Laurel Mountain area - Which web cam(s)?
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November 30, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
237 posts
I have come across some of the links to web cam(s) in Laurel Highland area. Can somebody tell me which one is closer to Laurel Mountain ski resort or are all of them close enough?
LHSC Club web Camera
Chautauqua Snow Club Cam <-- edited: nevermind it's in NY
PACCSA Laurel Ridge Park cam
PA Snowseekers Cam in the ANF <-- edited: it's near Erie somewhere.
November 30, 2005
Member since 03/4/2003 🔗
294 posts

I think that two of these cams are not in the Laurel Highlands at all. THe Chataqua cam appears to be in Western New York; and the Snowseekers Cam in the ANF looks like it's in the Allegheny Nat'l Forest, which is up in the general direction of Erie/Bradford.

Of the other two, I believe that the LHSC Club cam would be closest to LM - I took a peek at their website and I didn't find an exact location for the cam, but I think it might be just off of Rt 31 at the summit, i.e. about 3 miles West of the entrance to Hidden Valley - if that's the location, it's on the same ridge as LM, but a good 12 miles South, I think.
The Laurel Ridge cam appears to be in Laurel Ridge State Park - that's located South of 7 Springs by 8 miles or so, and it's North of Ohiopyle by about the same anount. This is also the same ridge as 7 Springs, HV and LM - just further South.
November 30, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
237 posts


I think that two of these cams are not in the Laurel Highlands at all. THe Chataqua cam appears to be in Western New York; and the Snowseekers Cam in the ANF looks like it's in the Allegheny Nat'l Forest, which is up in the general direction of Erie/Bradford.

Of the other two, I believe that the LHSC Club cam would be closest to LM - I took a peek at their website and I didn't find an exact location for the cam, but I think it might be just off of Rt 31 at the summit, i.e. about 3 miles West of the entrance to Hidden Valley - if that's the location, it's on the same ridge as LM, but a good 12 miles South, I think.
The Laurel Ridge cam appears to be in Laurel Ridge State Park - that's located South of 7 Springs by 8 miles or so, and it's North of Ohiopyle by about the same anount. This is also the same ridge as 7 Springs, HV and LM - just further South.

I found these mini-maps of Laurel Ridge S.P. somewhat helpful.
November 30, 2005
Member since 09/12/2005 🔗
94 posts
Yeah, only those two are anywhere even remotely near.

And, they're not even that close. But I'd have to say the LHSC is probably the closest. Both could probably give you an accurate idea of the actually snow at laurel mountain.

Ski and Tell

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