Thank you for your "NON SUPPORT" Dcski!
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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
November 28, 2005
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Just got back from my almost finished chalet right smac dab in the middle of the West Va alps.What a hard working but glorious week it was.I picked the spot! Kicked back on either my upper or lower deck on a house sitting at at about 2900'with a view to my left of the 4300' knob which the Canaan vly lift rises to & then on up to 4500' wiess knob over to the back side of Timberline & the Dolly sods wilderness area & then over further to the right as the ridge rises up to the Flatrock plains area with an awesome snowbowl topping out at 4700' & then panning further to the right all the way up to 4770' Mt Porte crayon & the roaring plains & all the variety of skiing terrain spilling down & around the huge snow bowl on that side of the range...let me catch my breath! What an incredible potential for skiing that would surpass Sunday river Maine & rival Stowe itself...All this in our own backyard...& then the frustration sets in..The Unbelievable "NONSUPPORT" from skiers themselves at Dcski!!??!THEN there was a beep from a car up on route 32.That beep was probbably from a rude city slicker.If they developed that mountain & "ALMOST HEAVEN" ski resort came alive I would have to share my paradise with a million city folk!No way!! I'm with the teter family who owns the top of MPC...I want it all to myself...HA HA HA!!! Screw everybody else..ITs all mine!Gods unanswered prayers are some of his true blessings!Thanks for your "NONSUPPORT" Dc ski because with it i might just have to put up with this mega resort shattering my peace & quiet.Anyway there was always The "other 2 ski areas to ski at & sureley with the 1st 6" dump & then the Friggin all out BLIZZARD On Turkey day They would have somthing to ski on ...But NOOOOO..Lamos they are I said to myself but then i realized that if they were open i would have more of those loud obnoxious city folk up here disturbing my B-U-T-Full canaan Valley scenery.I will say that it sounded like Iraq up at my place with all the loud BOOMS sounding out thru the Mtns at my place With bambi all dressed out on lawns, Strapped out on Atv's & in the back of Pick ups...But these were good mtn folk...Anyway we need them to cull the herds since no one wants to put back the Wolves & Mtn Lions. Anyway Off to Wisp,to that P-NUT of a hill where they had good snowmaking partially funded by the rape of the Timber up at Tory Mtn West va..But who cares tory is out of my view! Md Got my money but West va was safe! Thank you for your "NON SUPPORT" DCSKI!!!!!! ....PS My 3800' ridge behind my house would blow Wisp Away!
November 28, 2005
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts
here we come with our boom boxes and Volvos...... hahahaha
November 28, 2005
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
You better hope Coridor H suddenly gets cut.
November 28, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Hooo fishski mahn
where u bin i missed you?

Sounds like un had a nice peacful relaxing holiday, read this twice and suspectd you were drunk posting again, now that i;m properly fortified..........

How was the snow at wisp? See you December 8?
November 29, 2005
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
Snow bowls you say. Hmm time to load the hummer and polish the spinners it's off to WV we go. Park the H2 at the foot and blast punk and deep bass up the hill so I have something to ride to. Thanks for sharing I've been looking for some back country to f up.
November 29, 2005
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts

You better hope Coridor H suddenly gets cut.

Ahh, but he will need a good road to get into town on.
Roger Z
November 29, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Andy, I was just thinking the same thing about all the Non-Support for Moonshine Mountain. Oh, sure, folks talk the talk, but just the other day I was meeting with a venture capitalist and this is how our conversation went:

Roger Z: So, in conclusion, you have: strip bars, doublewide trailers with illegal cable tv, moonshine, raucous ATV events, radical skiing, and Crush manning the ski patrol. In the investment world that you dabble in, Mr. Venture (editor's note: really, this guy was a venture capitalist and his last name was Venture. A. D. Venture. I mean, how much more ironic does it get???), they have a name for an idea like this, and that name is "easy money." So, are you in? Or are you in?

Mr. Venture: Well, Roger, this plan really is brilliant. In all my years of funding bio-techs, nano-techs, parto-techs, and all sorts of other techs-

Roger Z: We'd be happy to rename it Moonshine Tech if you'd like to keep your streak going.

