Snow in Colo.
1 post
1 user
September 15, 2006
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,353 posts
I saw snow and left my footprints in it last Sat. I had a meeting in Boulder on the 11 & 12th and flew out on Sat. I got in the rental car and drove to Loveland Pass, got out at the Continental Divide at 12,000 feet and hiked a trail to a nearby mountain summit at 13,000 feet. This is next to last of my 'recovery milestones' - hiking at altitude - and I felt fine. The only milestone that remains is skiing. There was a light coating of snow that fell in midweek (last week). There were clouds to the west with characteristic dark gray rain bands extending to the ground. I didn't see anything resembling thunderstorm activity so I took the chance to hike to the summit. There is nothing but rock, dirt, and grass up there so there would be noplace to hide if there were lightning. The rainbands arrived but it was snow - big pellets of graupel that bounced off my windbreaker. I took a few pictures including one of my footprint in the snow and my shadow falling across it. I'll post them when I get a chance. I no sooner got in the car and started driving down than I heard a severe thunderstorm warning for Colo. Springs on the radio. Boulder had morning fog and afternoon T-storms for the next several days.


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