Traveling to CV
May 23, 2006
I was talking to my dad who lives in Petersburg and he suggested I try 42 to 93 as an alternative to 33 & 32. I did it last weekend and it didn't seem any longer and it seemed that going over the mountain wasn't as severe. I always hate the backside of the mountain (going down to Harman) during the winter.
Any comments on this route? How is it in winter? His thoughts were that they would have to keep it open due to the power plant at Mt. Storm.
Welcome to CV! Since I come from Baltimore, I usually take the 'northern' route (70-68-220-50-93-32). But...last year when I worked in DC if I went to CV for the wknd I'd drive into work (in lieu of the MARC train), then coming from work in downtown DC I'd take 66W-toll road-route 7 to winchester-50-93. Until the entire Wardensville to Moorefield section is open, forget it. Especially given the shady speed trap business in and around Wardensville. Personally, if I were going the Corridor H route, I'd take the 42-93 route instead of 33 to 32, simply my development (Beaver Ridge) is between Canaan and Davis.
I work 4/10hr days (off every Friday) so when I go to Canaan I leave on Thu pm at 6pm and have started to take the 70-340 (through Harpers Ferry)-7 into Winchester, then 50-93. It's about the same mileage and it allows me to avoid 220 from Cumberland to Keyser. The drive is VERY relaxing on Thu evenings and coming back to BMore late Sunday afternoons. I have the roads to myself.
Looked at pics on Timberline's website of your unit. Looks nice!!!
All of us DCSKI Canaan Valley owners should have a meetup in CV sometime, put faces to the names.....
I've never tried to cutover from 55-to-42-to-93, but can't see how it saves significant time over 55-33-32. I personally find 93 past the power plant to be extremely hazardous during a winter storm. The exposure and altitude on that route leads to plenty of blowing snow and low visibility. I frequently see cars (and sometimes big trucks) off the road on that section when it snows. During the Spring and Fall I have also experienced some of the worst fog I've ever seen taking that route.
IMHO, the southern route tends to be a little better protected by lower elevation and trees from the blowing snow and dense fog. I always take that route if I know it is going to be snowing when I get to the Valley - and never regret it. Unlike VDOT, they know how to keep the roads clear during a snow storm in WVA. Taking 55 up from Seneca Rocks - WVDOT will have a plow assigned to keep the east side of the climb up Allegheny mountain clear, a plow working the stretch down to Harman, and a plow working from Harman up to Canaan Valley. They go up and down the road all night long. WVA does an awesome job on their roads during winter.
True, the speed trap in Wardensville is troublesome (though I've never been pulled over there in the 60+ times I've driven through town), and I still find the southern route is consistently 10-15 minute shorter drive time than going 50-93.
Thanks Tom.
To be honest, I've never had a problem getting up the mountain on 33 (I drive a 4WD pickup). I just HATE driving down the west face to Harman. I don't know why I dislike it so - I must be getting old.
I never thought about the fog, but now that you mention it, last weekend when there were thunderstorms, the clouds hid the cooling towers of the power plant, so I could see how fog could be a problem. I did the drive to Snowshoe last season down 81 and the fog by Waynesboro was atrocious. I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me and they have lights embedded in the road. By the time we got to Snowshoe it was like pea soup. I was miserable. My son, on the otherhand thought it was "cool"

Honestly, I hate driving in fog the most. You can't see to go forward, but it's too dangerous to pull over and stop. The first time I took my 75 year old mom up to our place in Canaan the fog on 93 was so bad she stuck her head out the passenger side window to make sure I was staying on the road. I was a wreck by the time we got to Timberline. Oddly enough, my mom thought it was a real adventure!
In my twenty years of traveling from Arlington to Canaan I have driven every conceivable route, including over the top through Dolly Sods (my favorite it not the easiest). The 66/81/55/42/93 is the quickest by about 10 to 15 minutes. It takes me 42-45 minutes from Black Bear to Petersburg going this route, 55-60 minutes going the Harman/Seneca route. I find the southern route more aesthetically pleasing; there are few sites more dramatic than Seneca Rock. I have seen one cop on the northern route in all these year, received two tickets on the southern. Have never encountered the pea soup fog that others report so I can't speak to that.
Clay - You're right, the fog can be daunting when you come over Mt. Storm and past the power plant, but I find that 93 from there on into Davis pretty manageable even in blowing snow....I see worse mishaps on 32 from Davis down to Canaan.
(Oh, and a minor point of order from an old power plant guy...Mt. Storm Station is cooled by once-through circulation from the lake...that's why the lake is so warm and produces so much fog from the surface! There are no cooling towers, but what you see are the vapor plumes from the wet scrubbers!)
hehehe. Thanks for the correction Dave. I knew they weren't "smoke stacks" and just took a guess

In my twenty years of traveling from Arlington to Canaan I have driven every conceivable route, including over the top through Dolly Sods (my favorite it not the easiest).
I have been using the southern route since we started going to CV. Last fall, I tried the Dolly Sods route--that was so cool! Some great views at the top but I wouldn't want to be stuck there in the rain or snow without a 4WD.
I did it as well three weeks ago. My naviagation system kept telling me to go that way so I thought "what the heck".
Man! That is some road! I was talking to my dad (who lives in Petersburg) about it and he said a couple of years ago they had a intern pastor who went up there in early winter to see some folks. Got stuck and a tow truck couldn't get him out. Had to leave the car up there until spring.
Has anybody tried to head north on 220 after getting off of the H2 Corr at Moorefield, & taking Cr2 from Old fields to Scherr? Also years ago I would take 522 from winchester to 127 to cut out a large portion of twisty turny 50......As soon as H2 is extended from moorefield to Bismarck, I'll give up my southern harrisonburg to the valley via 33 route....Big switchbacks on that route!...can be fun though...1 big go-cart track!...PS..40 degrees at 3700' right will snow on MPC(4770') before daybreak if it hasn't allready! Anybody see the pic of the 4700' top just next to MPC totally snow covered on May 19th?..might do it again!
Dolly Sods cam is showing SNOW(3700') & 35 degrees at 730AM..MPC At 4770" might be skiable!!....Its been flirting with snow up there for awhile now. Cold spring for the locals.
Is this that 1-lane gravel road that hugs the side of a mountain on one side and a shear cliff on the other? I took that and met a truck coming the other direction - what a game of "chicken". Very few spots wide enought to pass (scraping paint).
I love the signs up there with the warnings about traveling that route....especially the part that says they can get snow any month of the year!
Dolly Sods cam is showing SNOW(3700') & 35 degrees at 730AM..MPC At 4770" might be skiable!!....Its been flirting with snow up there for awhile now. Cold spring for the locals.
At 2 AM on the 23rd of may its 35 degrees at Canaan & 21 with blowing snow at Mount Washington,NH!! Anybody been to tuckermans lately? Glad I turned down my heat at my place up in West By...need to save some propane for next year!..Could have used this weather pattern in Jan..the last 7 days have seen an Ave high of 49.8 with rain changing to snow at 730am on the morn of the 19th & continued for a couple of hours.....THE GLACIERS ARE MELTING!!!