Snowbird tunnel "lift"...
May 13, 2006
I guess that ... gives another way into the MB, a faster lift up that side + tunnel takes some load off the tram and little cloud... if i remember the name correctly.
*seems* a bit weird though
Think what that, the lift not the tunnel, does for getting milage in Peruvian Gulch. Getting in from MB wasn't so hard, top of MB lift just a short walk up to where the tram unloads or traverse from the top of Little Cloud. Getting back to the top without a tram ticket could take an hour, Peruvian lift to Gadzoom to Little Cloud. Then you have to travese under the tram or hit MB again to get to the top of PG. Lots of good skiing on the way but i'd like to spend some more time exploring the Gulch. The tunnel's cool, mineral basin is fun but the old lift only serves 1000', the new lift 2600', I can't wait to spend the day on it.
It should definately cut down on the Tram waits, and get low intermiedate skier where there should be....Baldy Express area.
Downsides though runs down chips, one of the most uncrowded blues on the mountian will now be like runs down emma in the gad valley, crowded. It will get skied out quicker ca va.
I will have tour gear next year so its not to much on my worries list.