Trip plans for the Season?
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July 24, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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From other posts it sounds like some folks are starting to make plans for the coming season. No whining and crying about the price of gas, intrawest taking over the world, holes rusted in my fenders, bush kangarooes, u no "skippy, skippy, skippy the bush kangaroo" jkmm, none of that. Just where you plan on being local, northeast out west where ever. I'll start, I will ski Laurel Mountain this year, open or not .
Roger Z
July 24, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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At least one driving trip to Colorado (I'm in KC- just in denial also hence the reason it still says Blacksburg) and one long weekend to Utah. Maybe two driving trips to CO, depending on how things work out vacation-wise. Oh, and an occasional alcoholic foray to our local hill: Snow Creek ( It makes Winterplace look like Whistler (OH NO! INTRAWEST OWNS WHISTLER! ). But I figure with the right mix of beer and desperation, it could be enjoyable for a morning or apres-work trip.
Laurel Hill Crazie
July 24, 2006
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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I'll start, I will ski Laurel Mountain this year, open or not .

Post when you go, I'll meet you there.
July 24, 2006
Member since 01/17/2005 🔗
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my easies:
* Whitetail, Liberty
a little harder
* on a forcast, timberline and wisp
a dream
* hopefully I can tack on a day at loveland with a work trip to C-Springs flying out of Denver
a goal
* maybe another trip to the Rockies (have to look at the school calendar).
July 24, 2006
Member since 11/23/2004 🔗
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I liked how that was layed out.

Snowshoe (S-Pass), Homestead (15mins), Wintergreen

Timberline, Beech, Sugar, Canaan, Whitetail

Tahoe Vacation

Sponsor, Whistler

*Also note that I have a Vacation booked to Vermont in the First Week of February. Jay, Stowe, Smuggs, Kmart, and Wildcat all on the agenda.
July 25, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
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OK, Here're my plans as of right now:
12/26 - 1/1
1/24 - 1/28
2/16 - 2/19

Day trips as the opportunity presents itself.

I usually take a trip out west for 8 - 9 days with my buddy, I just haven't planned it yet.
I'll probably go back out to Summit County Colorado and do the tour again (A-Basin, Breck, Keystone, Copper, Vail, etc).

July 25, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
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Local Mountains are always a crapshoot. I never know when I'll show up at them but I do. Blue Knob is on the list this year because I haven't been there in a few years.

The big trip is to Breckenridge during Ullr Fest (late January). Probably will ski Copper and A-Basin while there.
July 25, 2006
Member since 12/9/2004 🔗
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Tenative plans for the season include

Some late summer grass skiing at bryce.

Hike for turn at HV or timberline if we get near a foot of snow prior to lifts opening....

first lift serviced turns at 7s around thanksgiving, then packing up with Sandy,Utah set as final destantation again. Stop and visit me friend Jamie in Colorado ski for few days there. Utah will were most of my season is spent.

The trips from Utah will include in order. A drive back the home land sometime in late feburary to ski(yes I am demented).

TGR Summit in Aspen whenever that is.

Epic Gathering in Lake Tahoe March 24 and 25th.

Mammoth in Late May with some friends from PA.

Other places that I will like to try to make it to include Jackson, Wy, and Whistler, BC there is also those pending applications to some southern hempishere ski resort......
July 25, 2006
Member since 11/23/2004 🔗
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A little off topic, but Warren, you say you live in Clifton, VA? There is no clifton, VA, but Clifton FORGE is 5 miles east of me. Do you reside in clifton forge?

Just a little sidetracked. Sorry.
July 25, 2006
Member since 07/15/2004 🔗
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Sticking to Canaan Valley again this season. Goal is 20 ski days mostly at Timberline. I'll definately ski at CVSP again, and must get back over to Whitegrass (it's been 2 years).

No trip out West this year - I'm targetting a Colorado trip in '08 (provided there is still some natural snow then ) when my daughter turns 6.
July 25, 2006
Member since 01/27/2004 🔗
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Week in Utah (little cottonwood), and then local skiing as time/weather permit
July 25, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
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Nope, I'm in Clifton, Va.
Actually, I live in Centreville, Va. but my community mails to Clifton.
The historic town is considered exclusive so it drives up the re-sale values of our homes by being associated.

