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January 24, 2003
Member since 01/24/2003 🔗
1 posts
Hey Folks. I have received a "free" trip to Massanutten to hear their sales pitch. Is the skiing worth going? Is Massanutten comparable to Wintergreen? Any advise would be appreciated!
January 24, 2003
massanutten's not bad, especially for free. it's a little smaller than wintergreen for trail variety, despite the bigger vertical drop. they make lot's of snow there. if you're a intermediate or better, use the quad chair to avoid crowds. don't, repeat, don't buy a timeshare. imho they are a poor investment.
January 25, 2003
Member since 10/4/2001 🔗
259 posts
We received one of those "free weekends" about 5 years ago. As a result of that weekend we wil NEVER go to Massanutten and tell anyone who asks us not to go. In their effort to make a little money there is no telling how much business they have lost for themselves just from us. I would definitely say it is not worth it. If you want to Ski for free go midweek to Canaan Valley. We have been to several timeshare presentations and never had the ridiculously rude experience we had there.
January 30, 2003
Oh dang.I fell for the quasi-free weekend at Massanutten too (first time for everything). Any advice on how to minimize the pain?
January 31, 2003
When it comes time for the sales pitch, tell them loud and often that you have no intent to buy. They may dismiss you faster to get to fresh meat.
February 6, 2003
Lucky for me I took the advice to tell the Massanutten ("better than 'nutten") resort timeshare seller that we weren't interested in buying. He kept the pitch to 90 minutes (usually he said he pitched twice as long). Except for the seller type people, the resort people were pretty nice.

Massanutten slopes are unimpressive and there was no fresh snow but we had a great time anyway! We got upgraded from a hotel to a pretty nice condo with cable and a kitchen.

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