CV/Snowshoe report for 2/26 and 2/27
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February 28, 2005
Member since 11/20/2003 🔗
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I headed out for Canaan Valley from DC around 12:45. After a quick stop for gas right after you turn onto 55 from I-81, we drove all the way through (with our little failed escapade onto the Dolly Sods road and some stops to take pictures of Champe and Seneca Rocks), getting to Canaan Valley at around 5ish. I was really surprised about how late the sun set. We started skiing around 545; I split up from my friend for a little to head up to the top. The snow was magnificent, fluffy powder is some places, with some of the natural snow trails open. There was practically no ice except on Upper Canaan Curve and Upper Spruce (esp.). It was my first time there, and even at night I realized how beautiful it is up there. The clouds flying across the mountain with a pinkish horizon were very pretty. I also was able to use one of the Snow Busters coupons to get lift and rental for $15-except when the woman saw I had my skis she refused to give me the rental slip. Odd, since I DID pay for it, but she tried to make me explain why I needed it if I was gonna use my own skis (which I never said I was). She then proceeded to tell me it had to be matched up with the lift ticket, so I couldn't give or sell it to anyone else. Not so sure about the truth in that, but oh well.

Spent Saturday night at the Econolodge in Elkins, $44.10+tax with two double beds, indoor pool and hottub, and continental breakfast. Thought it worked out very well, it's between Snowshoe and CV, a little closer to CV tho. You can add a rollaway for $5-5 people for 50 bucks isn't bad. Woke up little later than intended and got to Snowshoe on Sunday around 1030. Beautiful sunny morning, got sunburnt a little. Spent a good chunk of the day trying to sell the extra vouchers that I had brought for friends who didn't end up coming, and then couldn't find the last one, meaning I am out $35 bucks on that. The snow was wonderful, everything was groomed down completely, making it very fast/easy. No ice, cept for a little on Cupp, but nothing serious. Someone was Medevac'ed as I was outside of Top of the World, not sure what happened. Lines were minimal if any. All in all a wonderful trip, 'cept for the frustration of trying to sell lift tickets when everyone already had them. Glad to know people are smart enough to avoid the window rates-I have to wonder if the student weekend peak rate of $58 dollars is some sort of joke. Do they really think that college students have that kind of money for one day of skiing? Ridiculous, I'll never pay it, you can see me at Timberline for College Days ($13).

A few questions: is Canaan Valley pronounced with the first a being long or short (Cuhnaan or Caynaan?)?

is Snowshoe gonna add more trail to the Western Territory ever? the vertical on the basin pales in comparison to Cupp, and after spending time on Cupp, the basin just seems boring, or maybe not boring, but not worth the time because of the ratio of time spent skiing to time spent on the lift.

I was looking at lodging in Canaan Valley and I think the list I have is a little old. Is there a Best Western and a Budget Host motel in Davis anymore?

Does anyone know anything about the bunkhouse at Timberline. They advertised in our paper here at school that college students can stay there for like $13 a night, but I was under the impression it was for groups only. Anyone know anything about this?
JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 28, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,016 posts
Thanks for report.
Many people ask that question about Canaan pronunciation. I've always heard folks call it Cuh-nain (rhyming with the-pain), but need local to verify that. In the biblical usage of Canaan, the land of milk and honey, I think it is usually pronounced Caynin.

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