July 25, 2006
Member since 12/9/2004 🔗
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Hey BTW my schedule came in from Snowbird. I have almost every saturday and sunday off. Not the best thing but when people vacation you can come visit.
July 25, 2006
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
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..There is no clifton, VA, but ...

I drove through Clifton many times. it's located in northern VA. Clicky -->>

Back to trip plans..

My trip plans will include 7-10 days in Utah during FEB.

Possible one week in March out west either in Colorado or Tahoe region.

On days during DEC/JAN/FEB/MAR will be at some local places around here.
July 25, 2006
Member since 11/23/2004 🔗
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I typed in Clifton, Va into the NWS Blacksburg pge (Its what I had up at the time) and it did not find a Clifton, VA. I should search harder next time.
July 25, 2006
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
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Tenative plans for the season include

Some late summer grass skiing at bryce.

keep an eye out for some poison-green Dolomites.
Laurel Hill Crazie
July 25, 2006
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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*Also note that I have a Vacation booked to Vermont in the First Week of February. Jay, Stowe, Smuggs, Kmart, and Wildcat all on the agenda.

This could prove to be the highlight of the season!
Laurel Hill Crazie
July 25, 2006
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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Tenative plans for the season include

Some late summer grass skiing at bryce.

I stayed at Bryce in early June. There was tubing but no grass skiing. Best to call ahead to see if they're offering.

It's been a few years since I last stalked the Blue Ridge. I had forgotten the vertical rise of the ridge as you travel south, up valley into the mountains with the Alleghenies to the west. It begs the question, why no 1500 vertical ski areas?

Bryce is in the heart of it but stuck there on the eastern flank of the Alleghenies, a mere 500 vertical or so?

What's the drop at Mass'o'nuttin? What's the challenge there?

What's the place in Virginia?
Laurel Hill Crazie
July 25, 2006
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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My plans for this season? Teach local or not, local PSIA clinics, BK if cover is good, more often if excellent, T-line if there is special reason and 7S by default because they're always a sure bet.

I hope to be in Northern VT in spring. I'm hopin to chomps some late season corn amongst the sugar trees at Jay, Stowe, Smuggs or even Mad River (per chance a last nor'easter).
Roger Z
July 25, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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why no 1500 vertical ski areas

Because, silly, Intrawest created global warming to prevent it. EVERYONE knows that...

...speaking of global warming, it's over again for the summer. Murphy happily reported via email earlier this week that the official hottest day of the year (on average) in Blacksburg has passed, meaning we've now entered global cooling. Okay, hemispherical cooling. Okay, it's seasonal. And okay, we've still gotta get through August. And yeah, here in Kansas we have four days to go until we turn the corner (which I'll be "celebrating" by camping on a 75 degree night in the Flint Hills). But nonetheless, the corner is slowly and imperceptibly being turned.

Next sign of global cooling: gear guide from Ski Magazine. Should be out any week now.
July 26, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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intrawest is also responsible for..... oh, yeah, trip plans, ok besides LM, i figure to spend 20 days in canaan valley, here and there . Utah trip is 90% go but the dates are still up in the air. Friend is looking into a trip to tahoe, stay down south at harrah's, either in mid december or mid january, i figure that one is 65% go.

I'm *still* trying to make my first trip to Blue knob, hope this is the year, couple of daytrips to 7springs for gambling, oops i meant skiing. I feel better just talking about the season.
July 26, 2006
Member since 10/4/2001 🔗
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Spring break in Tremblant again. Fun fun Fun!
this will be our third time family of four, keeps everyone happy
JimK - DCSki Columnist
July 28, 2006
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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It's been a few years since I last stalked the Blue Ridge. I had forgotten the vertical rise of the ridge as you travel south, up valley into the mountains with the Alleghenies to the west. It begs the question, why no 1500 vertical ski areas?

Bryce is in the heart of it but stuck there on the eastern flank of the Alleghenies, a mere 500 vertical or so?

What's the drop at Mass'o'nuttin? What's the challenge there?

What's the place in Virginia?

