Tele clinic at Whitetail today
February 19, 2006
I just wanted to send a shout out of thanks to those folks who put on the tele clinic today at Whitetail. Due to some health issues I was unable to stay for the entire day, but for what I was there, I doubt it could have been done any better.
It was a holiday weekend, snow guns were going full blast (very VERY loud), and our groups were sizable but I get the impression that everyone got the attention/support/feedback that they had hoped for. I for one gathered a few good drills that I can take with me and turn into homework when skiing solo. I was far from my A game today but still managed to learn a thing or two.
I forget last names but our instructors were Shelly with the beginners, Leslie with the intermediates, and Darryl with the advanced. Of course there was Tom and Nico, various other folks that I can't remember the names of but everyone appeared to be having a good time and making solid progress
Being a holiday, things were crowded but that's to be expected. The fee for the course was worth every cent simply for the privelage of taking the ski school line, not to mention the quality instruction.
I hope everyones' day ended on a high note. There were about 30 of us out there today so if any of you alpiners were sitting on the lift wondering where all these knee dipping meadow skippers came from, now you know.