Mr. Venture and Roger Z, together: Ha ha ha ha.

Mr. Venture: That was a good one, Roger! Well, anyway, as I was saying, I've never seen a moneymaker like this. Except for Bill Bright's Almost Heaven venture.

Roger Z: Almost Heaven? On Mount Porte Crayon?

Mr. Venture: Why yes, how did you know that?

Roger Z: We've got this guy on DCSki named Andy who is ready to burn the timber down on that mountain if it will expedite development there!

Mr. Venture: Well, that's the rub. I was ready to put almost a billion dollars down and buy off some key politicians to expedite the permitting processes- heck, I was even going to get the EPA to declare a hunting season on that damn salamander- but you see, there was this problem.

Roger Z: What's that?

Mr. Venture: Well, there just wasn't enough support on DCSki. So I nixed the idea. After all, no matter how sound a business idea, the lack of support from DCSki is always a deal killer in my books.

Roger Z: But we've got an entire topic thread devoted to Moonshine Mountain!

Mr. Venture: Yes, Roger, and the Untopic is a fine site- except for your stupid posts about Virginia Tech (editor's note: turns out Mr. Venture was a WVU grad)- but it's not enough. We just don't hear the energy coming out of DCSki to start Moonshine Mountain OR Almost Heaven. So we turned Bill Bright away, because there wasn't enough support from a message board in cyberspace for his idea.

Roger Z: breaks down weeping.

So, sorry to break it to you Andy, but our unsupport has done in the project. I hear Bill Bright tore his hair out when he found this out. 'Tis pity.
November 29, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,552 posts
*whistles while putting the check back away into the checkbook...*
November 29, 2005
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I think the damage has been done. 6 years of hyping Canaan valley to anyone who would listen as i rode up & down the elevaters in DC as a courier & then every time i ride up a chair lift.In fact the 30 times i rode up & down those glorious 500' of verticle at Wisp the response to the Idea of an "Almost heaven" ski area was 95% positive! The other 5% just couldn't stand my breath I think! So you are right Mr Z unfortunately the "UNSUPPORT" of DCSKI probabally will not have an influence on any future dev of MPC or Tory for that matter.In fact nobody had even heard of DcSki on wisps lift or had even heard of MPC...I even had a couple of people stopping me in the parking lot asking for the web adress & the name of the Mtn. The big money Knows though...They have been up in thier helicoptors & are doing their homework...I'll will just have to take all my profits from the sell of my new home & move to MOONSHINE MTN!!!??!
Roger Z
November 29, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
There's always room at Moonshine for the displaced, dispossessed, disillusioned, and just plain dissed.
November 30, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Andy, ur right i guess, look at all the positive changes Tline has implemented due to all the constructive criticism from dcskiers i don't understand the lack of support for almost heaven MPC. What????? 2000' vertical??? right here in the wv alps??? u gotta be kidding me??? Who wouldn't want it? Probably even the 5% with the sensitive ol factories would too if you'd gone lightly with the garlic roasted salamander, or they might have bin the folks who'd prefer more of a MSM experience.

I think the real question is who'll be first, Bright or Marsh?
December 1, 2005
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Jimmy..How long you been posting here? My 1st post on DCSKI as "Andy" was a few moments after JohnF broke the story on Bill Bright trying to get MPC & "Almost Heaven" going.It hit me like a ton of bricks...WOWWWWWW! My Dream come true..Blasting off a post to my "fellow" skiers I could not wait for the Rebel yells & posts of pure ectasy at the prospect of seeing West Va see its full potential as a 1st class ski state. What followed was a blast so negative it blew me away! At 1st my 1st reaction was to blast back at these"skiers"...Calling them a bunch of Girly Men & such..After apologizing So they would at least respond to me We went back & forth For at least a week with who knows how many posts...More than the "untopic"! I have always been a "homeboy" Bieng from the Dc area & rooting for the Redskins & my West va Alps...the responses were as confusing as the having to deal with
dc area residents rooting for the dallas cowboys!!???! I have a feeling a lot of posters were just plain to rich & spoiled to get excited about a backyard ski area...Taxpayers money filling the pockets of DC Skiers means trips to Euorope & out West....Classy & exotic...West va?..Yeh right!..Beam up some of those earlier posts & let the record speak for themselves....PS RogerZ didn't want the ski area because he wanted to be able to CAMP THERE!!!..Luv ya mr. Z
December 1, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Hey andy, since around jan 04. I was away (skiing) when all that broke and yup coming back to that was like trying to read the holwe untopic(c) in one sitting and only drink five guineses..... the deer are bigger in the valley, u probably pass the candy dish before dinner? anyways, i posted some smarta$$ remarks but after finally realizing what a 2000ft mountain is all about, how rare in all the east i'm with you brutha, BRING ON ALMOST HEAVEN

