Where will u be (ski)
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September 28, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
OK, eight weeks to go, we've got to have some firm plans for this season by now. Where will you be skiing this year? You can count on skiing in November , me i'll for sure get a day at snowshoe unless 7 springs opens in november,
for sure be at Tline for opening day on December 8, probably stay over for the 9th. Januray trip is a go even tho we're not sure where we're going , discussing whiteface/gore, stowe or a PA "resort crawl", Wisp for MLK, TL/CV for pres day, Utah first week of march, snowy luau, I'LL not miss closing day at timberline. Fill in the blanks with some day trips to oglebay, 7 springs and Laurel Mountain..............i feel a 40 day season coming on, boom boom, bah .
September 28, 2005
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
485 posts
OK Here Goes:
Snowshoe for Winter Kick-Off (12/8-12/11)
Copper Colorado (10 days, not quite sure when just yet)
Snowshoe for Student Holidays (1/27-1/30)
T-Line or Snowshoe for President's Day weekend
Day trips to Whitetail as conditions and schedule permit.

Roger Z
September 28, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Hoping for a weekend trip to CV in early January, other than that a couple day trips to Winterplace, Wintergreen (notice a theme this winter?) and Homestead- all of which are more to say "yeah I skied it" than anything else. Also, I need to learn what to do with these spoon shaped devices strapped to my feet, so I'll have to take lessons at one of those hills...

Oh yeah, Park City spring break. HEEE HAAAWWWWW!!!
September 28, 2005
Member since 09/13/2004 🔗
618 posts

Hoping for a weekend trip to CV in early January, other than that a couple day trips to Winterplace, Wintergreen (notice a theme this winter?) and Homestead- all of which are more to say "yeah I skied it" than anything else. Also, I need to learn what to do with these spoon shaped devices strapped to my feet, so I'll have to take lessons at one of those hills...

Oh yeah, Park City spring break. HEEE HAAAWWWWW!!!

Ditto that....except for the Park City thing. It ain't gonna happen for me. But maybe I'll get to spend a day at Tahoe mid-January. Anybody got a recommendation for an intermediate snowboarder looking for a day trip from Reno? I was thinking Mt. Rose because it's closest and it was the first resort I ever went to. I'm curious what it's like beyond the bunny slope.
September 28, 2005
Member since 05/10/2005 🔗
124 posts
Every thurs night Wintergreen with daughter.
Every really good pow day at CV or SS.
Every mediocre pow day at wintergreen.
Fernie BC second week of Feb.
SLC Jan 27-31
SLC March 30-April3
SLC Dec?
Mad River March 10-13 Telemark festival.
Portillo summer '06
September 28, 2005
Member since 05/27/2005 🔗
41 posts
Murphy, I had a chance to go out to Tahoe last year, and put in a couple of days at Mt. Rose. It's a big "locals' favorite" with the Reno crowd. Good terrain! I went in January so they had enough snow that the The Chutes were opened. I think that last year was the first year the Chutes were officially opened. Talk about challenge! The vertical isn't that big (1,800 feet) but the Chutes are tough! I am a carver, and on some other list servers, and folks I "cahtted" with raved on the grooming and carvability (is that a word?) of many of the runs.

The Slide Lodge area (first turn off from Reno)and Blazing Zephyr chair were much less crowded that the Main Lodge and other chairs. It was socked in on the days I was there, so I can't comment much on the scenery.
September 28, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Roger Z
September 28, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Murph- Jimmy beat me to it. Northstar is intermediate Nirvanna. Even the blacks on the backside off the summit are more intermediate than anything else. Plus tons- TONS- of great glade riding. You'll love it.
September 28, 2005
Member since 09/27/2002 🔗
589 posts
Current plans are:

Dec 15-19 - Snowshoe
Jan 12-19 - SLC
Feb - 2 long weekends - Snowshoe or Canaan
Mar 11-17? - Tahoe (still working out leave time)
All other weekends: Mainly Whitetail with Wisp & Liberty as alternates and maybe 7 Springs and BK as time/weather permit.

