusing a Beaver Creek escalator ride. 

I’m earning my ski bum credibility by staying in The Turntable Restaurant and Motel in Minturn, CO for the next two weeks.  It looks like an old college dorm circa 1940, but the tiny, spartan room seems pretty clean.  The motel is full of other tourists and seasonal workers, plus a few sketchy characters apparently living here permanently.  But it has a good diner-style restaurant and has been quiet so far.  You can’t beat $50 per night in the Vail Valley, especially during the two weeks coinciding with the 2015 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships. 

Full disclosure:  as a fledgling member of the media (thanks Scott/DCSki!) I received an Epic Pass and my reporting this winter will include, but not be limited to coverage of numerous Vail Resorts.  Vail resorts like Beaver Creek and Park City sort of conflict with my geezer ski bum theme, but nonetheless I’ll try my best to share authentic ski stoke, albeit of the mature variety.  I’ll be making occasional posts on DCSki and other outlets and I also want to share travel info and lessons learned about making a lengthy ski trip.

Most of all I look forward to the opportunity to get a lot of slopetime and make turns with fellow ski freaks around the country.  If my path crosses yours let me know through a private message or a post in the DCSki forums and perhaps we can make some tracks together? 

My approximate itinerary:

Jan 31 start driving to Colorado 

Feb 2-16 staying in Minturn, CO, skiing mostly Vail and BC

Feb 17-21 staying in the vicinity of Park City, UT, skiing PC and Canyons

Feb 22-24 staying at Kirkwood, CA

Feb 25-Mar 1 skiing Jackson Hole

Mar 2 picking up wife at Denver airport

Mar-3-Apr 2 staying in Summit County, CO, skiing mostly Keystone, Arapahoe Basin, may be joined by our adult children and some friends.

Apr 2 start driving home

Apr 4 arrive home. 

Here are some photos from my first few ski days in paradise.

All photos by Jim Kenney

This is a shot of the Redtail Finish Stadium at Beaver Creek taken on Feb 2 during Ladies GS training runs.  Good skiing up in Larkspur Bowl, right background.

The Cookie Man at Beaver Creek, Feb 2, 3PM sharp.

I got a free and outstanding Mountain Tour at Vail on Feb 3 covering the entire front face from boundary to boundary in just over two hours.

The sun came out for Sun Up Bowl.  Enjoyed riding my new wide skis (107mm) down the center of this picture.

Feb 4 was a storm day at Beaver Creek.  They had to postpone the Men’s Super G race.  That’s Spruce Saddle Lodge in background, elevation 10,200’.

I rode a chair with three Powder Rangers on Feb 4.  Vail/Beaver Creek has enlisted the US Forest Service and tons of other staff to help stage the World Ski Championships.  I hope to spectate at some of the finals.


The Turntable Restaurant and Motel, Minturn, CO is possibly the cheapest motel within 50 miles of Vail.

HAVING PROBLEMS LOADING REST OF PHOTOS (OPTIONS CHANGED?).  WILL TRY AGAIN LATER.  Went with smaller formats on some photos.  Seemed like I had to log out and log in to post photos.

JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
February 4, 2015
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts

Ski with ya @JHMR geeze.


February 5, 2015
Member since 02/9/2010 🔗
523 posts

Jim, Living the dream!

I look forward to hearing about your exploits, I enjoyed your Vail trip report over on epic. 

My wife and I will be in Snowmass/Aspen Mar 6-10. I know it isn't necessarily that close to Summit Co, but if you've got an itch to hit the road for a day or two, let me know. It will be our first time out there.

Blue Don 1982
February 5, 2015
Member since 01/13/2008 🔗
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JimK wrote:

2015 Geezer Ski Bum Tour - DCSki #1

Awesome, just awesome.  I'm looking forward to following your adventure.  Hopefully, in 11 years I can follow in your footsteps.

February 5, 2015
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts

kule - see you along the third week of Feb - again my work days are Mon-Wed but I am off after that.

Laurel Hill Crazie
February 5, 2015
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,054 posts

Hey Jim, say hi to Lindsay and Bode for us. Say hi to Ligety, Marcuso and Shiffrin too.

February 5, 2015
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts

Laurel Hill Crazie wrote:

Hey Jim, say hi to Lindsay and Bode for us. Say hi to Ligety, Marcuso and Shiffrin too.

Better yet, tell Julia that I love her and Mikaela to call me...

JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
February 5, 2015
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,570 posts


Hook up with a local and ski the Minturn Mile. (Easy stuff.) I assume you've also visited the Minturn Saloon? Great ski dive bar, worth checking out, especially if you are staying in Minturn.

Laurel Hill Crazie
February 5, 2015
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,054 posts

Jim, I found out that Bode's grandparent's last name is Kenney. Any relation? Hey Dave maybe you should wait for Lindsey. Tiger is circling the drain, Lindsey will dump that loser. :~D

February 6, 2015
Member since 12/29/2004 🔗
538 posts


February 6, 2015
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts

Laurel Hill Crazie wrote:

Jim, I found out that Bode's grandparent's last name is Kenney. Any relation? Hey Dave maybe you should wait for Lindsey. Tiger is circling the drain, Lindsey will dump that loser. :~D

Can't stand Lindsey. Love me some Julia though...

Jim - DCSki Supporter 
February 10, 2015
Member since 11/22/1999 🔗
319 posts

Jim - enjoy living the dream!  You've certainly earned it.  I'll look forward to your reports.

Best - Jim

February 10, 2015
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts


 Live the dream and enjoy.  I hope to do something like that if my body holds up and my loving wife lets/joins me.  Take good notes and see you on the slopes!


itdoesntmatter - DCSki Supporter 
February 12, 2015
Member since 01/17/2007 🔗
163 posts
Keep us posted. Sounds incredible. I can dream about doing something like this in about five years.
DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort

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