Wanted: Woman that likes skiing/boarding & winter
September 1, 2006
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I figured since I"m wide awake at 2am with only client work to do for the next two weeks I would put a shameless plug on here about I'll be taking applications for the special someone in life. She *must* meet the following requirements or at least be willing to enjoy them:
- Loves snow more than me.
- Squeals like a school girl and dances when someone hits a 360* frontside grab.
- Enjoys taking the weekend or weekday impromptu trip to TL just because it snowed.
- Wakes me up at 5am to start packing to goto TL because it snowed at 2am.
- Doesn't like Christmas without 3 feet of snow, 2 working lifts, and a whaled up drop.
- Knows who Shawn White & Bode Miller are.
- Doesn't think poaching the whales means illegal fishing in the Pacific.
- Thinks global warming means wearing a hot suit.
and finally...
- First tracks doesn't mean her prom night at age 17.
This a very TGR like post JONG;). I would say your requirements are a little stiff ha.
I found this girl 2 seasons ago.....becareful though, it will be the best thing in your life whens its good, if it doesnt work you ll probably never forget her though.....
FYI I would say your chance are much better if you lived in SLC, Colorado, VT,In the Middle alantic kinda of slim pickings.
Sorry, already taken.

Please a girl like this is not so rare. Really, they do exist.
Hey DCSki Ladies, It does appear that there are way fewer gals on the slopes. Why do you think that is?
Brad, maybe you're not spending enough time on the hill to find that special lady

I dunno, I never thought the sport was so heavily titled toward male participation.
My ex-girlfriend loved skiing. She dumped me right after I taught her.

My current girlfriend seriously dug our trip to Wisp last year, which frankly surprised me since a) it was freezing that weekend and b) she's from El Salvador. I thought she'd go numb up there but she never got cold. She had a blast. Turns out that although she's from the tropics she doesn't like hot weather at all.
As soon as I get her to the intermediate level, she'll probably leave me for Brad or something.

Anyway, just a warning that having a skiing-significant-other isn't always what it's cracked up to be.
take my wife...please!!!
just kidding. (Actually, today is something like our 26th or 27th anniversary)
(Actually, today is something like our 26th or 27th anniversary)
If you don't pin down the exact number, just remember it as your last. 
A woman will really slow you down...longer to get ready in the morn,longer bathroom breaks..monthly bitchin on the slopes,Blues instead of blacks(unless the blacks are groomed)...& only help the ugly woman skiers up when they fall or YOU will be black & blue!...can't live with them...can't live without them...GOOD LUCK!...I do love my Sweetness though.
You can meet skiing/boarding young ladies at the slopes. I asked my Wife to our first date when I ran into her while night skiing at Winterplace. We eventually got engaged while on a skiing trip to Vermont. Five kids later, what can I say. I don't let my wife ski too much, because I'm afraid she'd kick my a$$ on the slopes!

There's lots of skiing babes out there. Hang in there. Ever been to the Foggle Goggle for Apres Ski at 7 Springs? One of the best local apres skis in the area.
Per Andy's sage wisdom, I've always vowed that the one thing I will NEVER do in life is take a honeymoon to a ski resort. The sheer inertia of the missus on her honeymoon combined with my rampant affection for hitting first turns will surely result in a divorce before we ever even fly back home to start writing "thank you" cards. ESPECIALLY if it's a powder day.
The woman who disagrees with me here is the woman you should (hell, we all should) be dating... and yes don't forget the anniversary. Sage advice from JohnL.

SCWVA - That's actually part of my top secret plan, scope out fallen damsel's in distress, stop, render assistance in a kind gentlemanly way. It works every time, until the rest of her group catches up and there is a boyfriend that swoops over and says "Thanks for helping her up..." which is queue for me to high tail it out of there. I think maybe I should start an application resume process for finding a lady...
As for that webshots site... THAT's my style of chick~!

Ok well in my mind anyway cause Lord knows one of those Kelly Clark style girls wouldn't have a second look at me. On a more serious note, just having someone who enjoys going to a ski resort and cruising down any difficulty level along with eventual kids would be preferable. Heck at this point, I'd not mind just having somene who is female first and then sorting out the snow stuff later. lol
Romance and skiing doesn't mix. My wife always gets amourous on the ski trips. I need to get my rest for the skiing the next day. We get in an argument and it just explodes by the end of the week.
Per Andy's sage wisdom, I've always vowed that the one thing I will NEVER do in life is take a honeymoon to a ski resort. The sheer inertia of the missus on her honeymoon combined with my rampant affection for hitting first turns will surely result in a divorce before we ever even fly back home to start writing "thank you" cards. ESPECIALLY if it's a powder day.
The woman who disagrees with me here is the woman you should (hell, we all should) be dating... and yes don't forget the anniversary. Sage advice from JohnL.
would you not agree, though, that if you plan your honeymoon at a ski resort she is probobly just as excited about skiing as you are?
Seriously, not all women view their honeymoon as some ultimate romantic bonding experience. Personally, when I think of what I would want, I have always thought a ski vacation would be THE ultimate honeymoon. And NOT because I want to spend the entire week or whatever holed up in the room/cottage.
I learned to ski so I could date my now wife. I found her and skiing later in life - 32 years old. She's skied since she was like 6. Anyway, it was a hard road learning to ski well enough to keep up with her. Now I'm just reckless enough that I generally ski faster than her - but last season she got a new pair of t-9 burnin' loves and it's all I can do to stay in her powder trail. She does have trouble finding other ladies that ski at her level though - so she always has to ski with the boys.
in high school we use to check out the girls and then gently 'run into' the better looking ones. a nice apology and help getting them back to their feet was as good an intro as we could come up with and actually worked pretty well.
Try chatting up DCSki's own Ski Mistress,
It doesn't sound as if she's attached

