Snow conditions What are your thoughts?
February 27, 2006
Want to trip out at Timberline this weekend - 4 day; Friday-Mo, and the forecast for the area states that Wed/ Thurs temps are on the rise with rain and little chance of snow making. Friday possible snow making and Sat/Sun (mid 40's) sunny no snow days. All tentative of course. Thoughts are that the slopes will be ice or sludge and may be uncomfortable boarding. You guys know your snow and terrain can anyone suggest whether I should can the plans? Spending a LOT of $$ on accomidations at Timberline for 10 people and don't want it to be a wasted trip.
I just returned from Timberline this weekend. Conditions were pretty good with plenty of coverage on all the major trails. It's snowing there today and tomorrow - but the warmup mid-week will clear out any fresh snow they get.
Timberline has not been snowmaking - I'm pretty sure since President's Day. Temps this weekend were super cold - teens from overnight Saturday all the way through this morning, but the snow guns are silent. Unless the warmup burns in some major thin spots I'd expect they will continue to not make snow even if the temps will support it.
Still, Timberline Mountain Ops does a great job keeping whatever they have in good shape for skiing. I would expect decent packed powder and some granular early getting heavier towards the end of each day (if temps do get into the 40s). There is ice under the snow, and most trails had a few spots scoured down to the ice this weekend, but all the trails still skied pretty well and were a lot of fun. If you are better than a beginner and can stick to the fallline trails - blues and blacks - then I don't think the heavier snow will make riding unpleasent at all. Warm temps and sun aren't all bad for skiing.
If you can wait until mid-week before you book your reservation, that will give you a better fix on the weekend weather. Weather has been really funny this winter, and I have not trusted any forecast more than a couple days ahead. Anything can happen weatherwise - but if you can, make sure the forecast doesn't turn towards rain over the weekend before you finalize your plans.
Hope this gives you an idea what to expect. If you do end up going have a great time!
I was there this weekend too (first t-line day in 7 years) and had a great day on sat. However, yesterday was FREEZING!!!!! I have never skied in temps that cold. The top was in the single digits with a 35+ MPH wind making for wind-chills of about -20. Also, i what is with the horribly slow lifts! They are by far the slowest lifts i have ever ridden and made for a miserably cold ride.
Overall had a great time but do prefer canaan to t-line.
Take the following with grain of salt since I'm an eternal skiing optimist.
I'd definitely say GO FOR IT. T-line has had a pretty good season despite warm Jan, much better than the resorts closer to DC. They have a decent base to work with. You should get some classic early spring snowriding. With day temps going well above freezing (45degs), most of the day should be on good groomed and forgiving surfaces. Lots of straight down the fall line, groomed trails there for boarders, but watch out for flat stretches on Salamander (2 mile beginner trail) on warm day. You should have a private ski mtn on Fri and Mon. If you are worried about crowds hit nearby Canaan Valley ski area on Sat, it tends to have less lift lines on busiest days.
Timberline has not been snowmaking - I'm pretty sure since President's Day. Temps this weekend were super cold - teens from overnight Saturday all the way through this morning, but the snow guns are silent. Unless the warmup burns in some major thin spots I'd expect they will continue to not make snow even if the temps will support it.
Hey Tom, Seems Tline missed a good opp to bring the whales back, how were otw and drop this weekend?
I wonder if the great December, money in the bank for most Mid atlantic areas, has them thinking they don't need to "save" (calm down mountain masher, i'm not saying this season needs saved
) the late season because the early season was great and resorts were packed for the last holiday weekend?
Got the day in at 7 Springs Sunday, there was evidence that they made a bit of snow in a few areas Sat PM, no snowmaking yesterday. It was a great day for folks who like to ski very variable conditions and i felt the mountain would have benefited from some Dupre Powder. Maybe it was too windy, i don't know.
Highlight of the day was meeting by chance an "old friend" for the first time
, Good time making turns w/you Tim, i just love this sport.
freshair1, JimK's right, they'll be plenty of good snow left in the valley, maybe corn but don't worry about not having enough to have a good time. Grain of salt Jim? I think corn tastes so much better with a bit of salt