See u on the 8th?
Roger Z
December 2, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Yup. Still do. Plus deep forests have their own ecological benefits that edge forests don't. Most of the Roaring Plains is a deep forest and a lot of it wouldn't be if the ski area was built.

I'm officially agnostic about an MPC ski resort. I won't shed many tears if it gets built or vice-versa. Plus, this is such a tricky crowd that I have a hard time believing any ski resort can get built that will live up to this board's expectations. Rain will still fall in January, lifts will still break down, tickets will still be too expensive, glade skiing will still shred ski bases, expert runs will still be the last to open.

What I am somewhat serious about is finding a remote location and building a MRG/Whitegrass style ski resort. I envision a T-bar as the main lift, a base lodge that looks like its about to fall over, seldom groomed ski runs and a "take it when you can get it" attitude among a die-hard group of riders and skiers. Limited snowmaking, on and off skiing through the winter, but one helluva rush when the conditions are right. Lift tickets would probably be in the 40 dollar range (I'm envisioning this place opening in about 30 years, so that'd be like 15 dollars or so right now).

There's one mountain out in WV I've got in mind for this. About 1000 feet of vert and certainly one of the snowiest spots in the state. Of course, I'd have to get the money to do it, but that's what I'd want to see- a cheap place for locals and fanatics to go yuck it up on the deep snow days. That's what we're really missing around here; it'd be a blast to have a downhill version of Whitegrass.
December 2, 2005
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
roger have you visited hickory?
Roger Z
December 2, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
No, but I lived in upstate New York until I was 9. At the time, the state was chalk full of little places like Hickory- and there are still quite a few around. Bobcat and Plattekill, Big Tupper (I think it's still open), Swain, another one up by Canada who's name escapes me. Many of these have over 1,000 feet of vertical, 100+ acres of terrain and would be very large by Mid-Atlantic standards, but are just local hills upstate. I grew up skiing Snow Ridge- not much vertical but the second highest natural snowfall on the east coast. Just quirky little places with lots of personality.
December 2, 2005
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Was it the dwarf or who was it that muttered "We'll never make it..were doomed" It will pour rain in jan at Killington also! You just have a different agenda Z. I understand where you are coming want a little playground in West Va & then head off to your "Vacation spot"! You got your little playground at Whitegrass allready....1200' of verticle from bald Knob.Thats to easy though for your pioneer mindset.That same mind that dreams about Moonshine Mtn....MPC is to traditional & whitegrass is allready there...People like me are up to our ears in these 700 to 1000' ski areas! We are searching for that bomb ass Mtn so that we can ski in peace forever.There are some of us who don't have the time or money or the desire to head off to these "vacation spots" We would just like to see the best that our own backyard has to offer & then if it has to pour in be it..cuz it will snow like Colora..I mean West Va in feb & the blizzards to follow in march...head west young man & take your chances...I spent a week at vail & didn't see a flake..but West Va was getting dumped on!!
Roger Z
December 3, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
You know, Andy, people can be opposed to this project for entirely non-selfish reasons, you just appear unable to acknowledge that. You have no equanimity in your argument and it discredits your whole position. I don't appreciate the fact that you're willing to run roughshod over every consideration to get what you want, including long time residents of West Virginia. You're not doing yourself any favors like that. Residents in the mountains already dislike city folks, the more they perceive that this is to advance the self-interest of Beltway bandits, the more you're gonna have a fight on your hands if MPC ever does get officially proposed.

