please come back out and play.....
October 2, 2006
Please stop the PM's, stop lurking, and come back out and play with the group;
[edited by Scott to remove inclusion of Private Message text -- as a courtesy please try to obtain user's permission before posting private messages publicly]
If he is lurking and sending PMs, let him lurk and send PMs. The great thing about having a free forum is that we can choose our own level of involvement.
I find it to be in poor taste to post private messages on a public forum without the permission of the author. Obviously PMs are intended just for the eyes of the recipient or they wouldn't have been Private Messages . I hope people respect eachother enough to let each of us decide what we post that we can better speak for ourselves.
I sent a personal communication to (flanaryb) as a PM in confidence. I guess this proves how much DCski members can trust him. I'm very sad for his trustless he is.
I think Rich has made some interesting points on various threads, and speaks his mind without worrying whether everyone agrees. I don't know enough about Snowshoe to know whether everything he says is right. But...I think he was unfairly attacked by many on this board. Some people just can't handle the truth. I always hate to see posters that contribute interesting information driven away.
yup, there was some real proprietary and confidential dribble revealed in those pm's.
if youre looking for 'interesting' and inaccurate info, he's your man. the 'truth' is usually far removed. as mentioned before, no one is trying to run him off and others have been ripped far worse and have emerged completely unscathed.
I would think that self proclaimed 'Ambassadors' of their resort would want to get it somewhat right and represent their resort well, whether it be positive of negative news. Whats next, the Prime Minister of Intrawest?
I, in no way, shape, or form, represent Snowshoe here. I have to answer flanaryb as he is a prime example of why I quit posting. A time back, reading pages and pages of posts re Canaan Valley and tons of Hidden Valley, I thought someone should stand up and give Snowshoe some equal time. Seems any Snowshoe topic I brought up in that past has been heavily taken over by others today. I'm out...have nothing, will have nothing, to say about it.
If marketing is a problem at Snowshoe and they aren't trumpeting to the masses, they should mention an event to flanaryb and tell him: "'s a secret". flanaryb says "others have been ripped far worse". Why does anyone have to be ripped at all? The rest of us can hold a civil discourse.
There does appear to be some nice posters here, RyanC , tromano , lbotta, that I would enjoy a happy hour with...but then there are some...
theres obviously a communication disconnect here.
no one has ever stated that u represent snowshoe. others arent taking over your topics and theres plenty of air time on the subject of snowshoe.
if u review my posts there is tons of civil discourse.
theres no conspiracy to rip u but theres obviously several that think your info doesnt carry much weight. i apoligize, but like info served up with some semblance of truth and accuracy. if youve served up info that has resort management calling you, it may be something to consider.
i actually enjoy your posts and hope that we can continue productive discussion, both positive and negative, to make the resort a better place for everyone.
Rich - I just read your PM and couldn't figure out to respond by PM. I'm sorry you took my "corrections" so badly. I stand by my position that you did embelish some facts. However it seemed that your points were always in the right direction and well spirited - just a couple things went a little too far - both positive and negative things about SS. It's not a big deal. I have seen far many harsher critics of others on this forum. You brought up some very good and fair issues in your PM about SS. These things deserve to be discussed on this forum. Yes some of your topics continue to be disccussed. However in a couple cases, I see some of the misinformation that you started carry on. That is why I decided to call you on it early on. Seneca is a bad situtation - this is true. However, it is not "condemned" and it is not structurally failing (heaving or something) as your original post declared and continues to carry forward in other discussions. There are walls and certain stuctural beams that were not properly coated/insulated with fire retardent. The fire inspector deemed the building to be safe and allowed it to stay open and operate. However, SS decided to close it and knock out the required repairs. This was the only logical thing to do (it would have been a mess trying to do it otherwise). They are paying owners rent out of thier pocket with a formula based on Allegheny's rentals. Seneca owners have access to thier units whenever they want and can stay at Allgheny any time for free during the process. The point is - yes it's a bad situation for Seneca owners, SS screwed up, but it's not "condemned" or "heaving" (or something like that) and efforts are being made to make the best of the situation. That may be minor semantics for some - but for me there's no reason to make a bad situation sound worse.
It is easy to shoot from the hip on the net. It is easy to be uncivil because one never faces the rostrum of the other person. However, intemperate words can drive someone away just like in real life.
I am of the idea that Rich has been mistreated on the forum. Frankly, Snowshoe's management credibility is much more suspect than Rich's statements. And bringing hidden items to light is actually a plus. Embellishment? Perhaps. But at least there's dialog.
The Golden Rule applies to the Internet too.
I would agree with you. We've had some really good, and interesting conversations over the years on here. We should use the same social graces that are used when talking in person. Anyway, "Can't we all just get along!?"
