Deffinately not skiing related
September 1, 2006
How come no one talks about beer anymore, i really love beer
Jimmy, what a great idea! So anyone interested in meeting up and getting some beers in the city this friday evening? Proposed location Biddy Mulligans in Dupont or Rock Bottom Brewery in Bethesda. Would also be open to a location in Arlingon if thats a consensus.
I'd love to but I have to go to a friend's wedding in St. Mary's county.
I'd love to meet up but it's kind of hard to drive from Kansas City. Plus my girlfriend is flying into town tomorrow night- that'd be a good way to ensure that I became the next Board Brad if I left her at the airport for a drinking session back in DC, no?

I'm in a flooding town (wilmington,nc) 5+ inches(Premature snow) so far...Stay tuned! I had to go thru 1 to 3 foot deep flooded areas to get home. The storm is just starting. ALL Hurricanes(atlantic & gulf)) when born are on a mission to find the Cape Fear...Like a salmon coming home! They sniff it out like a hound dog..It doesn't matter if they come up from the golf or atlantic.Ernesto is trying hard to become a hurricane & is only 4 miles shy right now. I have figured out over the years that if the weather svc claims that a system is packing 80 MPH winds with 120 MPH Gusts Then the formula is to cut the figures in half. Ernesto has 70 MPH sustained winds with gusts to 90...that means that I should expect(I'm in the bullseye) 35 mph sustained with gusts to 45 maybe 50...with that said 50 mph winds can knock down trees!.....Send money & BEER!!!...PS Should I call Mayor Nagin Of New Orleans for advice?..He is experienced afterall!
Andy, you need to go down to the beach (the part that's not underwater) and get your picture taken, with your ski gear on, during a hurricane. Seriously. Don't do anything life threatening- I don't want to see you hurt (well, maybe anytime you screw around in a hurricane it's life threatening butyou get my point)- but that would be an absolutely hilarious photo. Andy skiing in the premature snowstorm!