Corridor H
October 31, 2006
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From Huntington News: Quote:
BYRD'S EYE VIEW: Progress to Report on Corridor H
From the desk of U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-WV
Washington, DC (HNN) -- The paths through West Virginia's Potomac Highlands are, too often, a dangerous maze of two-lane roads, winding dizzyingly around the region's mountains. As a result, job opportunities have been slow to find the region while traffic accidents and deaths are far too common. That's why completing Corridor H will make such a difference in people's lives.
Already, in the sections of Corridor H that are open to traffic, cars and trucks are able to navigate the mountains more safely and more quickly. Fatalities are down and opportunities are growing. But the promise of Corridor H is still elusive for the people who have been waiting and waiting for the road to be built.
The legal hurdles to the remaining sections of Corridor H have largely been overcome. Now, the focus turns to funding. It's no secret that building a mile of highway in West Virginia is far more expensive than building that same mile in flat states like Kansas or Iowa. Projects like Corridor H are incredibly expensive, and acquiring the funds takes time.
I am proud to report that, already, I have won Congressional approval for more than $656 million for Corridor H design and construction -- and more dollars are on the way. Last summer, Senator Jay Rockefeller and I partnered on federal legislation to ensure that West Virginia would receive $432.5 million in Corridor highway construction funds. And, when the Senate returns to work in November, I shall press for the approval of separate legislation that would direct another $20 million toward Corridor H, as well as other construction dollars to key highway projects throughout West Virginia.
Those dollars are translating into real progress. This summer, construction began on the very first segment of Corridor H in Grant County, as crews started work on a section of highway that will stretch from Moorefield to Forman. That's solid progress, and more work is on the way.
More than 40 years ago, in 1965, Congress promised the people of Appalachia that it would build a network of roads to link the region to interstate highways and bring economic opportunities into the hills and hollows. That is a promise that needs to be kept. It is time to finish Corridor H.
Thank god for Sen. Byrd. Bringing jobs, safety, and skiers to WV. He has worked tirelessly to bring opportunity to his state, in the face of much criticism and ridicule, but it is true that economic development in the Potomac Highlands can only happen with a modern transportation system. I am ambivelant about the highway since I already own my piece of CV and want to see it preserved but for the people who live there and need jobs, this is a godsend.
Stay the course..Git-R-DONE! Just got back from the Valley & Cruized the new section to get there & loved it Except i was dissapointed that you still have to go thru Wardensville to get to it....BUMMER! Tried my Country Shortcut (if your reading Ryan) Headed up 220 north to old fields & picked up CR 2 & even though the road is not much wider than a Go Cart Track, Things were going well untill I hit this last fork that was not clearly marked & I TOOK THE WRONG FORK...FORKED UP!! About 200 yards past the fork I asked these Country Boys Tending thier cows If i could get to Scherr & on up to 93 & the WV outback & they said SURE YOU CAN!! I should have asked them if it was the SHORTEST route to Scherr & they might have told me....(had to crack another beer)...Head back to the fork & take a Right DUDE!! Any way Half drunk & Up in the Dolly Sods (My Girl was driving at this point) The sight of left over snowfields made things better!....To make a long story Short,,,GET-R-DONE!!!!
Robert Byrd is nothing more than a racist crook that for every one thing he does that is good, 15 more are done to be nothing more than egotistical self monuments to his god-like complex that serve no purpose. While I drive CorridorH, it wasn't the best alternative to the problem at hand.
Now, with Byrd expressing a growth of economic development in the Potomac Highlands, if he seriously thinks that is going to happen his mind really is gone and is showing signs of Alzheimer's. If this was 20+ years ago that would have been the case in this region, when in fact the only thing that will happen is more urban development sprawl will grow as developers with their blood lust of land grows larger and larger. In the past 5 years I've seen development grow, but not a single industry related place spring up. CorridoH is 20 years too late, billions over priced, and over marketed and over hyped. I'm glad to know my tax dollars are being raped from states like Virginia, Maryland, and others who need it.
Robert Byrd is nothing more than a racist crook that for every one thing he does that is good, 15 more are done to be nothing more than egotistical self monuments to his god-like complex that serve no purpose.
Voting Republican this election I take it???
Actually I'm a rare breed. I don't hold to party lines and will turn on any party in a heart beat. I hold only to moral and ethical values and if any given person in any given party desecrates those, they lose my vote and I'll vote one person out and vote someone else in. I.E. changing of the guard since the person before them was a proven jerkoff.
In the case of Byrd, he's proven he's not a true leader. Just a greedy aged man who is sucking every last minute of limelight he can before the inevitable comes to where he dies or is ousted of office. Leadership to me means doing what is right, never following in line and being a 'politician'. Even if that means if I was an elected public servant getting up and saying a blatant 'no' to an issue. Even if that costed me an elect, it is the right thing to do and a true leader does that. No compromising on moral and ethical values.
Brad Walker for Senate!


Probably more like Hardy County Commission in 2 years.

I wonder what it'll be like to be in a public meeting if I'm a 'commish' when the other two are stamping approval on something that I know is wrong and in the middle of the meeting start saying they are conducting themselves in unethical behavior and not even caring about the citizens that put them there and having a nice good ole flare up? Hrm, I bet I could liven things up.
Brad, it is obvious how you feel about Byrd... wonder how you feel about the coal magnate Mr. Blankenship who has literaly been buying off the government in WV and turning it over to the coal companies. I will say I have to admire his chutzpah because he's doing it in the open.
Brad, I served in that very role here in my county in Virginia 15 years ago. One term, the $$$ people, developers, and pro growth (read rape and pillage) people targeted me to oust me from office. Now some of those same people have come to grips with the pave over the county mentality of my successor and his cronies and have approached me to run again. I just may... to liven things up!

dmh is that u tongue in your cheek?? A US Senator is a US Senator, doesn't matter what's his name or whether he's from west virginia or alaska, he or she will bring home the bacon. Pipple who think that WV would be so much worse off if not for Robert Byrd just don't get it; if it weren't for Mississippi, where would we be?
I was reading the "news" on tline's website (note tie in to skiing

) last week and there's a reprint of an interview with Fred Herz where he suggested they name twister after Sen Byrd because he doesn't have a ski trail named for him yet. OK, let's name a trail after the Sen. from WV. What would you call it?
Hmmmmmm.....Let's see, if Brad were to do it it'd be named Byrd s_ _ _ !

