best place to buy ski boots
April 23, 2006
I live on the eastern shore of Maryland and was wondering where would be the best place to buy boots would be? I don't really care if I got to ride 2 or 3 hours to get there. If anyone could help me I'd really appreciate it.
I recommend you do a quick search of previous posts because this one has been discussed ad nauseum many times before including this year. If you take a look back over the past few months I'm sure you'll find a ton of info.
I hear Ski Center in Washington has about the best bootfitter but they're not cheap.
I've went back and looked at some of the other messages and got some helpful insight. I've also looked into DC's Ski Center I've heard that they were expensive too. I was just tring to spend between $300 to $400 at the most. Since I don't know the area very well didn't really want to go there. I'm going to check around some more I want to thank both of you for your help.
i don't think they are necessarily much more expensive for the same boot than any other ahop. But even if they are, consider that if you have any fit issues after you buy the boots they will make the adjustments for free. And also you should ask yourself how much is a quality fit worth.
Don't skimp on ski boots. It's really not worth it in the long run. (Take it from someone with too much personal experience on this subject


Thanks Terpski that makes alot of sense.
Check out Ski Chalet...
. They might have some boots in the back that are on sale. Ask for Jason; he's no nonsense and will make sure your boots fit like they should.
Hey! I tend to buy all of my snowboard gear from
www.snowboardpricing.comI also don't live right at a ski area so find it necessary to order over the internet.
Hope this helps!
Check out willies and ask for luke. They really will spend alot of personal time with you making sure you get a good fit.