The best place of the four in VA is unquestionably Wintergreen, but beware of crowded weekends. Massanutten is next (1100' vert). In a trip report I filed a few years ago on The Homestead I lamented that the 700' vertical could have been easily expanded to 1200 or more quality feet of vertical if they had just strung their chairlift to the top of the ridge it is on. I think they stopped short because some kind of land swap deal with local conservation interests, which can't be overturned. Bryce is small as you know, but great for learners.

About trip planning: I'm finding airfares to Denver during the upcoming winter about half of those for SLC, $200 vs $350?? That might dictate my plans as I pay for numerous family members to keep me company on chairlifts .
August 1, 2006
Member since 10/6/2005 🔗
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Have been skiing for four seasons now -- mostly HV (where I had bought a place 5 summers ago and immediately took up skiing). Also ski 7S and one or two trips per season to snowshoe (able to get away mid-week and never had an issue with crowds). Will definitely/obviously ski these again this coming season and also, definitely plan to hit TL and/or CV based on what I've learned here. Also, will not miss opportunity for LM should it open.
Did a summer motorcycle ride past WISP -- not convinced from what I saw it is worth a ski trip vs.TL/CV or SS?? Any opinions on this one??
But this year, I am also hoping to take in my first trip out West. Because of business obligations, I missed an opportunity to do Whistler, with friends, two seasons ago and Park City last season. This season they are considering Big Sky,
I DEFINITELY plan a trip out West this coming, either with grp to Big Sky or somewhere just wife and I (we are in our early 50's).

SEEKING ADVICE: Where would you pick for your first ski adventure out West (probably in March)??? Opinions from this group are greatly appreciated!
JimK - DCSki Columnist
August 2, 2006
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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There are many great choices depending on your specific interests, but honestly a March trip with friends to Big Sky could be outstanding. Although I've never been there the place is known for scenery, variety, a nice batch of intermediate runs, no crowds, and weather should be moderate by March. Search DCSki for: postcard from big sky. You'll get a nice trip report from 2005.
Of the 15 or so western places I have visited I usually cite the Aspen area as my favorite. Lots of great skiing at four mtns and a very entertaining ski town.
August 2, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
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I spent 8 days in Summit County, Colorado last year. It was a blast. I think my overall favorite there was Vail (we didn't make the drive to Aspen as we stayed in Dillon). But Keystone, Breckenridge, and Copper also had some real nice terrain (I assume you're looking for blue?). A-Basin seemed to offer a larger amount of serious advanced/expert terrain. Many of their single-black diamonds would be doubles else-where

August 2, 2006
Member since 12/9/2004 🔗
649 posts
Have you been to Mammoth, Squaw, or the LCC canyon resorts? All of these places have mucher steeper stuff than A-basin, which is still a really fun little resort just not as hard as some other places I visited, in my limited time out there so far.

I am going to try to freeski as many resort I possiably can out there this year, this is going to be my new companion for all of my trips.
August 2, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
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My trips will be the usual. Lot's of Whitetail, might throw some Liberty into the mix, at least one trip to 7 Springs and Wisp and a week in Utah. This season I need to finish the loop in Utah, or at least try. Last season we hit Park City, Powder Mountain, Snowbird and the Canyons. This year I want to hit Brighton, Solitude and Snowbasin. Thats if I have enough will power to resist the call of McConkeys Bowl and Jupiter Bowl in PCR and the tastiness that is Powder Country at Pow Mow mmmmm yum yum!.

Now that new gear season is coming I have a twinkle in my eye just thinking about a new Neversummer Titan TX. Common sense tells me to stay with the Burton, it's just hitting it's sweet spot but new gear s just so damn pretty. Maybe I'll just buy some new gloves.
August 3, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
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Yea, I've been to Snowbird in LCC. I know what you mean there! I generally stick to Little Cloud Bowl and the more single-black lines down Mineral Basin.
I need to get my technique cleaner before I start trying to run anything too hairy

