For what its worth... sorry if this is a re-post.
From the article:
The proposed taking is incidental to a planned recreation and
infrastructure expansion project on approximately 43 acres owned by
SMI. The permit would be in effect for up to 10 years depending on
completion of the proposed activities.
The applicant proposes to construct additional downhill ski slopes
and expand an existing trail at Snowshoe, to accommodate the projected
increase in skiers, particularly beginners and intermediate skiers, and
the demand for skiable terrain. In connection with ski slope expansion,
SMI proposes to complete a parking area expansion to alleviate traffic
congestion as a result of the projected increased recreational use of
the resort. Finally, SMI is proposing to develop an area in which to
store some equipment, including snowplows, bulldozers, buses, trucks,
earth graders, backhoes, and landscaping equipment. It is necessary to
house this equipment in a centrally located area to ensure that heavy
equipment traffic on the main road is minimized. The proposed
activities are expected to remove approximately 43 acres of forest.