Speaking of a Ski Mistress...are there any lady's out there willing to get up real early for a rendevous before the "Sweetness" wakes? Can we meet at the Canaan valley stores when I am sent there for her favorate Java? I could split off for a quick run down "off the wall" with you & then...well,I'll call!How bout some "Dumpster love" a couple times a day during her bathroom breaks?...If willing to make this sacrefice & spend some time with a damb good looking & a hell of a good skier....Call 1-800-Ineedsomestrange...I do love my Sweetness though!
Roy, I hope your tongue is far inside your cheek....all of us should have such a problem!
The Colonel

Now that she skis a lot better, it's not as much of a problem. However, we do have arguments on who has to do the most work!
One would hope, QOTS. By the way... you wanna dump your husband and go do a ski honeymoon with me?

I promise we'll be too busy skiing to worry about any of that amorous crap that poor Roy keeps getting subjected to. It must be terrible Roy... tell Brad how bad that is!

I'm not sold on the ski HM either.
Reasoning thus:
The purpose of the HM is to stand out in memory as a truly epic experience never to be repeated let alone bested. It stands out in memory to provide courage and motivation through the tough times.
We are skiers/sliders who will keep on skiing and improving skills and gear. Therefore each next ski trip is in competition with the ski-HM for 'best overall'.
I'm not sure if I'd be thrilled with a ski honeymoon unless it was something in New Zealand or somewhere else epic. Honestly though, I don't see skiing/snowboarding being an issue with a couple if both love it, both are ready to have the ambitions during the winter of getting to the resorts etc. Quite frankly what I would look forward to in a relationship (if I ever have one before I'm 50) is that hopefully a gf would like to ski/snowboard. Not just recreationaly, but actually look forward to powder dumps, enjoy a rush down the slopes, and savor the moment of riding a chairlift when it's blowing a blizzard out. Then during the winter me and that lady can get up, head to TLine, HV, or whereever for a day or weekend out. When I think about it, if a future spouse doesn't at least have half the enjoyment for snow sports that I do, that can make for a lonely ride to and from the resorts in wishing for that special someone to enjoy something with me that means something to me.
You could meet one or too many if you go out on the slopes over the weekend somewhere.
I met her the first time on the lift ride up to the top of Heavenly mtn. We hit it off pretty good after few laps down the mtn. She ski and I ride. No problem as long as she smiles. You know that cute smile when you see one. During the week stay at the hotel down in SouthLakeTahoe, I've bumped into her again few times at the Starbuck, restaurants, and the lobby so from there we end up having a pleasant convo. I was stuck with the group having its' own plans on where to hit (Squaw, Kirkwood, Northstar, etc) So she couldn't join us at that time. Anyway,that was back in March 2002.
Fast forward 1.5 years later.
Oct 2003
I thought I saw her walking past me at the corn maze area in northern VA and it was dark. I sent short msg to her pager asking if that was her I saw walking past a few minutes ago. She said yes. For some reasons, we couldn't find each other in the maze or in the parking lot. But we kept in touch by emails.
December 2003 - She and I end up in the same group of friends renting the house near Wisp for the skiing weekend. We hit it off great on and off the slope.
January - March 2004 - Just two of us, we went skiing/snowboarding at few different local ski areas.
Spring/Summer we went seakayaking, biking, hiking, camping etc.
Winter 2004/2005 we went skiing/snowboarding including the trip to Lake Tahoe.
We got married OCT 2005 and went on the honeymoon up in the Poconos (snowmobiling, skiing, horseriding, sleighride, tubing, etc) during December 2005.
Little background on my wife:
- learn to ski at age 4
- her father is a ski patroller parttime near Cleveland OH
- knew how to have fun in the snow growing up near Lake Ontario & Lake Erie (Cleveland, Rochester, Buffalo)
Last year, we bought the house on a small hill. She asked me if we could try ski down the front yard when it snow.
Now you see why I love my wife.

