Perfect’s future plans??
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December 31, 2020
Member since 02/11/2020 🔗
54 posts
I hope that the Perfects are really successful at TM. So successful they decide to buy Tory mountain for 4 million. One can dream right?
Goback todc
December 31, 2020
Member since 12/8/2020 🔗
30 posts
I hope so too. That would be pretty awesome.
wfyurasko - DCSki Supporter 
December 31, 2020
Member since 07/27/2014 🔗
356 posts
Blue Knob could use some reinvestment...
December 31, 2020
Member since 02/11/2020 🔗
54 posts
I’ve thought about BK too. Either would be awesome. Just was thinking about Tory cause it’s down the street from TM
January 1, 2021
Member since 12/2/2004 🔗
165 posts
Timberline Mountain has over 440 acres to build out additional slopes. They are currently only using a little over 100 acres according to their website. The majority of the land is over around Twister. They could easily double the size of terrain, if they would carve out another 5-7 slopes in that area. Then install a chair lift. Very doable, but they have already spent over $13mil total. I read way back in the spring, one of the Perfect management team that came from Indiana said they had a short term plan and a long term plan. I hope the long term plan includes building out the additional acreage.
January 1, 2021
Member since 11/13/2019 🔗
71 posts

Tory Mountain is a great hope but a terrible idea. It is a south-facing mountain and getting utilities and development in there would be challenging. You are also going back on old school roads (U.S. 33 and 32 out of the valley) to travel to get there. Those roads can be dangerous as opposed to the recent investments made around CV.

Being able to expand off of Twister is a good idea as it is still in the North direction and snow-making infrastructure is possible with the PNS family as they seem to know what they are doing. 

January 1, 2021
Member since 11/13/2019 🔗
71 posts

Also in talking with the Timberline staff two weeks ago, they are going to be bring night-skiing back hopefully next season as well as invest in more snowmaking and other improvements around bettering the overall experience.

PNS sometimes has night skiing till 10, 11, or midnight depending upon the weekend day as well!

January 1, 2021
Member since 02/11/2020 🔗
54 posts

I would be happy with that too. The only reason I thought about Tory was cause of the bigger vert but anything they do is great! Tory mountain does face north though.


nickhaas212 wrote:

Tory Mountain is a great hope but a terrible idea. It is a south-facing mountain and getting utilities and development in there would be challenging. You are also going back on old school roads (U.S. 33 and 32 out of the valley) to travel to get there. Those roads can be dangerous as opposed to the recent investments made around CV.

Being able to expand off of Twister is a good idea as it is still in the North direction and snow-making infrastructure is possible with the PNS family as they seem to know what they are doing. 


January 1, 2021
Member since 07/17/2016 🔗
7 posts

Perfect family are friends with Bill Bright who owns Winterplace. He tried to develop Mt Porte Crayon and spent about 3 mil on this. Connect the dots.

January 1, 2021
Member since 02/11/2020 🔗
54 posts

I’m connecting them and I really hope it pans out!

erdz wrote:

Perfect family are friends with Bill Bright who owns Winterplace. He tried to develop Mt Porte Crayon and spent about 3 mil on this. Connect the dots.


January 1, 2021
Member since 12/26/2019 🔗
174 posts
Seems like plenty of natural woods area to ski at Timberline, I find that more intriguing then developing trails especially with their high elevation/ natural snow
Goback todc
January 1, 2021
Member since 12/8/2020 🔗
30 posts
Please let any of this be true.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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