Actually, "Byrd Drop" would say the same thing.

Those are pretty good Kim, i was thinking along the lines of PorkU Pine Glades or something.
I was completely sincere. I greatly admire Sen. Byrd and what he has done for WV. He has brought decent roads where none existed, he has helped create educational opportunity, and he has tried to create jobs through government spending and by encouraging and facilitating private economic development. He has served his state very well while at the same time being a principled, national leader who stood up to Bush's usurpation of the constitution when few others had the guts to do so.
Its a trip how Politics can Cause so much Hate...I'm beginning to think we need a dictator With common sense to just GET THINGS DONE! The Road is started..Finish It! The state needs One more Great ski area..Buid it on Mounte porte Crayon & be done with it.. Close off some more areas to man & properly Zone off Some other areas & then Let the The rest rape & pillage to their hearts content...Face Reality & lets get on with life...& Grow up You Amish..Get with the program & Evolve! (were did that come from?) Ok.. Now you all can get on with your endless bickering..peace!
Brad, it is obvious how you feel about Byrd... wonder how you feel about the coal magnate Mr. Blankenship who has literaly been buying off the government in WV and turning it over to the coal companies. I will say I have to admire his chutzpah because he's doing it in the open.
Same thing the aflcio has been doing since the 1930's friend, whatever we've been trying here in good ole west virginny the last 70 years ain't workin anymore.
dmh, lot's of pipples do.
Andy whether they finish the road, build out the WV alps or not a bunch of us are lucky for the past there and even if it doesn't change what a future, huh? 39 days to freedom
no hate here i'm all about the love
Same thing the aflcio has been doing since the 1930's friend, whatever we've been trying here in good ole west virginny the last 70 years ain't workin anymore.
You have a point, but two wrongs don't make a right. Raping the environment and leaving the good people of the state without job protection is not healthy either. The problems with WV are enormous. Solving them will require common solutions that make sense and allow the economic development of the state.
And... taking the conversation back to the topic at hand, Corridor H is an environmental sadness but it is done, over. Finish the darn thing and get over it. Yes, it will bring more people, more Washingtonian yuppies looking for their vacation land, but on the other hand, it may also bring some good non-polluting industry to the area as the highly educated newcomers begin settling there. Who knows...
WOW! No better way to ruin great group dynamics than with a political argument gone bad

. Of course with some us it's a sickness we can't help but jump in. Neighbor didn't talk to me for 6 months because of a joke I made about her favorite candidate. Course it took me three months to figure out she was ticked at me. All I can say is that it is a good thing that some of our great leaders in the past didn't heed your advice and did some compromising in order to fight anther day. The problem with hard-line moral and ethical stances is that everyone's is different. Sure, they can often seen the same at the top level but where that final line is drawn is never quite the same for two people. Now let me put this in perspective with a little story about your powder hardliners and your left wing groomed surface weenies. At the top level both agree snow is good and pure. The hardliner believes that it in no way should be altered from its natural state and should be skied the way nature meant it to be. Now comes those left wing groomers. Always want to make it easier so anyone can enjoy. Believes a good corduroy surface enjoyed by all is well worth the cost and expense of higher ticket prices to bring skiing to those less talented. The hardliners push to have more off-piste conditions. Eventually crowds drop; ticket prices come down until the resort goes bankrupt and now the hardliners are hiking to the top. Some are in utopia; others kind of miss the cold beer and snow bunnies at the end of the day at the now defunct lodge. Of course those left wing groomers didn't stop skiing they went to another resort. Some like it better but a few kind of miss the character and characters from the previous location and they continue to wonder if they only had a few more weeks they might have tried the powder. I think there was a moral to this when I started but at this point I really need to stop rambling and go to bed. Hey, wait a second did I just hit on the political environment of moonshine mountain?? Oh yeah don't get me started on racism, I hear that mixed marriages between boarders and skiers never work..oops rambling again. I'm going to bed. And remember to vote next week.

BUMP me up good Buddy!! Don't go to bed..U got potential...That was Good!
That's all very interesting Bumps, but the powder hardliners are usually liberal hippie weenies

Oh man now your stereotyping.

Hmmm I guess we can change the labels around, but I've already labeled them and we all know that once you're labeled its true no matter what.

So I guess were stuck with powder hardliners and left wing groomers. Hey I just realized something, that must mean the resort owner is president. But who elected him, oh no she's (notice my attention to PC) a dictator. We are all subservient to the resort owner dictatorship.

I think I'm going to have to join the revolutionaries and try the skinny ski craze. Hike and ski any mountain. Down with tyranny! (BTW, I was inspired by the MT Washington post, told my wife I gotta try it this year. If you haven't read it, do so and you will ooze with jealousy as I am of folks out skiing in October. ) oops, wife is telling me I need to take the garbage out, I might have to start my rebellion now. Oh well, I think I've hijacked this tread enough anyway and I seem to be loosing a grip on reality or at least my latest perception of reality. (Notice the easy rationalization which allows me go on in my subservient life and go take the garbage out
