October 6, 2006
It hadn't been said in a while, and I know Andy is jonsing for a BOAH thread.
Carry on.
YOU DAMB RIGHT!!! Where u been Gat Man?? "Some" of us missed you!! The more I CK out That Mtn the more I See a Sleeping Giant Waiting to be Awakened.....BRING ON ALMOST HEAVEN!!!!!!
Let me add...Forget all of the Goody 2 Shoe,EnviremMENTAL friendly PITAS(Pain In The Ass) ,Granola Crunchin,Salamander over MAN Lovin,"We will never make it" Negative non believer's!!! Worried about a little traffic down Route 32(maybe the owner of the 76 gas station could get back in buisness)Global warming scaredycats,Farmer loving(over millions of tax paying AMERICANS),Afraid that all thier money spent on EXOTIC & EXPENSIVE Skiing vacations out west might be devalued,Timberline home owners Holding out for "thier Dream),...I could go on & on.....GET-R-DONE!!!!
Do you guys have any real news, rumor or otherwise?
We're Just BS'in John....I did hear a rumor that the Hotel chain Best Western might be building a place at the base of TL..anything to this?
Has anybody heard anything new? Some of the locals are still convinced it's going to happen, and then there's Tory... Any juicy rumors out there?

My buddy bought some land about 10 miles outside of Elkins (towards Harman) about 1 to 1 1/2 years ago. His realtor told him about 4 or 5 monthes ago that the value of his land has already doubled because of a plan to build a ski resort very close to it.....I don't know what all that is about or even what resort it would be, but I did think it was interesting.......also I was fishing with a guy in Harman and on our way back to Elkins he pointed out back towards Harman from the top of Rich Mtn. and said "They are going to build a ski resort right back there"....I didn't ask any questions because he didn't really seem to know much about it....I just thought that too was interesting....