NSR- in car autocross video from my Civic
July 13, 2006
this is what bushwacker does in the summer. Here is some incar video from sunday autocross. I ended up 1st in class, 2nd overall for the day.
http://autoxphotos.com/other/novr%201.wmvits really sweet you should watch it;).
Lets see some pics of your car. What is up with the music???

here is picture of the car not much to look at really, as for the music. Hard Rock really didnt work so I added some cheesy techno.... Hopefully there is sound next time.
yeah sorry about the music. I having difficulties capturing sound from video camera i hope I figure it out soon
How many cones had to die for you to make up half a second.
Is that what PA calls a "autocross lot"? Man That's a pitiful far cry from the 3rd gear courses at North Park in the old days. Then again there were lots of lots in the old days. North park, the zoo, Gulf Research, 2 different South Park lots, the old Wickes off of Parkway West, CCAC South, the 24 hour event at 3 rivers. That's not even getting into the events that would be too dangerous to even think about these days.

This was in weirton. We still run at north park, and now use beaverun. Also one event at washington county airport this year. Expect some more of these the rest of the summer if its ok with the people running the board. I know its not skiing, but hey its fun,fast, and turny.
Also i may appear that I was hitting cones but on the third run was clean and other than that maybe a cone or 2 for each run but if you not on those cones you are way to slow.
I really like course with no straight away, that means I have maxium advantage over anybody else.:)
Time for you to take the next step, grasshopper. Steel Cities is getting into the "Solo I" business again with Time Trials at Beaver Run the first weekend in August.
A clean weekend should get you a novice permit, and then next year you can have your summertime fun at a wintertime resort.
Snowshoe Hillclimb Not for me, though. I prefer playing with others over playing with myself.

did the time trail last year at beaverun. Was good time, but my car is severly outclassed in Hillclimbing and time trailing so really I am just out there for the seat time. Wont be going back again as I run for free with NASA and Beaverun at those track days. NASA even has Time trail where you get alot more runs then the Scca system. I am elgiable for the Snowshoe Hillclimb through NASA though(who ran it the past couple years) I might do it just for the experince dont really know yet.
As for road racing I am 9/10ths through the NASA system but I dont have the money(or the Time) to road race right now. when I do its is going to be in the slowest, lightest, cheapest car i can find. i am thinking a ITC 88-91 Civic right now. But that a couple years down the road.
How would someone go about being apart of something like this if they have never heard about it before? I've always been a fan of racing, and Subaru's so I figure if I can combine the two I'd love too.
As with anyone who wants to start this autocrossing is the place to start(what the first video is off). It teaches you skill you simply can not learn anywhere else, not to mentions its the cheapest, safest motorsport to take part in. for autocrossing all that is required is a safe well maintain street car, helmet and sense of humility:). Go to
www.scca.org and find your local region and schedule of where and when they run. Show up tell them i am newb and they will take you in as there own.
Outta of curiousity what kind of subie do you have?
Thanks for that information. I didn't even know if it was required to have a second 'race car' for those tracks. My main car that I just bought 6 months ago is a 2001 Subaru Outback Limited Edition with 2.5l SOHO engine and 5spd manual transmission. Although if I did something like this, I'd probably run out and spend like $3k on a used Subaru Outback Sport, WRX, Impreza or something of the like. The standard 4door wagons and Forresters are too heavy for the engines they have to be competitive.
I would say do it whatever you have first. You are going to suck at first no matter what car you are in trust me.
If you end up liking it and what to buy a another car here are my thoughts. The only subie I would recommend for someone with limited budget is a 2.5RS. Even at that there are much cheaper and faster choice out there than suburas. Civic,Miatas, Neons,old GTIs will all be cheaper and believe it not faster than the even a WRX.
But just my 2 cents...
Interesting, although not surprising that Civic's would be faster. If I got a vehicle, I wouldn't mind a Civic for use in that. I noticed on yours you have a number attached to the side. Did you have that decaled just for racing and to remove later?
they are magnetic number that i jsut throw on the roof when I am done. i actually have more that I take to bigger races with me to advertise for my dad.
I should also note stock vs stock a WRX can be faster than a civic(asssuming the driver style fit that an AWD turbo car), but buy simple coilovers and wider wheels and tires and the civic hatchback becomes a handling monster.
Double wishbones suspension will be better than mac struts any day of the week.
Thanks for that information. I didn't even know if it was required to have a second 'race car' for those tracks. My main car that I just bought 6 months ago is a 2001 Subaru Outback Limited Edition with 2.5l SOHO engine and 5spd manual transmission. Although if I did something like this, I'd probably run out and spend like $3k on a used Subaru Outback Sport, WRX, Impreza or something of the like. The standard 4door wagons and Forresters are too heavy for the engines they have to be competitive.
Most autocross groups have a specific class for your vehicle and modifications done to it. You would not necessarily be running directly against Bushwacker's honda.
The good news and bad news is, You are located in the Washington DC region of the SCCA, one of the strongest regions in the US. The bad news is that there are LOTS of people who take even autocrossing seriously. The dc region events have between 260 to 300 entrants, and sometimes online registration is open for only 15-20 minutes before the event is full. The other bit of bad news is that the DC region has pretty much settled on one very good venue for holding their autocrosses, and that is at Fed Ex field. That could be a bit of a haul for you. An alternative in the mid atlantic, would be another group called NASA-VA. Here is their web page. There are also other car clubs that have events in the DC and Richmond areas, but you might need to do a bit of searching to find them. Your best bet would be to join a local subaru club, and find the autocrossers in the club.
Another alternative would be to look at entering driver training events at Summit Point Motorsports Park. They have programs like the Friday At The Track which is a combination of classroom and on track training. It is NOT a competition, but alot of people use it to feed their need for speed. Lots of car clubs have similar events.
btw, this weekend the DC region will be having the 5th event in their Mid Atlantic Road Racing Series at summit point. The picture I posted above is from that series, where I race a 1st generation Mazda rx7 in a class called Spec RX7. It is a fairly popular and inexpensive class, as you could buy a car for well under $5000 dollars ready to go. Several racers even have their cars licensed for the street and have driven to and from events. Most race cars re not street legal.
Good luck.