Ok, Europe doesn't know how to make babies, economic growth, or orderly lift lines anymore. Of the three issues cited, the third is definitely the worst. The next time some cranky Frenchman accuses us of neanderthalic behavior for invading some dictator's villa, I'll just tell them that, no, unlike you barbarians, at least we can queue.
So, here's the question- other than North America ('cause they queue real well in Canada, too), is there any other place in the world where there are orderly lift lines? I'm betting Asia has good lift line management... Ibotta, you ever ski in Asia? Has anyone ever skied in Asia? Anyone know anything on the lines over there? What about New Zealand and Australia? Perhaps this is an Anglo-Saxon thing... did the Vikings and Normans daintily storm into Dover one boat at a time ("after you, Olgar the Thunderous." "No no, Vlet the Destroyer, you first, I insist.")?