Space available in a CV ski house rental
2 posts
2 users
August 29, 2005
Member since 02/3/2005 🔗
143 posts
For anyone interested, I have a friend (who is not into web based message boards) who has a few spaces left in a ski season rental house. It's located about 7 miles from Whitegrass. It'll offer 24/7 availability for December, January, and Febuary. Target rate is 350 total, per person for the three months.

Privacy cannot be guarenteed. Think of it as a flop house for mature skiers. The people going in on this deal are all mature, professional, quiet, behaved folks that just want a convienent roof over their heads while out in CV.

Please forgive my spelling errors. I'm too lazy to pull out my dictionary. If you are interested, drop me a note and I'll pass on his contact info.

October 19, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Just an update, March is now included in the deal, 4 months 24/7 for $350. House is just getting finishing touches put on remodeling, co-ed, non-smoking. Couple of spots left, contact Steve/Swimmer to get in touch.
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