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October 27, 2005
Member since 09/12/2005 🔗
94 posts
I'm hoping to possibly learn to telemark ski. Not that I have any purpose for telemark. I just think the turns are beautiful, and it would be an interesting skill and fun challenge.

Any areas local to PA, or WV. (7Springs, Hidden Valley, Timberline, Canaan) have something where I could rent telemarks and take lessons?
October 27, 2005
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,353 posts
It's great fun. I started almost 20 yrs. ago as a way to put excitement back into mild slopes. The unexpected result was that it led me into the backcountry. There is some more information on this thread,
October 29, 2005
Member since 09/12/2005 🔗
94 posts
I know about White Grass, and I hope to get out there for a long weekend sometime mid-season when they'll have lots of snow.

I also see that Timberline evidently has a program?

But what about Seven Springs or Hidden Valley. Do either of them have telemark programs?
October 30, 2005
Member since 09/15/2005 🔗
4 posts

Seven Springs offers both telemark lessons and tele rentals. (Call ahead to book a tele lesson. I believe Jim Kapp is the tele instructor.)

Also, check out the Appalachian Telemark Organization (ATA web page ) for Western Pa. tele info. The group does most of its skiing at Seven Springs.

The group will be hosting Telepalooza at Seven Springs on Feb. 4th and 5th. Clinics (including backcountry), up/down race, demos, food/drink/prizes, etc.

I strongly recommend tele. I started about 8 years ago to bring some excitement back to skiing at local resorts. It worked -- I still have a pair of downhill boards, but I haven't used them in about 5 years.
November 1, 2005
Member since 11/21/2004 🔗
129 posts
hey, I've got an extra 2 cent.

Put in a call to the Whitetail retail shop, they've had tele demos there for the last couple seasons, but I'm not sure if they have boots avail. The shop should also be able to point you towards a local instructor. Last year there was also a one day clinic dilly at Whitetail that was a lot of fun, imagine this will also happen again this season.

November 1, 2005
Member since 01/30/2005 🔗
660 posts

not sure if they have boots avail.Tom

they were renting T-2s

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