Some more pictures of the Oct 2005 blizzard
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johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
October 27, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts
These are from Whitegrass and were taken on 26 October:

For more:
Denis - DCSki Supporter 
October 27, 2005
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,347 posts
Thanks, John.

Top is our group cresting Bald Knob where it was full on winter. Middle is me on the lower part of the open slope. I couldn't resist making a half dozen turns when the climb was barely underway even though it meant reclimbing hard earned vertical. None of the others could resist either. Bottom is the WG access road.
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
October 27, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts

Very cool. Whitegrass is a real treasure. It's not just the location but the people like Chip and instructors like you who make it one of the best ski experiences on the East Coast.

If I can sort out a telecommuting arrangement this winter, I may finally be able to learn Tele midweek when things are not so busy at WG.
Denis - DCSki Supporter 
October 27, 2005
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,347 posts

Lessons at WG are probably best done during the weekends. That's when most of the instuctors are there; it's pretty quiet during the week. There is a lot more demand for XC lessons than tele so you can almost certainly get one on one instruction. Midweek I would go to Timberline and you will probably get one on one there. @ TL you'll get the best of groomed slope instruction and at WG you'll get the best of ungroomed backcountry instruction. There is much to be learned from both schools. Learn both and you'll be a better skier. Enjoy being a beginner again; don't fight it. An occasional lesson with lots of practice time and a little patience and you'll soon be ripping. Equipment has come a long way and you can rent good stuff at both WG and TL.

Thanks for the kind words.

Edited to say that if you are able to work that telecommute arrangement and ski midweek I will be envious.
Roger Z
October 28, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Just realized something. As of today (10/28/05), Canaan Valley has received more snow so far this winter than Utah. Bet you wish you were back east now Crush! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Revel in it while we can... there's snow moving into the Wasatch tonight. It's kind of like when New England in 1986 got up 3-0 against the Chicago Bears in the Superbowl. Technically, Chicago had to come from behind to win...
johnfmh - DCSki Columnist
October 28, 2005
Member since 07/18/2001 🔗
1,992 posts


Lessons at WG are probably best done during the weekends. That's when most of the instuctors are there; it's pretty quiet during the week. There is a lot more demand for XC lessons than tele so you can almost certainly get one on one instruction. Midweek I would go to Timberline and you will probably get one on one there. @ TL you'll get the best of groomed slope instruction and at WG you'll get the best of ungroomed backcountry instruction. There is much to be learned from both schools. Learn both and you'll be a better skier. Enjoy being a beginner again; don't fight it. An occasional lesson with lots of practice time and a little patience and you'll soon be ripping. Equipment has come a long way and you can rent good stuff at both WG and TL.

Thanks for the kind words.

Edited to say that if you are able to work that telecommute arrangement and ski midweek I will be envious.

The telecommuting from WV proposal has been rejected every year for the past three, but hope springs eternal that management may allow it this year. Who knows.

Your advice on T-line, however, is excellent since that's my base and I have a season pass. Thanks...

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