What happened with Silver Streak?
June 28, 2006
- and the other changes that Timberline was proposing at this time last year? Can't remember if I skied T'line last season or not. I spent my time at Whitegrass. There was a substantial thread on here a year ago where the overwhelming sentiment was to save Silver Streak. Did we save T'line's best run?
Silver Streak was still there in its original tree-lined glory last I checked (May). Heading up this weekend, expect no changes yet. Curious to see if there is ANY activity on the mountain regarding fixing the snowmaking system that crapped out in Feb, or adding additional guns as they advertised at the end of the season.
My hope is that they won't spend money, man-hours, and tons of labor tearing out Silver Streak. I've not yet ridden it, but I really want too on my board. That would be a great achievement for me. They'd be better off investing most all time/money/effort into snowmaking this year.