I think the note on the Bryce website about "reservations" means that they aren't selling tickets at the window, but only online. I don't think someone with an Indy Pass needs to make a special reservation. I didn't need one last season.
In theory, your name is enough with Indy. But I find it useful to have something in writing with both my name written out and my Indy ID number. The search function in the Indy database doesn't do well just looking up my last name. My first name is more unique so that turns out to be much better.
If you look at the Magic website, it's clear that Indy pass holders need to make a reservation for a specific day in advance. Same for Powder Mountain.
JohnL wrote:
Let us know how this turns out.
I've used my Indy twice this season at Bryce, no rez required.
They have the process dialed now, and you'll get the text at the window from Indy showing redeemed.
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