DCSkiers Meet via walkie-talkies?!!
November 16, 2006
A related thread in the resorts section made me think that one way we DCSkiers could try to meet up at any mountain is to have a specific radio channel/section that we agree upon in advance of a ski season. Then an occassional "holler" might get you another DCSkier and a meeting can be arranged.
Sound like a good idea???
The Colonel

I really like that idea. As silly as it sounds at first, if you think about it, It would be effective- Given we come up with the same channel, and something to yell.
Worst thing that could happen- A few people think youre extrememly odd, and nobody responds.
I like the idea but it's so random it's going to be hard to work it. The only thing I would add to it to make it more effective would be to preselect 2 or three times a day where you broadcast your message for example 9am, 12noon and say 3pm. Tune to the channel for 10 minutes and see who pops up.
Channel 11 'coz there's 11 pages in the Untopic?
Subcode 2 just to be different?
I vote we holler out whenever we're in a lift line.