More Wisp Expansion?
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October 11, 2005
Member since 10/11/2005 🔗
19 posts
I was looking at the Deep Creek Mountain Resort Master Plan ( )the other day and noticed that it shows a "Future Ski Expansion". I had assumed that this was the 10 trails opening this year, but when I looked closly (the perspective is kind of skewed) and compared it to the photo/trail map ahowing the 10 trails opening this year, you can see that there is more expansion to come. Keep in mind that the depiction on the master plan makes the new trails look much smaller than they really are. The ones to the left of the wide top to bottom trail match exactly to the 10 trail (and 2 quads) opening this year. That means that they have somewhere around 10 more trail and some more lifts coming (depending on how you count all those little trails). Wisp's website also now lists the Vertical Drop as 715'
October 11, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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You are most definately correct on that. Back at the end of last year when the trail expansions first became available on their map, I saw what was "Phase 1 of 4" for the 10 new trails. This would fit in with what that new map shows. If I am counting right on that map, I saw 17-20 new trails. With a water source like Deep Creek Lake... there is endless supply of snowmaking possibilities.
Roger Z
October 11, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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Yup, bawalker saw the same thing I did, but that link is great. Their summit base village looks pretty interesting, and the new terrain (the yet-to-be-built stuff) looks pretty isolated- you'll still be skiing out in the woods (and how true that is! There's a 550 acre open space area in the plan? Can you imagine THAT being part of a resort master plan 10 or 15 years ago? ).

Overall, this master plan looks well done. It'd be worth getting up to Wisp to ski it again- if the terrain is good, the only thing that would be holding this mountain back from being the best in the Mid-Atlantic is the vertical. But 700 feet isn't terrible.
October 12, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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Roger - You REALLY should make it to Wisp at least once or twice this year. This has sorta become my home resort in a few regards. This is where I first snowboarded at and got my first lesson. Since then it's where I have visited most with friends who live closer to Wisp than driving out to Canaan. It's night skiing/riding is to die for meaning at times you have the feel of Timberlines wilderness yet have fully lit trails that make the snow glisten. Their real estate area is on the other side of the mountain so when you make it back down to the lifts you don't look left or right and see condo's, instead it's more snow, a very nice lodge area and lots of good scenery. The area that the new trails are built in is amazingly very 'remote' compared to the rest of the frontside of the mountain. I'm really looking forward to riding down those this year and enjoying some private times on those runs late at night with some flurries.
Roger Z
October 12, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Easier said than done. Canaan Valley is an hour closer than Wisp from here- and with gas prices and the fact that I've got a negative income right now due to grad school arguments to drive past Timberline and CV are tough to make. That said, there is at this time a chance (still remote, but not nearly as remote as it was a month ago) that I'll be moving to CO or UT next summer, so this could be my last chance to ski Wisp for a while... and if I move out west everyone is invited to visit except for UVA fans.
October 12, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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Actually because of the same thing with gas prices, me and friends always carpool and split the costs. It's interesting because where I live here I always head over to Moorefield, then upto Keyser to goto Wisp so in affect it's almost the same (15 min quicker - prob because of better roads) to goto Wisp. If you are up for it, I'm sure getting a carpool together would be cake.

Actually for $269 I'm getting an unlimited pass to Wisp. The catch though is that it's a 'Beginners Unlimited Pass' I have to take at least 3 - 1.5 hour lessons throughout the season in either skiing or boarding. This is going to work out good though because I have been wanting to learn skiing via lessons. I figure I'll carpool up to Wisp once if not twice a week throughout the entire season. That'll be an exceptional value.
October 12, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
303 posts

arguments to drive past Timberline and CV are tough to make.

RogerZ - If the weather cooperates, Wisp is making a really good argument for your patronage on December 11th and 12th. For the third year, they're offering a two day, Sunday-Monday lift ticket for $7 (!!!!) Or Sat-Monday for $30. In 2003, the conditions were absolutely awesome, with the entire area open. Last year was not so good (like, closed due to warm weather) and they had to move the event to March. But, with luck, the cold weather will kick in again this year and allow them to really try out the new snowmaking equipment. If all goes as planned, even the new lifts and trails will be open. Granted, it's a long way from Blacksburg, with no easy way to get there no matter what you do, but for $3.50 a day, it's probably worth the gas $$. (They even had really cheap dogs and drinks in '03)

Brad - good move on that season pass. I've bought them for my kids for the last several years, and it really is hard to beat a full year of "skiing whenever you like" for $230. Now that there older, a bunch of their friends are buying them too! As nice as Whitetail/Libery/Roundtop are, more and more folks are figuring out that Wisp is only about 75 minutes further, but the weather is completely different. So, when the closer places are struggling or closed, Wisp is often fully open and making even more snow.
October 12, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
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I guess this begs the question that no one has dove into yet this year. Where to hold a get together? Canaan, Timberline, and Wisp jump out as the three that are the ones that people like the most and seem to be in the middle ground from the PA folks to the DC folks. But with Timberline having questionable opening dates and questionable terrain that may or may not be open, what about having Wisp as a possible meeting place? Heck Scott can make is a huge banner to hang outside the building.

Seriously though, I think with as much terrain as they are opening and with as much snowmaking changes that they are making, Wisp might be a good place for us to meet and review everything.

October 12, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

I guess this begs the question that no one has dove into yet this year. Where to hold a get together? Canaan, Timberline, and Wisp...... seem to be in the middle ground from the PA folks to the DC folks..... what about having Wisp as a possible meeting place?

Seriously though, I think with as much terrain as they are opening and with as much snowmaking changes that they are making, Wisp might be a good place for us to meet and review everything.


Ya, good idea, maybe we can do a US219 resort crawl. Wisp deserves a look this year, love to see what they're doing if it's done for the 11 & 12.
October 13, 2005
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
It's been several years since I've done wisp. It's worth the trip and I have it penciled in for the dates of the promo tickets. Hope the terrain is open then!
October 13, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,552 posts
Hrm, maybe we should come up with an un-official gathering at Wisp on their promo days? Pending none of us are laying out in the yard in Dec as a 70*F hotstreak comes through.

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