August 3, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
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Mineral bowl is very sweet. It's one of those spots where looking over the edge makes you pause for a second and revaluate what you really think your ability is. When we got there last year the steeper lines were tracked out so I traversed as far around as I could and still got some nice albeit chopped up soft stuff.
August 8, 2006
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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Ya Jimmy, I plan on doing a main course of t-line once again this season with a side of CV, Wisp, the shoe, and a desert of a trip out west.....somewhere. Maybe a guy's trip if the Mrs is not up to speed by that time. T-line has 64 new snow sticks ready to go up on the full length of thunder for the season. They're laying in the parking lot as I write. Might make things even better there. I plan on doing a total of 40 to 50 days, weather cooperating that is.
August 8, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
How early is too early to plan a trip?? I've already started pricing up flights to Utah, lodging and car options etc. Is that prudent or is it just the sickness??

Soon the twitching and cold sweats will begin.
August 8, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
485 posts

Soon the twitching and cold sweats will begin.

Man, that all started for me the day after I declared the 05/06 season over!

August 9, 2006
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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Been checking out the western websites and airfare already? Sounds like a grand idea! I'm trying to decide where and when now. Gotta beat the crowd!
August 9, 2006
Member since 05/22/2006 🔗
44 posts
Planning the usual - 7S and HV with a day trip or two to either/both Whitetail and Liberty. Maybe a trip to Utah SLC - Canyons/Brighton/Solitude/Alta/Etc. Enjoy the mountains there with benefit of seeing friends.
Roger Z
August 12, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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Officially booked: Park City Jan 12-21. Not sure if I'll be out there the whole week or just part of it yet. Hope they get good snow in December! Anyone else know if they'll be out that way about that time? Maybe we can miss each other on the busses and liftlines again this year.
August 14, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
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I'll probably be there in January but I have a feeling it will be more towards the end of the month. I'm thinking I'll end up doing the same as last year and stay in the Little American in SLC then drive everywhere I want to go. I also see that my favorite hill, Powder Mountain, is getting a new high speed quad upping my powder turn quota.
August 15, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
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Officially got the wife to approve a big ski trip. My group is going to Breckenridge Jan 6-13 for Ullr Fest. Will probably ski Breck, Copper, and possibly one other mountain. Then my buddy and I (we're driving out in my truck) will go north to Montana (Big Sky, Red Lodge, Badger Bowl), south to southern Colorado (Crested Butte, Silverton, and Wolf Creek) or northwest (Steamboat, Jackson Hole, Targhee). All depending on where the storms are hitting. Can't wait for this one!
August 15, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
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If you haven't been there yet, you ought to try to make it to the back bowls of Vail
Keystone was a lot of fun as well. On one of their far peaks, there was some really fun (and not deadly ) tree-skiing.

August 15, 2006
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
1,052 posts

I'd skip either Breck, Copper, or Keystone and ski Winter Park instead. WP is one of my favorite ski areas in Colorado. Mary Jane is a must do for all advanced skiers & boarders.
August 16, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
Thanks for the advice. I've done many trips to Colorado and have hit most of the I-70 resorts. (I have not done Aspen or Beaver Creek).

A-Basin is my favorite.
Copper, Winter Park, and Keystone all hold special places in my heart for their terrain (including trees).
Breck is going to get a second chance. Now that they've opened the lift to the top of the mountain (instead of hiking when I visited 6 years ago), it may have an opportunity to get off my ***t list. (real bad experience 6 years ago).
August 17, 2006
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
Hello DC ski!

I dont have any for sure big travel plans this winter. We will maintin the diet of heavy 7S patronage and I will probably hit the local areas like whitetail at least a few days as well.

Looking forward to taking 2 longer extended trips this winter. One to Utah and one to another undecided location. Hope everyone is surviving this summer. I know some of you will be up at 3AM guzzleing cofee pouring over gear guides and searching for that elusive cheapest mid-february fare to denver or SLC. :P
August 18, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
While you're all waiting for the snow to fall don't be disheartened. You can always try this
August 18, 2006
Member since 01/28/2004 🔗
187 posts
This is one where you can see it coming. I think I'll wait for the snow!
August 18, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
brings you back to that old tip crossing discussion we had during the winter.
September 24, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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Anyone got wax recommendations?

