sick of dcski ss bias
November 21, 2006
31 posts
25 users
9k+ views
nice photo of the snowmaking at SS that has been dominating the DCSki homepage for days. I understand this a pure PR shot as the slopes have no snow and the temps will be in the upper 50s the next couple of days. We've had discussions that SS is not a popular day destination for most in the dc area, but it continues to dominate dcski. The site looks more and more like crap I get mailed to me from SS (they actually seem a bit desperate with the amount of PR they do).
Whats up Scott? Fess up. Is this a commercially driven site??? Come on fess up. Call it DCSki sponsored by SS.
What ever happened to trying to communicate with the Nuttings???? Wisp certainly has PR folks but you choose to showcase SS over Wisp. Why??? Come on fess up. Even your new weather page seems to bias temps lower for SS than other locations compared to other weather sources for the same areas. As the season is almost upon us I think this site is not doing what it reports to do. You are losing credibility with your continued showcasing of SS at the expense of lack of trying to cover closer resorts.
I think most of the other members here would agree with me. If you have it in that much for Scott and this forum, then don't post here! These biased, personal attacks to the forum and Scott are unecessary and unwanted

Agreed Warren. Has it occurred to anyone that Scott and DCSki may just be trying to express the same excitement for the upcoming season that most people who frequent this site have. What do you want on the mainpage, a picture of the mud at Timberline or Seven SPrings. Perhaps a pic of chairs laying in a field at liberty. Snowshoe is the only resort that is reasonably close to DC that has realistically fired up the guns so far, and they have a nice shot to prove it. It should be the main pic on DCSki until next wednesday, when they OPEN. Then i want another snowshoe shot. I will give credit to cataloochie, who has opened for a couple weekends, but lets be realistic the people on this forum care way more about SS than cataloochie for purely geographic reasons. I don't know why this forum is everyone's public bashing grounds for SS. They have done more for skiing in this region than any other resort, giving us at least one spot with a true destination/western feel. Fun bars, fun restaurants, great lodging options.......sure it's a little crowded, but thats because it's the best total package. Best ski area...arguably not, best total package.....without a doubt. Keep the pics comin Scott and Dcski
I think you're out of order Wolverine. I side with ndskier in that Snowshoe is the first one to blow snow to any extent. Not only that but as was mentioned in another thread they are they only ones who get off their arse and issue press releases. 7 Springs has lagged in that for years. I'm pretty sure that as soon as other resorts start making some snow they'll be on here too. I'm not even close to a Snowshoe fan but you have to give them credit where it's due. thing you need to know (and was discussed previously on this forum) is that resorts submit this information to Scott to be posted. He doesnt make it up. Other mid-atlantic resorts arent as quick to send Scott any pics or data thus he has nothing to put up. Snowshoe is always sumbitting him pics and other information so thats what he puts up.
You know Wolverine, I usually don't lose my temper, but your post takes the cake. Especially since I have spent every waking hour in the past few weeks (outside of my "real" job) exhaustively researching 34 resorts, adding five new resorts, updating resort profiles, adding dozens of events and Bargain Tracker entries, completely rewriting a weather parsing engine, completely rewriting a ski condition report engine... I'm frankly burned out but I've been working my butt off to get everything ready for the ski season. And then I read your post.
The advertising revenue DCSki brings in barely covers the fixed costs. (In early years, it didn't come close.) What's left over amounts to something WELL below minimum wage for the hours I put into the site. Thankfully, I have a "real" job unrelated to DCSki that puts food on my table. Not only would I find it unconscionable to bias coverage towards advertisers, but there would be no incentive for me to do that. I have lost advertisers in the past by refusing to give them special coverage, and that was perfectly fine with me. I make a huge personal sacrifice to operate DCSki, and the intent is to provide an independent resource that doesn't otherwise exist. I'll be honest and say that each year, I have to strongly evaluate whether it's worth the personal sacrifice I make. This year, I came closer than I ever have to concluding that the sacrifice wasn't worth it. Since DCSki doesn't bring in much money, it's never a financial consideration.
You're accusing me of biasing Snowshoe's weather data? My data comes directly from the National Weather Service. You can go right to NOAA and enter Snowshoe, WV:'ll get conditions and forecast data
identical to what DCSki shows (although I only sync with them several times per hour; they may update more frequently). I don't modify the data one bit for Snowshoe or any other resort. I'm not a meteorologist.
Why is Snowshoe on the front page right now? Because they're making snow, and they sent me a photo of it. No other resort in DCSki's coverage area has started making snow. When Cataloochee was making snow a couple weeks back, I had a photo of Cataloochee on the front page, even though DCSki's coverage doesn't extend that far south. When there was measurable natural snow in late October, I had a front page photo from the Canaan Valley region, and posted an article including photos from Wisp, Snowshoe and the Canaan Valley region.
In each year that DCSki held a reader survey, Snowshoe was rated the #1 resort in almost every category. Usually by a large margin. You may not like Snowshoe, but it is a very popular resort with DCSki readers, and the vast majority of regular DCSki readers do not post to the forums. Pre-season snowmaking photos always get people excited about the ski season. And, as I've said in the past, it's difficult for me to spontaneously create photographs. If resorts aren't taking photos or sending photos to me, I can't force them to.
No one's forcing you to read DCSki. If you don't like the site, don't visit.
Amen to Scott's response. I visit the site all the time and there is clearly no bias towards the Shoe. Scott, I am glad to know that you did not shut down the site this year. I appreciate and look forward to reading the posts as this is one of the only places you can get good feedback from local skiers as to the conditions and improvements at local resorts. The feedback from your site including posts come without the spin that the resorts put on what's happening, obviously they are biased. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many thanks to scott for his hard work in creating and maintaining DCSki. Don't let all the negative energy get you down!
Seems like this is just another rant by the greasy relative to a weasel. Happens pretty much every year. Must come from living on a diet of dead animals.
Scott, why not just delete that crap and elimiate the account with it. Prevent re-registering by using a IP address check. There's no reason to tolerate abuse on your site and it certainly adds nothing to the discussion.

