Picture From Blue Knob Last day open
June 9, 2006
Wow! still had a ton of snow. When was the date? Do people earn turns there after the lifts close? Or is it too hard to sneak in without being seen? What is the management attitude if they do see you? I realize its too late now of course - but for next year.

Middle of June? Where's the leaves on the trees? The LAST FULL weekend that Blue Knob was open (during the 2005-2006 season) was the FIRST weekend in March! BK tried to stay open past the following Saturday, but there wasn't any snow left around the lift loading/unloading areas. In fact, most of the snow near the exposed summit had melted off.
You goofs! I am presuming for Bushwacker, but I think he meant it's nice, in the month of June, to see photos of snow, that were obviously not TAKEN in June!

dude, I believe he meant now that it is the middle of June it is nice to look back at newly posted pictures of snow.
I don't see any logging devastation!
Middle of June? Where's the leaves on the trees? The LAST FULL weekend that Blue Knob was open (during the 2005-2006 season) was the FIRST weekend in March! BK tried to stay open past the following Saturday, but there wasn't any snow left around the lift loading/unloading areas. In fact, most of the snow near the exposed summit had melted off.
yeah its nice to see newly posted pictures in June(like the 3 sane people said), that was the last day Saturday the 8th of March. To ski extrovert you needed to grass ski that day. My TR is on this site somewhere.
ok, where is that abasin trip report? maybe not, i might get nostalgic and weep over my keyboard.
so, are you gonna become BushwackerinLCC ?
Actually it was squaw, Mammoth and Abasin will do TRs soon.
I am letting the user name go on here on TGR it will probaly jsut become bushwacker since I am becoming a world traveler;).
You're correct, the last day of skiing at BK was Sat., March 11.