Almost Heaven is Done!
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September 15, 2006
Member since 10/4/2001 🔗
259 posts
Done, as in caput, finished, put a fork in it. It ain't never gonna happen.
So stop your dreaming. Stop chasing your rainbows and panning for that fools gold.
You think it is taking a long time for corridor H??
(Started in the sixties due for partial completion in 2020, but will never go through the blackwater canyon thankfully.)

Well say goodbye to Brights Folly. The only folly is the investers who bought lots on speculation.

It ain't happening.

September 15, 2006
Member since 11/9/2004 🔗
262 posts
all righty then. Have anything to support that or just stirring the pot?
September 15, 2006
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
You mean to say that the local talk out on Bonner Mtn Road isn't correct???!!!! I am sort of hoping that you are correct. I love the unspoiled view out the windows of my secluded little house and would hate to see everything ruined for what.... a 2500' vertical ski mountian? :
September 15, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
303 posts
OK, so I guess that's supposed to inflame us or something? Given the simple factual inaccuracy about CH, are we to believe you're somehow clairvoyant when it comes to the many complex issues that surround the oft rumored new development?
September 15, 2006
Member since 10/4/2001 🔗
259 posts
Well CH info IS Correct....
And the rest is based on Clairavoyance and common sense

(and maybe just a little inside knowledge, {teeny weeny})
September 15, 2006
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Ok, this is DCSKI..Why would you get so much pleasure spreading this BS?!!? You love to spend good money skiing out west & a great ski area in your own backyard would mess your brain up too much?? Anyway, you are right that "Almost Heaven" is probably tied to Corr-H. It will get to Davis & when it does The dreams of real skiers & Homeboys will come true! Since the other thread on "will the sky drop on ski props" has evolved to discussing the same rough neighborHOODS that me & the boys used to "frequent"back in the day, I will say on this thread that if you want an investment prop I would suggest the 2nd valley or the "other valley" just south of Canaan. Tucked between 2 wilderness areas & butted up agains't the Roaring Plains..The Highest plateau east of the Rockies, this valley will also be within 0 to 15 minutes from 2 to potentialy 4 ski resorts.Invest now or you snooze & lose on the next realestate BOOM!
September 16, 2006
Member since 10/4/2001 🔗
259 posts

Ok, this is DCSKI..Why would you get so much pleasure spreading this BS?!!?

Because.... I do not think it would work well, I don't believe it benefits the Valley, and I think the possible way for it to be a sucess would be by destroying T-Line and or CV Resort.

To profit it would take the type of overdevelopement that supports Wisp and Snowshoe. I think that ifyou want that type of ski experience you go to Wisp or Snowshoe. Hell it is only an hour or 1 1/2 to them.
I think the reason the valley is so special is because it is in fact NOT a Mega-Resort.

So that is why I would like to pen eyes to the fact that 1. It probably never will happen, 2. It definitely should never happen and 3. If it did it wopuld come at much too great a cost to the area I love the way it is.
September 18, 2006
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts
Well, as far as Corridor H goes: much the same was said about Corridor E - what we now call I-68. I was a little one just out of diapers when they started widening US 48 (which coincidentally is now what they call Corridor H)... not much bigger when they atarted digging Sidling Hill... they finally finished right about when I graduated from college.

So as far as the road goes, forget about it. Check back in 10 years.

Now, Almost Heaven.... perhaps it is on hold for now while the real estate market gets back into shape. Perhaps not. I want to see some facts.

September 18, 2006
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Face it, we won't know untill we know. We can speculate all we want. Personally, I don't give a hoot if it is built or not. I now own a small house on a 5 acre lot which is at the end of the flats, with a spectacular view of the valley to the south and MPC to the East. It's quiet, secluded, and, in retrospect, was a great buy. Me and the Mrs. plan on fixing it up into a more permanent place to visit and eventually become our home. Do I want a mega resort in my back yard? No, but if it comes, I'll sell to the highest bidder, take the profits, cut and run. That's the American way, isn't it?
September 18, 2006
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
"Almost Heaven" is alive! Its wherever you make it...tonite it was frying up my grey Snapper & Black seabass!! I can fry some fish you mother hunchers! Rough ride 20 miles out,but the fish are sooo fresh!3 weeks ago I was on my deck in West Va eating some beautiful crabs that I caught the day before...staring at Mount porte Crayon munching down on some crabs....Almost heaven baby...Its all good!!!...PS, U can't do that in Utah!

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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