We got in 26 days last year even with the cruppy conditions. I expect this year to be much better locally with the predicted colder than average temps. If its cold enuf to blow it, it's cold enuf to ski it!
September 28, 2005
Member since 12/9/2004 🔗
649 posts
24th-30th Of Nov - Killington
29th-4th(over new years)- VT ski around(MRG,stowe,Jay peak etc not really sure were yet)
MLK king weekend 2 days at Whiteface one at Gore.
April 10th-17th- hopefully Utah not sure yet

Every other weekend/weekday instructing Hidden Valley, with a couple nights at 7springs, a couple days at BK, and day or 2 at Laurel Mountain, Wisp, Timberline,Holiday Valley, snowshoe.

Did I mention I avg about 90 days a year?
September 28, 2005
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Plan in advance??? Ok, I usually do the shoe in Dec for demo day, then to my home mtn, t-line for the holidays. Usually the 23rd through the 2nd. Do every weekend there or at CV. Will go to wisp once or twice. Do a west trip in Feb/mar then to t-line for march when the pow pow is falling on a regular basis to closing. Can't rule out a NE trip either. Want to log 40 to 50 days.
September 28, 2005
Member since 08/20/2004 🔗
68 posts
Dec. - Killington
Jan. - Mammoth
March -Windham

Liberty- every weekend I'm not somewhere else

But all bets are off if Mammoth fails to go, then I'll probably do March or April in Vail.

On the other hand.... if an Indonesia trip comes through (end of Feb. diving) that I'm looking at then all money and leave will get dedicated to that.
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
September 28, 2005
Member since 02/3/2005 🔗
93 posts
COLORADO!!!! I got the Colorado Ski pass and it gives me unlimited access to A-Basin, Keystone and Breck. I also have ten trips to Vail and Beaver Creek. I better be using all of those 10 passes. I'll be getting very familiar with those resorts this winter!

Also, the 'rents are still up in ME so I'll be hitting the 'Loaf during Christmas time. I remember last Christmas wasn't anything special so I'm hoping that there will be a better cover this winter....

Who knows, maybe I'll be back in DC this winter and I can make an evening trip up to Whitetail, that would be an experience!
September 28, 2005
Member since 12/7/2004 🔗
824 posts
Not all set in stone yet-

Nov 26-wintergreen on opening day
Early December- Whitetail opening weekend
Every weekend in december-february- whitetail
End of january- Breckenridge!!!!!!!!!
Feb 24-26- Tmiberline
second weekend in march- canaan or wisp

And possible Austria for spring break!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goal: 25 days of skiing toping my 16 last year
September 28, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
237 posts
Not sure yet because I have to take care of the Carribean honeymoon trip for during December.

DEC thru MARCH/APRIL- will hit any local resorts on weekends
MARCH - 1 week in Telluride CO (??)
Who knows maybe I will go to SLC or Tahoe at the last minute.
September 28, 2005
Member since 02/3/2005 🔗
143 posts
Evening jaunts to Whitetail when the stars aline, hope to hit Whitegrass/CV once every couple of weeks for a two day/one night trip. SLC for two weeks, one on each side of Pres. Day weekend...that may include a venture up to Jackson, conditions pending.

September 28, 2005
Member since 09/12/2005 🔗
94 posts
I've got a pass for Hidden Valley, so I'll undoubtedly get my money out of it before travelling around, probably going to HV at least once a week for part of the season.

After that I have a couple trips to Seven Springs and a trip up to BK on my list. BK because it's really not very far, and yet, I've never been there, and Seven Springs because I might be patrolling there next year.

But if Laurel opens, I'm definately spending some time there...
September 29, 2005
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
A warm-up and private lesson at 7 Springs in December.
2 days at Timberline in January.
4 days with the kids back home at Jack Frost and Blue in Feb.
10 fun filled days in Tahoe in March!!!!!!!!!!!!

DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

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