7S TR 11/25-11/27
December 2, 2005
Well I just got back form 7S. We skied 3 Days Friday - Sunday. We arrived Friday at noon, Madeline and I both needed to sleep in after hosting my family for thinksgiving and stating up late to clean up and pack. The snow on the front side was some of the best I have seen at 7S. The really weren't any unskiable lines from wagner to avalanche. The best snow on the hill was well everywhere... however there were a couple of sweet spots in the glades between Tyrol and avalanche near the lower headwall. It was like butter. Over all it was bitter cold sking under the guns in 10s degree temps, but well worth it. My first run down my teeth hurt like hell formt he wind and cold combined with a shit eating grin as I whooped and hollerd with joy.
On saturday TNF slope opened at 11 AM. So after a hearty helping of the main side we got to play over there as a chang of pace. The weather was more seasonal so I actually broke a sweat on the substantially longer descent. There was a good ammount of terrain skiable due to the natural snown on skiers right of TNF. The conditiosn were excelent on sturday too but more similar to "prime season" conditions.
On sunday is was spring conditions and some bare spot peeking through on the north side due to poor grooming not lack of snow. All of the natural snow was in full met down and the whole area will be brown by the time I write this. We only skied about 3 hours this morning but I was able to get in a few runs on TNF, which was in good shape due to lack of sun. The main side was getting soft and spring like by mid morning. I was able to try some zipperline in the hero snow. I need to work on my timing before I can hang with some of the medicare generation though. The bups were where its at today. There wasn't much grooming last night and about half of the front side was allowed to bump up to my great pleasure.
There was no ice, none, to be found all weekend. I checked my skis and there is not a burred edge to be found. Great snow conditiosn, really some of the best, great coverage. Well that was the best $525 I ahve ever spent. Lol.
On a personal kinestetic note: I am not sure that a 3 day opening weekend was really such a good idea in hind sight. I usually break my self in over the month of december... this next 2-3 days will be painful. Lol.
Stowe did have awesome bumps on it today, as did the top of avalanche. So fun to take the "diablos" through there at speed.
They had sweet mini table in santa's beard, and the terrain that wasnt bumped up had soft hero snow to let you carve to your hearts desire(assuming your skis were fat enough).
I skied to about 5:30 left a little early cause my friend kelli got pretty messed up on the table top, and couldnt go anymore. The coverage was still pretty good even after the downpour started around that time. BTW I feel awesome after 27 hours of skiing in 3 days.:)
Yea, I skied all 3 days on my T50 5*s. I am glad the bumps were soft. The thing that took the greatest beating were my calfs not my quads... weird eh? Also I ahve been very lax about my pre-season training regimen compared to previous years. Damn world of warcraft! :P
Nope my calfs fell it too, tnhat has never happen to me either.
Concur with all said above. A great first weekend and money well spent.

. Another warm front coming in with a subsequent cold front following right behind, everyone seems to think the Springs will be ok. Missed making some runs with you Bushwacker, broke out the Metron M:ex's sunday and had a ball plowing through the heavy, wet moguls. The ex's did not get thrown around like my 5'*s.
Yeha M-exs would of been perfect on sunday for skiing, perfect crud buster, myself on my B5 had to slow down just a little cause I was gettting tossed alittle bit. Nice to meet you though if only briefly I should be there again next sunday if Hidden Valley does not open.
The thing that took the greatest beating were my calfs not my quads... weird eh?
Early season, my calfs always get stiffer the next day than my quads. I guess since I tend to exercise my quads more in the off-season ... (That and my liver.
Tried out my new Head Monsters on Saturday and was surprised by the crowd. The North Face was crowded and kind of scary as it often is when 7Springs slopes are crowded and all the youngsters are skiing like testosterone crazed racers on an uncrowded mountain. This is what I do not like about 7Springs, teenagers and twenty somethings skiing like there in Montana rather than on a very crowded slope. Anyway enough complaining. I went over to the slopes in front of the hotel (can't remember names) where the slopes were uncrowded and I could ski like a testosterone crazed racer without fear of crashing into another skier. It was very awesome skiing in the Mid Atlantic in the month of November. And the snow conditions were great.
I am taking it snowsmith saw me in action

, those rollers were just to much fun not to hit on north face;).
Someone built a kicker or two on top of those rollers. I saw from TNF lift... Sound like Anyone you know?
Sounds like my friends but there were to lazy and not stupid enough to build something like that in a high traffic area, plus I was with them all day.
the best hit the entire weekend was the headwall coming from the quad lift on front face on to stowe. I was gettign some sweet crossed mutes off of it.
Hey everyone,
Any idea why 7S is not making snow? The website had "limited" snow making last night I was expected to see full out blizzard conditions when I woke up this morning and checked the cams. Thanks
I've been wondering the same thing since early this morning - I'm wondering if they're putting too much stock in tonight's forecasted snow (only 1 or 2 inches); or if they're having equipment problems.
I just started another thread like this. May be humidity because Wisp didn't do anything either
Yep, humidity was too high. They hope to crank them up tonight if the humidity goes down. Actually, the skiing today was not bad, just limited.
I am looking at the slopes right now, the lights are off but it looks like most of the bare spots have been covered up and groomed over. Snow report from this mornign says limited snowmaking last night. A few inches of natural and continued making will have them nicely prepared for the weekend.
The snow started around 7 last night, so that was natural coverage you saw on the cams. We got an inch here, which should mean 2-3 at 7S. The guns are on now and will remain on all day according to the snow report. We're gonna be just fine. I stick by my prediction on Epic yesterday: entire front face in great shape and NF opens tomorrow.
entire front face in great shape and NF opens tomorrow.
Do you think that NF will have anything more than just North Face Slope and Little North Face open on Sat?
I would just count on those two, anything else is a bonus. The guns came on last night and have been running all day with plans to go all night as well. It was also snowing fairly heavily all day. When I got to 9 am lineup there was a solid 4" of natural fluff on the ground, and a good 6+ when I left at 2 pm. I couldn't tell what was going on on the backside due to visibility from the fog/guns/snow all day. I'd expect more backside terrain to open during the week for sure though. Tomorrow is gonna be a rockin' day up there.