Timberline 24-25
13 days ago
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Start the stoke! Are the Perfect's opening this weekend?
just called it...12/5...sea yew their
the queen of the potomac highlands snowgazmzzzz...ten degree timberline dreamflakes slather cabin mountain foot to horn...an epic opening day come the fifth...yew!
the push is on...groom baby groom!
They are blowing like crazy. They confirmed OTW will be open for the 5th but not The Drop. Looks like a fun weekend but busy.
I'll be there on Thursday!
Thursday is on my radar screen too.
❄️ Go Timberline! ⛷️
winter storm watch for opening day...calling for four at red creek...that means eight on the hill...it'll be brisk boys and girls...yew!
Going for first tracks? I’m taking my time heading over.
always late to the party but i'll be there...yew!
I think TL may have taken Day 1 over Snowshoe. Once the wind hold is over, they may have more trails open. Hope to see the dethroning continue!
Summit is open! Powder whales on White Lightning.
Per their FB page they look to 100 % terrain by Saturday. Definitely made the right decision to buy the pass this year. See you all Saturday.
not as breezy...13...snowing...should not be a wind hold today...let's go...yew!
balmy compared to yesty...seven springers...whispers...other resorters flock to the line for epic conditions...yew!
White Lightning on Thursday about 20 minutes after they opened the summit.
Argent wrote:
White Lightning on Thursday about 20 minutes after they opened the summit.
Top of The Drop, love those whales.

snow party machine just started to slather cabin mtn...imagofer seven freshies by ten thu...yew!
Seeing the guns blazing. Did they get any natural snow? Weather alert earlier noted 3-5”, take shelter….keep us posted on tomorrow. Hoping they didn’t lose too much base with rain. Skied Saturday and Sunday there — stellar opening weekend!
no seven but the skiff coated a little...twenty and sunny on the front porch in town...LET'S GO!
nickhaas212 wrote:
I think TL may have taken Day 1 over Snowshoe. Once the wind hold is over, they may have more trails open. Hope to see the dethroning continue!
After having to close for Christmas a few years ago snowshoe seems like they have been trying to get a 4-6 foot base on a core set of trails before really working on expansion. This year it seems like the cold weather will be back, but in the mid Atlantic you never know.
I think it goes without saying Snowshoe and TL have both put money into snowmaking and have quite the system.
With TLine advertising 91 skiable arcres and at 100%. Snowshoe has 64 acres of terrain open currently. Both say 48" minimum base. TLine say 48-72, which I believe, based on the whales over the weekend. Does that mean TLine has more concentrated firepower than Snowshoe?
pretty much entire mountain snowmaking all day...reslather in full effect...the queen of the potomac highlands rises from the glacier for her loyal subjects...yew!
Question for the regulars to TLine, anyone know why Good Intentions and Lower White Lightning aren't listed on the map? Both are open when natural snow coverage is good.
Good Intentions could benefit from the snowmaking line on Lower Almost Heaven.
Lower White Lightning would make a great terrain park if it had snowmaking on it.
Several natural only trails are not counted on the offical report. As long as they dont rope these off when they are skiable I am ok with that.
Wow if you aren’t here today you missed out. Great weather, good conditions considering how early it is, and no lines to speak off. Nasty weather tomorrow however.
Great conditions on Saturday. 100% open and no crowds. Excellent early season conditions. Once again Timberline nails it.
imago eight inches fresh by sat...check yer gear...gonna git chilly here...yew!
It's up to 6-12. HNY! I'll see you there
Heading there too! Wind chill is suppose to be below zero.
appalachian math...stoke level x psych baseline = a super fine time at the line
I saw the Webcam, save some for us.
snapdragon wrote:
lol...no friends on powder days...plenty more now...dress for negative wind chills...yew!
calm before the storm...git yer fill on the hill...arctic maelstrom in twelve hours...PURPLE POWDER ALERT...yew!
It was awesome today, though no powder. It skied fast. Small bumps starting to appear on Off The Wall.
Enjoy the Powder tomorrow. I know the cashier in the base lodge was stoked!
ground zero volcom winter shred shed...davis wv...send it boys and girls...yew!
Had a very good time at Timberline today. Love the Gift Card and credit approach. Used credits and gift card value from 2023 towards the $64 senior ticket. Will get $10 credit for skiing midweek. I got a $100 gift card for $85 during the sale in the fall. Learned today that it's possible to combine any gift card value onto the gift card account on the RFID lift card. Then only need to keep track of the RFID lift access card.
Had a friend join me from DC. I drove from Massanutten on Sunday and staying in a Land of Canaan condo. One of the DC ski clubs was at Timberline after spending the weekend at CV (including lessons). Most were seniors. Skied with a couple I knew after lunch.
The Drop was still just snow whales. Off The Wall bumps were reasonably fun, with a few icy patches. All the other trails were in great shape. Trees all still in play.
Wind picked up in the afternoon. Sun peaked out briefly.

snapdragon wrote:
ground zero volcom winter shred shed...davis wv...send it boys and girls...yew!
You come up for air yet?
Pretty impressive January for you WV boyz.
full send 24-25...fixn to coffee up...fuel up...kit up...git up...git down...repeat...yew!
dawn patrol winter volcom shred shed...-14 on the porch...clear...calm...skiff on the truck...the line will be fine ..yew!
hardpack...got to ten...noon send...dropped number twenty at four...yew!
-10 at flag ceremony...clear...slight breeze...fixn to be a fine time at the line...yew!
I've never been there. What's it likely to be like on Sunday? If you're not going midweek, is it too crowded and awful?
Regarding Sunday’s - The later in the day you start, and if you’re willing to stay near closing, you will have a good experience the crowds dissipate significantly after lunch. This is especially true before MLK weekend and after president’s weekend.
Mongo wrote:
I've never been there. What's it likely to be like on Sunday? If you're not going midweek, is it too crowded and awful?