Brad, where's that shotgun of yours when we need it?
I think I can speak for all of us (except for Wolverine

) by saying we REALLY appreciate your hard work. I would HATE

to see this site and forum go away

Just ignore that one SMALL bit of negativity and keep up the great work!


Ditto Scott. You'd think pretty much everyone would be happy with a picture of snowmaking in mid-November at a mid-Atlantic resort on the front page. As Abe Lincoln said... (to paraphrase) you can't please everyone. Oh well.
Keep up the good work!
I was up near Roundtop a week or so ago and it was close to 80 degrees out. Its boring and sad to see pictures of empty slopes
I want to see pictures of resorts that are making ACTUAL SNOW. Who gives a rats ass where it is? Would you rather a rotating picture of the rest of the local areas with 60 degrees and rain out? Wow, how interesting, another barren resort with no snow and a rainy picture. THRILLS!
Scott please keep up all the hard work and know that it is appreciated by all.
Kids are reading this negative wolverine-type crap.. so let's delete this thread already. Remove Wolverine's capability to post for a year. Wolverine can lurk all he want.
If I were Scott, oh man ..
Wonder why the PR folks at SS do not push for a live web cam?
Wolverine, you gave me a good reason to double my contribution to DCSki. I have been a member of this site since shortly after its foundation. Scott has been most obsequious and impartial in dealing with the different ski areas.
Actually, being a homeowner at Snoshoe, I have noticed that the weather on the mountain top is usually COLDER than it is normally reported. Most readings tend to be taken at the base or somewhere else, and apparently don't take into account the normal 2 degree C per thousand feet temperature climb gradient
I am an avid admirer of Canaan and Timberline and yes, these are reported here too. Hidden Valley has had its share of the dialogue. There has been massive coverage of Blue Knob and Liberty.
Having said that, yes, Snowshoe is larger, with thousands of rooms, and it will attract more than its share of attention.
As far as the credibility factor, I believe the facts speak for themselves.
Scott, you're doing a great job!!!!
Dittos from another longtime DCSki reader and occasional poster. People in this area may not realize how unique DCSKi is. Nationally there are few if any websites like this. We're lucky to have it. We're also still the minor leagues of skiing here in the mid-Atlantic, that's the hard truth, so good PR for one resort is good PR for all. I'm a Tline property owner, so perhaps I should have an inferiority complex and think that SS gets too much coverage. It just aint true.
Kids are reading this negative wolverine-type crap.. so let's delete this thread already. Remove Wolverine's capability to post for a year. Wolverine can lurk all he want.
If I were Scott, oh man ..
Do Adults read on this sight as well???what's schlittenfarhten's opninion on this all kidding asside...Scott your presentation seem fair and balanced to me and this sight is brilliant...really an innovative idea...I think you could charge more for your adds(and I don't even know what you charge)..clearly ski resorts realize the power of DCSKI...props