Some of us aren't lucky enough to make it out of the Mid-Atlantic for women hunting. lol Heck at this point, I'd be happy if a girl acknowledged me at all. heh.
If you really want a woman that bad Brad, then get down on your knees & pray for her...like I did....You'll get YOUR "sweetness" 3/4 sweet..1/4 pure hell...Woman come in all shapes & sizes & looks...But they are all pretty much the same..Trust me...Your life will change..BIG TIME!..If you think you work hard now..you ain't seen nothing yet...your ski trips will be ALTERED a little/lot...you will be a suck up & kiss ass dude for awhile but then your Manhood should kick in & the "fun" begins!....Good Luck...Your going to get your WISH!!!
Pffft, there isn't anything wrong with work or change in that manner. So far in the world of women going back to 1998, I'm 0 for 14. Go me! I'm hoping if I hit 0 for 20, someone will give me a lifetime achievement award for still being alive. lol
... if you are over 55 and would rather go to bed early for 1st tracks than drink all night ... well then PM me ... Oh, and must love dogs!

snowcone, three of my favorite things, bed early, drink all nite and first tracks, i'm amazed you could work all that into your post. Don't forget though that the early worm gets the bird

. .....oh yeah, i almost forgot what i wanted to say here, i'm worried about because the topic of this thread, seems we haven't heard from Crush in a while and i'm worried, because the story of E(that's C) and M really should be told here, u know PC ski bums and all, I'm worried that some misfortune has befallen our old friend E(C)

. What kind of dog snowcone?, i really love beer.
yeah eric hasnt been on for awhile.....I am considering calling him to see whats up.
... beer is health food!
... dogs are XL sized greyhounds (Radar is 32", 87 lbs and loves to bump rotties at 40 mph)
... first tracks, the -best- runs of the day
AND .. where -is- Eric?, the most amazing skier I have ever met. [Sigh] My impossible dream is to ski like that!
Ya know, my spouse and I took up the sport when we were around 30. I still remember her first day on skis as she slid backwards down the mountain threatening to do really nast things to me if she ever survived the experience.... Now, she is one of the better women skiers in the CV and I have a very difficult time keeping up with her as she rips down lightening, thunder, or the drop. She is one very determined lady to do everything I do or do it better (certain biological functions excluded) and skiing is one of them.
In the global warming thread a while back, he hinted that he might be done posting here:
http://www.dcski.com/ubbthreads22/showfl...e=5&fpart=7Indeed, checking his posting record shows this was the last post he had made.
I think if it turns out that he meant it, all of us that participated in that debate owe the board a HUGE apology and we (that is, those of us who caused him to leave) should be doing whatever we can to get Crush posting back here.
I didn't realize he hadn't posted in a while. If he's pissed and not coming back to the board then I'm pretty bummed out. Maybe he's just not reading because it's summer, hopefully once flakes fall he'll come back.
I think Crush was just saying that would be his last post on the topic of global warming -- I just looked back at his message and that's how I interpret it.
Crush visited the boards in late July (a couple weeks after his last post), so I think he's just been busy in August. I'm sure he'll come out of hiding and have lots of stories to tell.

He does have to represent the whole west coast on DCSki, after all.
Everyone goes into hibernation for the summer. Even me.

Well I think it's fair to say that if we did something to cause him to leave the board, we're in really hot water.
And even though I've still got Blacksburg listed as my hometown, I'm living in Kansas City now, so I'm representing that crucial midwest skiing contingency here... speaking of which, anyone wanna come skiing in Kansas City this winter? Our local ski hill just turned it's biggest vertical run into a snow tubing park. You can ask Murphy how excited I am about this development (or visit my post about the issue on my blog- shameless plug for that)....
Lot of worry surrounding Crush...Worry about him when he goes awol...& worry about him even when he is posting!
I'm wondering if every thread on here eventually gets hijacked... hrm.
In other news, I wonder if any woman would want me if I added to my list of requirements "Is in agreement with me running for leadership offices on the local and state level. That way I can stand up, flip the bird off to current politicians and get stuff done."
I highly doubt telling a woman you want to be a local politician is a good way to find a decent woman, Brad! Now, quit hijacking our hijack and let us get back to worrying about Crush...

Some of us aren't lucky enough to make it out of the Mid-Atlantic for women hunting. lol Heck at this point, I'd be happy if a girl acknowledged me at all. heh.
bawalker, I am convinced that there's a nice woman lurking right here on DCSki that's perfect for you, i just don't know who she is or when she'll reveal herself.
You know last year I really thought it was boarderbabe, she's a rider just like you, h&ll she even likes to ride on those sloooo lifts
at tline. Anyways, since she's become a poster, too infrequent but still no longer a lurker and she hasn't made her move, I figure it's not her but I know I'm right i just have an eigth sense about these things I know the girl for you is online at DCSki, down there with the anonymous users, just hoping to bump into you on the slopes. Therefore the solution to u problem is to spend more time on the slopes. Your Welcome.
I just noticed a poster on the resort page (re Hidden Valley thread) named "SnoSnugUms". Could she be the one?
The Colonel
I hear "She's the One" from Bruce Springsteen playing now.