OK, Took a big digger in one of those corkscrews to the skiers right of the collins at alta.........popped over the top of a whale back and theres some european jerk waiting for a lift line to form , i guess,
(sorry swimmer, but i am the ultimate ugly american) right where i'm going, it was either bail or make a new friend....all fall down, one buddy behind, we got separated from the rest of our group. Anyway, we get in the collins chair w/this other guy, i'm still digging snow, the three of us start the usual conversation,.......how long u here for......where u been so far......Where are u from. He says back east, u've prolly never heard of it....Weirton WV. Well scott and i started laffing bcause this guy lives about 25 min north of us.....turns out ed is a ski patroller at the shoe, for several years....
So who's got a similar story they'd like to share? Elvis sightings, evel kenievel on skis, it's all good here!