It shames resorts like LIBERTY that haven't even started making snow.
I'll likely zip out there this weekend and play around in the slush.
Huh? Here in NOVA temps have been in the 40s and 50s (until today). How do you expect Liberty to make any snow?
Had a great time playing around on the bunny hill, and they even allowed some mini jumps to be made off to the side.
I was completely amazed at how much coverage they had.
I really wish WISP would develop more beginner terrain.
"Recreational opportunities in the Deep Creek Lake region will balloon over the next few years. Plans are underway to begin construction of a recirculating whitewater course in 2004, and Wisp Resort plans to add beginner terrain and a dedicated Terrain Park featuring its own slopes and trails with pipes and rails. A new mountaintop village at Wisp will bring additional lodging, stores, and restaurants."
Wisp was purchased by D.C. Development, LLC in 2001. (The former long-time owner, Helmuth Heise, is still involved with the resort as Executive Vice President.) D.C. Development has already begun to invest heavily in Wisp, and Wisp will see a lot of exciting changes over the next few years.
- Scott
Wisp is pretty good for as far as a place to learn. The ski school is ok and they offer 2 long and really interesting green trials each with 600 feet vertical, which is somehting most other places can't say. I particualrly like wisp trail. Its got a consistant pitch so there si no poling or skating. And its jsut a really nice fun relaxing trail.
Liberty has soem good points. It has the nice 600' vert trail for beginers. And the way the lift works the trial is borken dow so that you don't have to ski ti all if you are uncomfortable with "goign to the top". That said, I don't really like liberty for beginers simply becase there are too many. If you are a beginer especially a never ever, don't go to a crowded place. Group lessons will be bigger, the beginer terrain will be more crowded and more icy. The fact that the trails are so narrow only increades this iceing effect. The fact that newbies aren't really seperated from other levels also has a negative effect.
Whitetail, have 2 bunny hills, each with a chair lifts, lift runs slow, great for beginers. The highlight is the big long green cruiser, snow park. It is long enough and steep enough to challenge any begining skier to move up to blue.
Take a look at the recent article on "Cruisers" for more info on various fun trails. Mambo Alley, at Blue knob is a good one. But ahrder than your average green.
"a re-circulating whitewater course" at WISP?!?!?!?
Oh, that's too much... As an advid kayaker I say "bring it on!"
After reading the CRUSIERS article, I was wondering though, which is easier at WISP, the "WISP TRAIL" or "POSSUM" for training a beginner?
"We're making snow on Grouse Way, Boulder Run, Muskrat, The Face, Squirrel Cage & the Snow Tubing Park but which and how many trails will be open on Friday are still TBA and we are opening Chair 3 on Friday at 9
am and Chairs 2 & 3 on Saturday at 9 am."
Wisp skis much bigger than it's 600 feet vertical would suggest. It also offers beautiful views of Deep Creek Lake. Some call it, the "Lake Tahoe of the Mid-Atlantic."
Anyway, Possum is a little more gentle than Wisp Trail. I had my daughters there last March, and at that point my 7 year old had only skied about 3 or 4 times. We did a few runs on Possum, then we moved over to Wisp Trail, and after 3 or 4 runs there she started skiing the Blue trails that feed into Wisp Trail. That section provides a good progression for newbies, and it's segregated from the Blues and Blacks so there is no mixing of speeds and talent levels.
WISP's bunny hill is at the base of a BLACKDIAMOND, and I can see how this could offer up some ugly potential collisions. WISP's two GREEN runs have a few twists and a couple of drops that make them a little more challenging than the usual EastCoast GREEN.
That being said I'll likely be back there the weekend after next as none of the other area resorts will be open.
SKIROUNDTOP... uuuuggg, all ice and no booze.
check out how much snow they had.