Whitetail Report 12/26
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December 27, 2004
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
Went to Whitetail for the afternoon on 12/26. I was looking for another way to burn off the one too many christmas cookies I had eatend earlier in the weekend. My girlfriend and I left DC at 11:15 and after stopping for lunch at we
were on the lift by 1:00 PM.

As we arrived we noticed a nice selection of trails were open including: 2 off the highspeed quad and 1 under the expert quad. There was snow making in progress so we grabbed the goggles as well.

The slopes were mecifully uncrowded for a hioliday weekend. Skiing right onto the lift was the standard. The snow conditions were very nice packed poweder all afternoon. By arround 3PM there were some very nice moguls forming on uppper angel drop. It was a nice opportunity to warm up for Bold Decision, which judging form the ammount of snow being made on it, should be open for new years if the weather holds. The only expert slopes open exhibition and drop in both were in great shape and had evem more new snow 4"+.

Conditions on Limelight, though good for most of the day got worse after sunset, arround 5:30, when the true bullet proof was exposed in some sections. My legs tired from 5 hours of skiing had a hard time carving in the harder snow.
December 28, 2004
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts
I went to Whitetail on 12/27. Surprisingly, there were very short lift lines if any. Exhibition was nothing but packed powder with lots of loose snow on the edges. I left around 5pm and things really hadn't been scraped off yet. They were grooming and blowing the heck out of Bold Decision, which should be in good shape before the warm weather sets in. The terrain park had a few rails, a spine, and a couple of tables tops.

I didn't see any bumps!

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