DOES NPI make a difference - wearing mask, Wash Hands, Social Distance Good News
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December 25, 2020
Member since 10/25/2020 🔗
188 posts

Good Day Might as well get some good news in. The pain we go through does show a good bit of difference if we compare the worst-case infection rate to the actual.  

NPI is a Non-Pharmacutical Intervention - closing schools, gyms bars, etc has an effect.  

Does hand wash distance mask and more vaccinated against regular Flu = YES.

Impressive numbers looking at last 4 years reg flu at week 50. 

last year -- 24k in 3 weeks 


This year week 50  216 total vs 24,000 years before.  

The projected worst case is not actual MD was looking at Peak Jan 8, 2020 (130- 160 cases per 100k) and now we are in peak a bit earlier.

MD is at    Dark red counties are becoming reg red. MD is better than PA.  Even Dark red in PA is scaling back. 


PA - 


We can flatten a curve, but it does cost many economic dollars. 

Not an easy job to balance economic vs health. 

Laurel Hill Crazie - DCSki Supporter 
December 25, 2020
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,049 posts
I do hope that all that go out to enjoy the Holidays whether indoors or out please wear a mask. If not for you but all those (and we are many) that are immunocompromised or in high-risk groups. Give the gift of good health to your fellow humans. Merry Christmas all, Happy Holidays, and a covid free New Year!!
December 25, 2020
Member since 05/10/2004 🔗
51 posts

ZARDOG wrote:

We can flatten a curve, but it does cost many economic dollars. 

Not an easy job to balance economic vs health.

Actually, the balance is simple, if painful: it's tough to have an economy without people. Health should win out.

Sadly, the U.S. is not willing to ease the hit on businesses and workers who are sidelined because of NPI - thus why there's a fear (and a rational one, at that) of losing everything because of a prophylactic shutdown. But shutting things down works - full stop.

I do hope that most people stay home this holiday season and consider the option of sitting out this ski season if they can. Skiing is an addiction for most of us, but it's a luxury for 99.9 percent of people. Luxuries can wait. Just my $0.02 on the matter.

December 28, 2020
Member since 12/26/2019 🔗
174 posts

songfta wrote:

ZARDOG wrote:

We can flatten a curve, but it does cost many economic dollars. 

Not an easy job to balance economic vs health.

Actually, the balance is simple, if painful: it's tough to have an economy without people. Health should win out.

Sadly, the U.S. is not willing to ease the hit on businesses and workers who are sidelined because of NPI - thus why there's a fear (and a rational one, at that) of losing everything because of a prophylactic shutdown. But shutting things down works - full stop.

I do hope that most people stay home this holiday season and consider the option of sitting out this ski season if they can. Skiing is an addiction for most of us, but it's a luxury for 99.9 percent of people. Luxuries can wait. Just my $0.02 on the matter.

It’s a good thing that the U.S. isn’t into paying people to not work, one guy said his son stays home because he makes more money that way, he is disappointed at the lack of work ethic this creates for his son

skiing is not a luxury to many it depends where you are from up north it’s part of schools curriculum to ski and it produces healthy kids, the alternative is having more obesity .

what is baffling is people actually flying to ski, they just don’t get it, when ski towns out west were some of the first to be recognized as spreader events it’s because they had so many people flying into the resorts and using other public transportation like shuttles etc, rather then sticking to private transportation 

December 28, 2020
Member since 02/13/2018 🔗
15 posts

I have to disagree with this.  Skiing is an outdoor activity that has natural social distancing built in when outdoors.  We all need more time outdoors with or without a pandemic.  If we follow the rules (mask up, keep 6 feet of distance, don't mix parties on the chair lifts), then skiing should be one of the safer activities that we can participate in.  Plus, we keep the economy going and hopefully save the hills that we love skiing on in the process.  


songfta wrote:

ZARDOG wrote:

We can flatten a curve, but it does cost many economic dollars. 

Not an easy job to balance economic vs health.

Actually, the balance is simple, if painful: it's tough to have an economy without people. Health should win out.

Sadly, the U.S. is not willing to ease the hit on businesses and workers who are sidelined because of NPI - thus why there's a fear (and a rational one, at that) of losing everything because of a prophylactic shutdown. But shutting things down works - full stop.

I do hope that most people stay home this holiday season and consider the option of sitting out this ski season if they can. Skiing is an addiction for most of us, but it's a luxury for 99.9 percent of people. Luxuries can wait. Just my $0.02 on the matter.

Goback todc
December 28, 2020
Member since 12/8/2020 🔗
30 posts
I second that motion

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