The art on the DC Ski landing page
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11 months ago
Member since 02/9/2010 🔗
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I'm loving the art accompanying the recent articles on the landing page of DCSki here. Is it AI generated?, I noticed that the ski lift has a bit of a funky design, it seems to be missing a section of the cable. Or maybe it was modeled after the old Timberline lifts? It looks like the cabin of the Utah art may need some roof repairs: It seems to be snowing inside, hard enough for the snow to accumulate on the hearth in front of a roaring fireplace, lol. 

This can be our new game: find the funkiness in the art, I love it!

JimK - DCSki Columnist
11 months ago (edited 11 months ago)
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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Yes, I agree the recent images for article headings on the DCSki homepage have a warm, Rembrant-ian quality :-)  Very nice.  For my Utah article Scott cut and pasted one of my real photos into the fantasy ski cabin image on the homepage.
11 months ago
Member since 02/9/2010 🔗
514 posts

Now that you say that, I recognize the jacket, very cool! 

I've messed around a little bit with the free AI art programs, they do seem to lean toward that soft-focus effect. It's a good way to get that fall/winter cozy feeling in a picture.

JimK wrote:

Yes, I agree the recent images for article headings on the DCSki homepage have a warm, Rembrant-ian quality :-)  Very nice.  For my Utah article Scott cut and pasted one of my real photos into the fantasy ski cabin image on the homepage.

11 months ago (edited 11 months ago)
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts

Heh see the latest comments on JimK's article from Scott - bold! As he said AI is scary/cool. My boss is the coolest boss ever he generated most of the images in this video ... BTW which would make an awesome track for a ski move for sure. Borracho Architects of Chaos

Trying to learn some parts and lay it down on my PortaStudio so I can hopefully sit in with them at some point.

Scott - DCSki Editor
11 months ago (edited 11 months ago)
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
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eggraid wrote:

I'm loving the art accompanying the recent articles on the landing page of DCSki here. Is it AI generated?, I noticed that the ski lift has a bit of a funky design, it seems to be missing a section of the cable. Or maybe it was modeled after the old Timberline lifts? It looks like the cabin of the Utah art may need some roof repairs: It seems to be snowing inside, hard enough for the snow to accumulate on the hearth in front of a roaring fireplace, lol. 

This can be our new game: find the funkiness in the art, I love it!

The section of cable was lost when a particularly acrobatic and nimble groundhog climbed up one of the rusting towers, tiptoed across the cable like an adept circus performer, and began gnawing on the steel, mistaking it for a long worm, an insect it considers a delicacy.

The groundhog has been trapped and removed from the lost ski area.

There is nothing wrong with the roof of the Utah ski lodge.  What happened, and this is kind of embarrassing, is that there was a massive chimney fire because Gus, the full-time employee responsible for summer maintenance, neglected to have a chimneysweep clear out creosote from the chimney liner this past summer.  While the chimney fire was quickly contained, it did heat up the ski lodge to an uncomfortably warm level.  Several customers requested that the windows be opened to let in cool air, which unfortunately had the side effect of also letting in snow, and an entire family of squirrels who had just been waiting for the opportunity.

Gus has been trapped, fired, and removed from the ski resort property.  The squirrels are still at large.

Scott - DCSki Editor
11 months ago (edited 11 months ago)
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,252 posts

I have an update.  (At DCSki, we like to bring you news as it breaks.)  The squirrels are no longer hiding within the ski lodge; they are now wreaking havoc in plain sight.  It is a scene of pure chaos.  I risked my life to capture this photo, which I'm fairly certain is worthy of a Pulitzer Prize.

And all this because Gus couldn't be bothered to call a chimneysweep.


11 months ago
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
Now THAT is awesomeness ^ 100 power !
11 months ago
Member since 02/9/2010 🔗
514 posts
Thank you for putting your life on the line to capture this, Scott, we always knew this site was a labor of love for you, and this really shows to what lengths you are willing to go for us, the DCSki lovers.
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
11 months ago
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
929 posts

Glad you are ok Scott., those are scrary-big Squirrels.  However, I am pretty sure if you drive a Buick by the windows they will all run out and many will be squashed.  The survivors might be converted to snow rescue squirels.

I have to admit I am really intrigued by that map of NH with the extended coastline.  

11 months ago
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
348 posts
i love squirrels...with biscuits and gravy
JimK - DCSki Columnist
3 months ago
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts

There's a fun article in the WaPo today on AI images

Apparently, such images are called slop or boomertraps because they may fool elders into thinking they are real.  

JimK - DCSki Columnist
3 months ago
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts

There is a fun article in the WaPo today on AI images.

I learned a new term from the article.  These images are called slop.

They also are referred to as boomertraps because they may fool elders who think they are real images :-)

JimK - DCSki Columnist
3 months ago
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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3 months ago
Member since 01/27/2015 🔗
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paywall on the compost

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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