Yes, snowcone, thanks.
My grandparents supported Doc Brigham (original pioneer owner of Snowshoe) from the beginning in the 1970's. He visited my great uncle at Sharp's Country Store every day.
We love the skiers from Snowshoe and the homeowners (mostly second homes) Hundreds of Snowshoe homeowners signed individual petitions and mailed them in to help save our historic farm, B&B and country store.
However, the corporate ownership (company running the resort) is campaigning to take our farm via Eminent Domain so they can have a new sewer plant. One Vice President coined a catchy phrase for Snowshoe's Full Page Color ads in the local paper: BUILD IT HERE, BUILD IT NOW. (Here, meaning the open vat/2 million gallon sewer plant on our place, 7 miles away in the middle of our 200 year old farm complex with our home, B&B, country store, red covered bridge and log home built in 1815 where Robert E. Lee visited on two occasions...and right by the Scenic Highway....easy access for the sludge trucks)
West Virginia's Governor, Joe Manchin, offered any suitable state-owned property (more than half of beautiful Pocahontas County is 'public' land) for a $1.00 transfer fee. Yet the County Commission says they will not request this land because "Snowshoe needs this sewer plant now".
Snowshoe is backing a portion of the interim financing earmarked for 'easements and acquisitions'. Mr. Bill Rock told us it was his fiduciary responsibility to the stockholders of Intrawest to make sure that plant went on our farm.
Big business is important and economic growth is important. But, in a rural county with hundreds of acres of out of the way property in the middle of nowhere available, it is absolutely an unnecessary use of Eminent Domain.
We hope you all continue to 'Ski Snowshoe', it is a wonderful paradise. But our community in the valley and my family have our own little wonderful paradise. It is God's gift to our little world. Please, when you visit Snowshoe, look up General Manager, Bill Rock, or when you make your reservations, ask to be connected to his direct line at 304 572 5990. Ask him, in the name of decency, to withdraw Snowshoe from their campaign to take the Sharp farm and ask him to move the sewer plant. (visit
http://www.savethesharpfarm to participate in the online petition)
Thank you.