Arapahoe Basin - 10/28 Brief TR
November 3, 2006
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Just wanted to post a quick TR on A-basin. I was in Denver for work last week and went up skiing on Saturday.
It looked like everybody else had the same idea. It was really, really crowded. Only two lifts were running and the official number of open trails was 4 (I think). The waiting time was between 20 - 35 mins. Later on the day, the second lift (Norway) was shut down. Everybody had to go up on the one lift and two trails were closed.
It was truly tortorous and it reminded of how skiing is around here on weekends.
However, the snow was great. Truly packed powder, nice and soft.
Loveland was open too but I suspect that it was really crowded also.
It snowed heavily on Thursday and everybody got psyched to go skiing on the weekend. Everybody.
Overall, I am glad that I went and was able to start working on (or finding) my ski legs.
This was my first time skiing in CO. On the way up to A-basin, saw a bunch of backcountry skiers/boarders. Man, that looks like fun. I am sure that I will have to be a super-strong skier before I attempt anything like that. The altitude. Yes, the altitude. Huffed and puffed. Puffed and huffed...
That's it. Can't wait to start night skiing again in Whitetail.
White ribbon of death is the term, I believe, they use to describe such conditions. Nonetheless, we are all extremely jealous Eug!
Any photos?
Finally! a thread about skiing

. Way to go Eug thanks for the TR.
LOVE A-Basin. Skied it regularly growing up in Denver. Celebrated HS graduation by skiing there the following day (mid-June). Spring at the Basin is a blast.
abasin is cool, but maybe not on that saturday. if the road is open, you will see skiers and boarders sharing rides from a small parking lot half way down to ski loveland to the small parking at the top of the pass. Then hiking the ridge and riding back down to the first lot. I once saw a guy coming up the pass on a motorcycle with skis on his back. fun indeed.
Yes. The 'White Ribbon of Death' is very appropiate. I guess on the bright side, since the chair was only a slow triple, the runs weren't as crowded as they could be with a high speed quad.
I am hoping to get to A-basin again as I bought a '4-pack'. This ticket allows you to go to A-basin and/or Keystone 4 times. Price was $129. That's about $32.25 per lift ticket!
If you are planning to go to CO/Denver anytime soon, I recommend looking at purchasing 4-packs as they are only offered in the beginning or late in the season.
Skiing in Denver is so much 'cheaper' than here. You can buy an A-basing early season bonus pass for $279 that includes days in Keystone, Breck, Vail, Beaver Creek, etc. They are all kinds of good deals going on right now if you plan carefully. I guess everything is relative to where you are and what is available...
Check out ->!&id=55876E
They were skiers/boarders all along the road hitchin for rides or getting ready to hike up the ridges. That looked like a lot of fun and very do-able. The little parking lots or pull outs were all full and you could see fresh tracks on the side of the mountains, all the way to the very top, were people hiked to and slid from.
I skied at A-Basin on a day when it was 4 degrees and the wind was whistling at 25 MPH. However, despite the brutal conditions, it was sunny and the place has a raw beauty that is hard to match. This is a skier's mountain. No frills, shops, gourmet restuarants, condos, and other chi-chi stuff - just rugged beauty and great terrain. I must admit that the terrain is intimidating, no, scary , in some places. I hope to go back someday.
Eug if this was your first time skiing colorado, you couldn't have picked a better place. Even though A-Basin is starting to lose some of what made it a great, local, old time ski mountiain (they banned the beach parties last year I think), it still is one of the old school ski areas (also Loveland).
I'll be there in January, can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

I know what you mean. I was there last season in January. I stood at the top of Standard and couldn't see past the first mogul or two

This had to be the steepest single-black I've seen! Truly a mountain with some serious terrain and no frills!

Loveland is alot less crowded than a-basin this time of year.
Darn you, Eug, you beat me out there.

Keystone is opening this weekend. My brother and I are thinking of which will be the best possibility. Maybe since we didn't get a 22 inch dump this week, the skiing won't be as crowded. HA HA HA HA HA!!! We'll see!
Heading out to CO tomorrow to visit my son(it's his birthday). What better excuse for an early ski trip

. We plan to go to A-Basin. Hope to make it to Loveland too. He's stationed at Ft. Carson so I'm sure we'll be making a couple more trips this winter. Can anybody tell me about a good rental shop?
If all you are doing is renting skis and boots, they are all pretty much the same. It's been a few years since I've been out there but when I was going steady (4-6 trips a year, I used to love that job), any shop is going to be similar in price. They will have different skis for rent. Are you looking for a particular type? (K2, Atomic, etc.)
I have K2's but it might be a good time try some other skis.
There are a lot of Christy Sports out there but I have my
own skis so I really can't comment on the rental equipment.
There is a Christy Sports right on the road to A-Basin in Dillon.

I remembere seeing a ski rental place on the way to A-Basin from Denver. I think it was in Idaho Springs (?). There is big 'Ski Rental' sign. I hate to say this but 'you can't miss it'
I think that it was off Rt. 70 before getting off at Exit 211 towards Loveland pass (please correct me if I am wrong)
Colorado Golf and SKi seems to be one of the larger ski shops in the area. Maybe there is one near you and you could rent skis from them.
Have fun and don't forget to bring your oxigen tank... ha.. ha... I know that I could have used one

looked like a lot of fun and very do-able.
It certainly is fun and doable. I did that on my last work trip to Denver. It's so popular that the last part of the trail is mogulled from all the use.