Also, there is a possibility of a storm for the east coast on sunday night-monday so you could hit some powder on your last day!
I skied Off the Wall more times this weekend than I ever remember skiing it. Saturday morning, OTW skied really easy - lots of very forgiving snow that let me really lean on it. By the afternoon, the snow was heavier and OTW not as much fun. Probably skied it a dozen times or more Saturday. Sunday AM was super cold with a tiny bit of fresh and OTW was again the place to be on the mountain. It was a tougher ski Sunday (but not anything like in whale days). By the afternoon, there were some sizeable ice patches waiting for skiers on some of the steepest pitches. Still, I know we skied it another 8-10 times Sunday. We skied the Drop too, but I didn't like it nearly as much as OTW.
I miss the whales because I couldn't ski them very well. I liked the challenge of skiing them a little better each time I tried. That said, I liked the whale-less OTW a lot. In its current configuration, OTW adds another black run that I can ski a whole bunch and makes the mountain ski bigger for me. I actually forgot how steep OTW is. When the whales were there, I couldn't see beyond the next whale and that really distorted my sense of the trail's pitch. I doubt we'll see whales again this season - however, I hear they return to mate in the West Virginia Alps during the first half of winter each year. Tline needs to cut back on the grooming on OTW or the Drop though - we need some bumps!
It was said to me on Saturday afternoon in the pub that they plan on making more snow on OTW and the drop then will let them bump up... we shall see. I usually survive the cold and nasty of january and february to enjoy march at t-line when the skiing is the best.

However, I do believe that they have had a significant increase in skier/boarder visits from previouys years

That translates into longer lift lines at slow lifts. However, I doubt that there will be poor conditions even if the weather turns south. Their base still beats almost anyone at this time.

I'll make the trip again this weekend and pray for that illusive dump!
I'll be there with my daughter again this weekend. Also hoping for some fresh snow. I left from Tline this morning to get back to work here in NVA - looks like I left too early - the Dolly Sods webcam has been puking snow since 7AM, NOAA calling for snow showers through tomorrow AM. Of course, Tline's webcam is on the fritz! These next couple days might have made it a good week to get fired.
Yea tgd, you were looking for a job when you found the one you got now; u got a substance abuse problem son, here's a big s. e.

for ya!
Alright, now I know this would have been a good week to get fired...." fresh in Canaan as of 2PM, more on the way this afternoon and tonight. Too bad my boss has already seen me in the office, I might have sneaked back up there tonight. How sweet... Tuesday morning powder turns.
Andy Fishinski man - what's the call?? 12+"??
I skied Off the Wall more times this weekend than I ever remember skiing it. Saturday morning, OTW skied really easy - lots of very forgiving snow that let me really lean on it. By the afternoon, the snow was heavier and OTW not as much fun. Probably skied it a dozen times or more Saturday. Sunday AM was super cold with a tiny bit of fresh and OTW was again the place to be on the mountain. It was a tougher ski Sunday (but not anything like in whale days). By the afternoon, there were some sizeable ice patches waiting for skiers on some of the steepest pitches. Still, I know we skied it another 8-10 times Sunday. We skied the Drop too, but I didn't like it nearly as much as OTW.
I miss the whales because I couldn't ski them very well. I liked the challenge of skiing them a little better each time I tried. That said, I liked the whale-less OTW a lot. In its current configuration, OTW adds another black run that I can ski a whole bunch and makes the mountain ski bigger for me. I actually forgot how steep OTW is. When the whales were there, I couldn't see beyond the next whale and that really distorted my sense of the trail's pitch. I doubt we'll see whales again this season - however, I hear they return to mate in the West Virginia Alps during the first half of winter each year. Tline needs to cut back on the grooming on OTW or the Drop though - we need some bumps!
Are they grooming OTW every night???
I'm not sure what they're doing about grooming during the week, but they definately groomed it Fri/Sat nights over the last 2 weekends. The whales have been leveled out into lumps vs humps. They now provide some pleasing contour to the trail - but no real challenge.
TGD...What does that stand for...too good? Snows too good for work? Man I was going to predict 4" for today a couple of days ago but since I wanted to quit while I was ahead I didn't..I'm glad,because I would have been wrong! NWS thought it was too dry for it to snow untill this afternoon,,,been snowing since daybreak! JonJon just reported 5" a while back,maybe 6 or more by now & still gettin it! Luv that sneaky stealth snow...Watching this weekend to with that long ride I have. Cristina at Canaan Valley stores says I only show up when it snows...shes right!