The only place in the valley which does base work is the ski barn. They are usually pretty good on turn around too. I don't know who the techs are for the upcoming season, but I'll check them out when I go up later this week and let you know. I usually have the my bases ground once a year or every 40 + days, then I put a 2 degree bevel on the edges myself. As far as waxing, do your own. It's cheaper, quicker, and more reliable. I'll share our NW secret tuning spot with you since you are now a homeowner.

We have a bench, vices, iron, music, but it's byo for files and wax.(also beer)

We don't have vices for dark siders sliders since we are all twin plankers.
Another suggestion is if you are coming from Richmond you may want to try dropping off your equipment at Freestyle in C-ville and picking it up on your next trip to the valley. They are know their stuff as well.