Sounds like trip to tahoe is lining up for week of Jan 22. Not sure where we're staying yet; if you had four days at Tahoe where would you spend them? How much of a difference does where you stay, north/south have on where to ski?
September 24, 2006
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts

Anyone got wax recommendations?

Sounds like trip to tahoe is lining up for week of Jan 22. Not sure where we're staying yet; if you had four days at Tahoe where would you spend them? How much of a difference does where you stay, north/south have on where to ski?

Removal of unwanted body hair is always a good idea before vacation.
This wax is highly rated. :P
Roger Z
September 24, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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After you get your bikini on, Jimmy, you may want to try Alpine Meadows, Sugar Bowl, and Squaw. All three up north. Two days for Squaw.
September 25, 2006
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts

if you had four days at Tahoe where would you spend them?

Kirkwood, Squaw. Heavenly is ok but if the whole mountain isn't open, it may be disappointing (if you're a big double diamond person). These are the only 3 places I've skied there. Alpine Meadows has a reputation for more family friendly and Northstar has a good reputation. Don't count them out.


How much of a difference does where you stay, north/south have on where to ski?

Depends on the weather. If you rent a vehicle, go for the snow tires. A regular car will make you buy snow chains. Kirkwood is a little bit of a drive but well worth it in my opinion (Only mountain there that I've revisited in later years). However, it is south of South Lake Tahoe. If you stay North, there are more options close by (Alpine Meadows, Northstar). From Heavenly to Squaw, it took us over an hour (in a blizzard) If you want to gamble, stay on the Nevada side (big casinos near Heavenly)
JimK - DCSki Columnist
September 25, 2006
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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Jimmy, for only four days you might want to pick north or south and not try to visit areas in both directions. There is sort of a natural geographic division. Are you flying into Reno like most folks do? If so, then staying north side is logical. The line-up Roger suggests is good. Squaw would be the really "not to miss" one up north. Northstar gets a rap as a lame area, but I understand it has a backside with a lot of great upper intermediate cruisers which might be nice after a couple days of hard charging elsewhere, supposed to also be good for snowy day visability as trails are treelined rather than open bowls. Another option if you wanted a place convenient to Reno is Mt. Rose. It might be good for first or last ski day in the area.
When I was out there two years ago I flew into Sacramento (got a deal on airfare there) and went to just Kirkwood and Heavenly because they were both on the southside and I had a family connection at Kirkwood. They were a nice combo if you go that route. Also in that neck of the woods is Sierra at Tahoe ski area.

Here's a handy map:
September 25, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
303 posts

if you had four days at Tahoe where would you spend them? How much of a difference does where you stay, north/south have on where to ski?

Staying in Truckee has worked very well for us in the past. Relatively inexpensive options at hotels/condos or even B&B's with a short, flat drive e.g. 8 miles to Squaw, 13 to Alpine Meadows. Northstar is about 8 miles the other way and Diamond Peak is just a bit further around the north end of the lake. In short, you minimize the driving time from Reno and maximize your ski time while keeping costs in check. Hard to beat!
September 25, 2006
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
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I did my first trip to Tahoe this past winter. We flew from IAD to San Fran and then to Reno. If you get into Reno late or leave out of Reno early in the am, plan on staying at the Reno Airport Hilton. It's right across the street from the airport. We stayed at the Hilton on the way in and on the way out for only $25/nite using Hotwire. The Hilton is a huge hotel with 7-8 resturants, pool, and a big casino. Plus you can save $ on a rentacar because you can pick it up the next morning before heading to the slopes and you can also drop it off the nite before you leave. The hotel has a shuttle to the airport. The hotel also offered shuttles and discounted lift tickets to the ski areas.

We skied Squaw, Alpine Meadows, Homewood, & Mt. Rose. Squaw and Alpine were lots of fun with some steep terrain. The atmosphere at Alpine reminded me of MRG. The chutes on the front side of Mt. Rose were also a lot of fun. Homewood is a smaller ski area with lots of tree skiing, but its not very steep. We ended up skiing Homewood because the lifts at the other areas were on wind hold, plus Homewood had a fairly cheap lift ticket. As an added bonus, Homewood still had lots of pockets of untracked snow several days after the storm.

