Whats up all...
Anyways...Looks like its gonna be a great season...
Lets see...
New House...
New Girlfriend...
New Job (Promotion)...
New Dog (chocolate Lab)...
All i need is some new skis and im set...
Dewd you gotta get together w/bawalker and let him know how to find new GF . He's still waiting for the UPS man to bring him won
We did our share down in Blacksburg- yesterday some white trash shot a cop to death and shut down classes on the first day of school. Apparently he fled after he was arrested for robbing a deli- so instead of spending two years in jail for robbing a deli they're now going to fry his a** in the electric chair. Way to go, genius! I was hoping they'd lynch him when they found him but instead they just took him to jail. Oh well.
So all y'all stay away. We're weird and dang proud of it!
Why do drivers' education classes in hardy cty schools use the car only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?
Because on Tuesday and Thursday, the Sex Ed class uses it.
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