Snowy Luau on March 19-20
March 17, 2005
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Just curious... How many DC Ski folks are planning on being at t-line for the luau's festivities? We may want to do a get together on the deck for lunch or apre'ski. I will be there and plan on being "leied" as usual.
Kwillg: I will be there as well.
I'll be at T-line both Sat. & Sun. I'm heading up to the Shoe for 3-4 days on Sunday night. I may elect to stay in the valley for those 3-4 days depending on the snow.
Oh yes,,mmmmmmm I awill be there 4 sure. i'll be the one with the all natural coconuts boarding in style, grass skirt blowin in the wind......with eyes wide shut on the lift
This weekend sounds like fun. I will be up there late Sat. morning, depending what time I can get myself out of bed and on the road, and on Sunday, maybe. We may be hitting CV.
I'll definately be there. There are pics of last years events here:
Luau & Big Air Pictures I am thinking about entering the boardercross contest. I'm curious what Run they will use.
Well, of course because there is more snow and cooler temps here in the Mid-A, I'll be at Whistler during the Snowy Luau
I'll be thinking about you guys this weekend!
Wifey and I will arrive Friday nite; plan to ski t-line sat sunday.
A group of us from Laurel Mountain will start trickling in Thursday and be there for the duration.
Liemtoiv, The boardercross competition is held in the terrain park. Last time, two of the jumps were included in the race, but I'm not sure how many will be this time. The race usually goes all the way across the trail and goes over the side of the ramps. It is so much fun!!!
Why don't we gravitate to one place at a certain time, say the top of the real triple around 10 am? I will "luaued, leied," and ready to have fun.
I wear a gray helment with "black slacks" and will probably be on my little Fisher slaloms which are fun to play on in the bumps.
Any other suggestions? Meet on the deck for lunch? Pub? Some one name it! Or there is the duct tape thing too.
OK, Me-Black slacks, RED boots, yellow vest w/Hawaiian shirt, silver boeri helmet if i'm in a helmet mood.
She-Powder blue Jacket, black slacks.
10:00am @ the patrol shack sounds good.
jimmy & greta