Hello DCSKI,
I am coming at you with another gear question. And I know how well you all helped me out last time.
MY girlfriend is looking for a nice new ski for the east cost mid-atl area. Heres her thread from Epic:
She jsut came back to sking a couple of seasons ago (with my help) after being a pretty good slalom racer as a teen. Now she wants to ditch her old straight boards and pick up something new. She is about 5'2" 150# and is 29(and holding!).
She skis alot slower than I do making fairly careful short(at time windshield wiper style) turns down most groomed blue and black slops arroud here... She is a really fluid skier when comfortable but she tends to freeze on ice, or at the top of steep sections and make some other mistakes that I think are related to a fear of falling. I think her old skis and the newness of it all is holding her back somewhat. And by the end of last season it seemed she was getting more in the flow of things. We skied 10 days last year.
I know how I felt 4 years ago when I went skiing the first time after taking a 4 year hiatus for college. She has worked really hard to get in shape and has lost 20# since a year ago.
Anyway, she is alredy planning a couple lessons once she gets her new equipment. But we are somewhat in a question about what she should get. I mean legitimately right now she is a level 5 or 6 skier. But we are planning to ski 20 days this season and continue... so I am worried that she will get either too much ski and won't be able to advance on it or get too little a ski that won't grow with her. What a problem!
The ski will need to handle groomed, hard pack, and ice in a variety of turn shapes short (seems to be her fav) or long...
She is looking at:
Fischer Vision 40
Rossi Zenith Z3 W
(both recomended at ski center)
Other skis that looked good were the
'03 K2 T-Nine X (or Spire) (the new K2s are just too ugly to consider)
Bandit B1 W
All skis would be arround the 150cm lenght.
We aren't able to demo arround here because we are off to quebec the 2nd week in Jan when all the local areas are having their demo days. Do you recomend leasing for the season and then buying next season? Any advice is appreciated.