It's over, it's OK if we talk about it?
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April 22, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Yup DCSki, mid atlantic season is over. Sounds like crush, bushwach, scotS, mebbe RogerZ, probably denis are still making turns but it's time to paddle, pedal, chase toro, drink beer, cloud ski and watch the finches for the rest of us DCSkiers.

So wadda you think about mid atlantic 05-06? Started in November, ended in April.

Regrets, Accomplishments, Highlights, The good the bad the ugly. Plans for next year. Let's chat, it will make u feel betta .
April 22, 2006
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Just put out some crab pots yesterday,(Rich dude from NJ just put in a long pier right over one of my fav crab holes...You ain't the only one Baywalker) Soaked up the maritime envirement,felt the sun $ salt spray on my face...Chased a little Toro, & just enjoyed the return to the "Long Season"...Then Denis dropped some pics of Stowe in early April winter wonderland Splender...Damb that man for ruining my peace!!! Anyway My winter was a long one starting with the(Canaan) foot in Oct, a blizzard during thanksgiving(canaan),The 14 inch snowstorm in the DC area & a few 6 to 8 inch drops(canaan) that ended for me in mid march....Just bought 2 Norway spruce,1 white spruce & 2 canadian Hemlocks to haul up to the house up in the WV Alps to join my Canaan balsam Firs & Douglas Firs allready there.....Would love to see a cold shot of air roll thru & look up to a snow crusted MPC while I'm planting them!...I've seen it whitetopped in mid may
April 27, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
485 posts
Hello, my name is Warren.... and I'm a Ski-A-Holic.

Hey, I really do feel better now

April 27, 2006
Member since 09/27/2002 🔗
589 posts
You're right jimmy ... it's time.

Time to summer wax our babies and put them somewhere cool and dark to rest up for next season.
Time to fill the tires, grease the chains and knock last years mud off the mountain bikes.
Time to haul the plastic pig [kayak] off its rack and scare out the winter spiders, check the bulkheads and search up that awesome Kevlar paddle I bought on sale last summer and never go to use.

Yup ... time to relax and cloud ski for a couple of months.
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

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