Went on hike #2 for the month. This week Tim and I hiked the Little Devils Stairs/Piney Branch trail in Shenendoah Natl Park. Despite the calls for rain all day, we decide to head out anyway. On the plus side, we only ran into one other hiker on the trail. On the negative side the trail was a bit rough with high water on a lot of the river crossings. We started at the Little Devils Stairs portion. A lot of the trail was under water so it was like we were wading through the river most of the way up. In places, I had to cross the river where it was up to my waist. (sucks being short sometimes). All in all it was a fun hike. It is a very pretty trail with lots of waterfalls. Many of the trees are also starting to change so lots of nice views and despite the rain, a nice day to be outside.
I really enjoyed this hike. It reminded me of some of the "high adventure" trips I did in my boy scout days 10 years ago. In many parts the trail was indistinguishable from the waterfalls.