As with most west coast trips, plan on loosing a day for travel.
September 25, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
I'm getting close to booking the Utah trip but am having some participant issues. Last year it was just me and a like minded buddy heading out there to rip pow for a week. This year two of his friends want to come which I was cool with up until I met one this weekend. Want to talk about a wrench in the works? I have heard of friends going on a trip and the little annoying things about your buddy eventually ending up causing you to want to commit first degree. I can see this ending with me in jail before we get to the airport.
September 25, 2006
Member since 12/9/2004 🔗
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I would tell you friend that his friend is a tool and leave him. I have done this before, and am a lot less stress because of it.
September 25, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
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To be honest that's pretty much what it will come down to. I don't think I'll have too much resistance to it either. The way we worked it last year we had an excellent trip, no problems, no arguements over where to go, no hanging around for one person to drag thir butt out of bed. If it really comes to it and it sounds like this guy is definitely in then I'm definitely out and I'll figure something else out.
September 25, 2006
Member since 03/14/2005 🔗
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Tahoe--my last trip I stayed on the south side near heavenly...have some buddies livin out runs a groomer in heavenly's park shaping big kickers and the other is the locally proclaimed Mayor...we rendevuuuued with about 15 buddies from all parts of the country, I won't mention most of the details about the trip in writing but I can tell you this-stay on the south side near Heavenly and the Casinos. I didn't do much gambling but the Casinos are crucial for cheap meals and free drinks(and the occasional drink with a rock star...the mayor and a few others had some stiff drinks with Vince Neil,who was wearing a fur trench coat, and was with two lovely lady friends). It's a flashy ridiculous seen near tahoe but like I said cheap meals and free drinks. THe resorts I would recommend...ALpine Meadows, Kirkwood are must and Squaw is a good two dayer atleast...If you choose to ski/ride at Heavenly go straight to Kilibroo(sp) canyon...If you know anybody or can hook up with some locals there is some great backcountry on the way to kirkwood and even south of there(it's a good idea to have some avy peeps). We spent several days hiking a place called Water Tower...building kickers and riding some sticky steeeep sluff stuff. If your out there and run into the prepared not to sleep.
September 25, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Thanks all this is Good Stuff.

Tromano so the idea with that wax you use is to take the hair off b4 u hit the pavement?? , i was asking aboutwax for the skis .

What i no so far our best bet is lodging with harrah's so we're definitly sleeping in NV, cheep meals and free drinks ok also, mayor of? Heavenly? Jimk thanks for the map, yes we're flying into reno.

Did you do this from Reno? Rental Car? What's the drive like? You could add Northstar to the list i think my guys would like that first day, maybe we'll have to stay longer than four days.


We skied Squaw, Alpine Meadows, Homewood, & Mt. Rose. Squaw and Alpine were lots of fun with some steep terrain. The atmosphere at Alpine reminded me of MRG. The chutes on the front side of Mt. Rose were also a lot of fun. Homewood is a smaller ski area with lots of tree skiing, but its not very steep. We ended up skiing Homewood because the lifts at the other areas were on wind hold, plus Homewood had a fairly cheap lift ticket. As an added bonus, Homewood still had lots of pockets of untracked snow several days after the storm.

kennedy its ur trip you are definitly in! Like ur parameters tho it's all about the snow!?
September 27, 2006
Member since 07/13/2004 🔗
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We stayed at the Reno Airport Hilton on the first night and the last night of our trip. It seemed that most of the flights from DC didn't get into Reno until late and that most of the returning flights left out of Reno in the early am. We rented an SUV in the am and stayed up to North Tahoe for our entire trip. North Tahoe didn't have a huge choice of hotels/motels. We ended staying at the Cal-Neva which was Frank Sinatra's place. It had a small casino, resturant, hot tub, discount lift tickets, but was a bit expensive. From what I was told, North Tahoe is for skiers, while South Tahoe is for the pretty people who like to hang in the lodge or casinos.

If you go to Squaw, I highly recommend the Granite Chief lift/area. It has everything, bumps, steeps, cornices, trees, rocks, hiking, etc. 100's of lines down from the top. It seemed to be pretty sheltered if it's windy or snowing.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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