As it is, Johnfmh and others (including the builders of Snowshoe) have laid out very sound reasons as to why this project may not be that great. You need to quiet down and start addressing concerns like those, or your mountain will remain just as much of a fantasy as Moonshine.
Scott - DCSki Editor
December 3, 2005
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,282 posts
I hadn't been following this conversation until now.. Umm.. Is it too late to point out that DCSki as an entity has no opinion one way or another? (I'm probably the only one cringing at the literal interpretation of some of these sentences. And I understand folks are really talking about the opinions expressed by people on DCSki and not DCSki itself. 'Course, the first time I saw the subject of this post I braced myself thinking someone was about to tear into DCSki, the web site.)

- Scott
December 3, 2005
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I'm Ignorant to many aspects of what it takes to build a ski area, & you are right about peoples reasons & opinions,But i have studied that mtn & its weather more than anyone probably.It has what it takes & then some, so that part is covered.Did you know that there is more of a SW air flow during those upslope snow events (the mtn faces nw) How many people out there know that the snow actually builds or lays on the down wind side of snow fences? The main mtn holds snow just fine,the north rim open slopes could be landscaped easily to fix any blowing problem Ect'''Ect..." There is disagreement on everything in life...The proof will be in the pudding...anyway roger Can't the BABY get his way...WAHHHHHHHH!!! PEACE...I'm tired i'm going home now
December 5, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

.........But i have studied that mtn & its weather more than anyone probably.It has what it takes & then some, so that part is covered..............PEACE...I'm tired i'm going home now

Hey andy, is that your place up there by the golden anchor?? if so that view of MPC has to be what's driving u crazier than u already are! Here's an interesting op-ed

Roger Z
December 5, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
That was a pretty impressive map. His arguments against detachable quads is mistaken though. You could just space the lifts at more distant intervals to reduce the skier traffic. That also gives you the option of increasing capacity on holiday weekends. Most of the trails couldn't have many tree stands, as nice as those would be, because of snowmaking requirements (particularly as you drop under 3500 feet). And there's no way every black could be gladed. That would confine 85-90% of the skiing market to skiing on just a few runs off the top. More importantly, you wouldn't ski on those glade runs more than a few weeks a year on average, so for the vast majority of the ski season EVERYONE would be on winding beginner runs off the summit.

They could use a couple intermediate runs on the map.

He did a very good job of outlining ways to steer most skiers away from that tricky drainage off the summit. It has a way of acting like a trap for far too many runs, so the novice alternative leading out from the summit is a great idea.

Most importantly, his design allows for a lot of play. With multiple base areas, you could ski from one area of the mountain to the next, making it feel larger than it really is (this was my impression of Solitude two years ago, anyway). He's right that viewsheds and forests need to be protected, so a few glade runs and some narrower entry points at the summit would be nice.

Not a bad job at all!
December 12, 2005
Member since 10/18/2004 🔗
45 posts
Heard some interesting news while at Timberline this past weekend. Bumped into the RE agent who sold us our house there and while catching up on local news I asked him about the Almost Heaven/MPC project. He said the latest was that Bill Bright had sold his interest in the two ski areas he was involved in and has sunk the money into AH/MPC. Moreover, has only one more tract to purchase to reach his goal but that the owner(s) were holding out.

The agent said this info was about 4 months old. Anyone have anything they can add to this?

Roger Z
December 12, 2005
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Thanks for the info Yellowdog, and welcome to the board! I haven't heard anything, but I'd be happy to start making up rumors and passing them around... we seem to do that on occasion around here.
December 12, 2005
Member since 09/27/2002 🔗
589 posts
I was told about a month ago that Bright had finally convinced the holdouts [cant remember the family name] to sell and the deal was in the works. The information was 2nd hand to me so your guess is as good as mine as to its accuracy. Who knows? Maybe wishing will make it so.

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