Apply for a DCSki Account

To participate in interactive features of DCSki, you must apply for a free account, be at least 18 years of age, and agree to the following Rules of Conduct.

DCSki Rules of Conduct

DCSki prides itself on nurturing a community that is professional and respectful to each other. In exchange for gaining the ability to post your comments to DCSki, we expect you to adhere to these guidelines:

  • Be polite and kind to one another, even those with opposing viewpoints.
  • DCSki is a family friendly site. Please only post content that is suitable for all ages.
  • Profanity or vulgar language is unacceptable.
  • Personal attacks against other individuals are not allowed.
  • Good-natured ribbing is fine, but bullying is not. Your posts should be respectful to your peers.
  • You should not post information that you know or suspect to be inaccurate.
  • You should not post any copyrighted content unless you have permission to do so.
  • You should not post anything of a commercial nature, such as spam or advertisements.
  • DCSki is about celebrating our shared passion for skiing, so please stick to topics related to that and steer clear of politics or other divisive topics.

If you violate these guidelines, or otherwise act in inappropriate ways, your account will be revoked.

Receiving an account on DCSki is neither automatic nor guaranteed. Although we don't harbor ill will towards robots, we review every account request manually to filter out spammers and bots.

User Names may consist of letters, numbers, spaces, periods, hyphens, and the underscore character. You will log into DCSki with your User Name, and this is how you will be identified to other users.
Your e-mail address will not be shown publicly on DCSki, and we will not share it with others. To complete your account application, you'll need to verify your e-mail address.
Your first and last name will not be shown publicly on DCSki.
Passwords must be at least 10 characters.

To prove that you're a human, please answer the following question:

What is the maximum number of people that can be (safely) seated on a quad chairlift?

Finally, please provide a few sentences describing your interest and experience in skiing. Where did you first ski or snowboard? What are your favorite resorts? Why are you interested in joining DCSki? We won't share your answers publicly, but it will help us verify that you're an actual person and that you'll be a valuable member of the DCSki community.

Did you fill out everything? Great! It's time to submit your application for review.

By submitting this application, you affirm that you are at least 18 years old.

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