I used to think that when Wolverine posted derogatory comments towards a resort or ski area (of course he never would utter an unkind syllable towards his beloved 7S, which IMHO, is partly responsible for LM not opening, but that's another story), he did it just to stir controversy & ruffle feathers. But to accuse Scott of being unethical because he allegedly shows favoritism to Snowshoe is downright ignorant & childish. And just for the sake of argument, let's suppose Scott does show favoritism to Snowshoe. Why should Wolverine or anyone else give a rat's a$$? It's his website, he foots the bill (time, talent & treasure) and if other ski resorts who advertise on this website felt they were getting short-changed, they would pull the plug on their advertising. Wolverine is an army of 1, and quite frankly, people should just ignore any more of his tirades and rants against Scott & HIS website. His comments have now reached across the sublime border to the ridiculous.
BTW: Thanks Scott from those of us trying to get LM reopened to use your forum to organize our efforts... if LM does reopen next year under a co-op umbrella, DCSki will be the mother who gave birth to this worthy endeavor.
Well dayum Scott gee I guess you're a horrible, biased person and you better just quit your job right now so you can get cracking and hit that PHP code for a random aggregator that gets weather reports from:
Du Bois
Edinboro Univ
King Of Prussia
Lock Haven
Lords Valley
Mahanoy City
Mt Carmel
Mt Pocono
Oil City
Phildelpha 2100 S Broad
Phildelpha Sigler Trav
St Marys
State College
Union City
Wilkes Barre
Willow Grove
Ft Eustis Newport News
Oak Hall
South Boston
South Hill
Virginia Beach
Baltimore Downtown
Baltimore Travel Plaza
New Carrollton
Ocean City
Silver Spring
Univ Of Md Eastern Shore
I should add that Scott is often up until 3 in the morning working on DCSki. It's really a labor of love for him and not profit oriented. In terms of time spent versus revenue, I think Scott is working for about 3 cents an hour these days, especially given the popularity of the site.
Columnists, such as myself, are volunteers who write columns for free. In the past, I would occasionally accept a complimentary lift ticket, but I have stopped that practice because I feel it undermines my objectivity towards a resort. Also, I don't want some marketing person to "show" me the resort. I want to visit like a Michelin Guide restaurant rater--very anonymously and low key!
I buy a season pass every year for Timberline at the Early Spring prices, but do not socialize with the owners or managers. So as not to provide Timberline with too much free (and often undeserved) publicity, I am not going to write any more articles about the resort unless I have something new and original to say. I'll probably just post observations from time to time about snow and conditions on the forum just as Jimmy, Tucker, Kim and other T-liners do on a regular basis.
I'll also try to visit other places as time, snow, and finances permit. A big part of where a person skis is financial (what's the best bang for the buck?), and I feel that if I accepted comps, I'd no longer be choosing where to go in an impartial and realistic manner.
Well said John. I myself have thought very highly of integrity of DCski's columns, the forum posters, and particularly of Scott as the operator and owner. DCSki remains the only ski related website I have donated cash money towards. DCSki has set a very high standard relative to the press that cover other enthusiast or sport activities in the wider world.
I thought Scott was going to kick me off Dcski after the 3rd day of posting...We talked via E-mail & I found him to be a very kool dude. We have even Talked recently where he praised me for some recent comments on .....OK ..we talked..Allright?!? Anyway the Man has patience & deserves to make some money!!! Support Dcski Sponsers!! Wolverine has an allegance to 7sp which I can relate to but there is a better way to express this. Figure it out Wolverine & Come on back!
The statements alleged by Wolverine are so outlandish I have a theory........
Wolverine is actually Scot!!!
It is a covert attempt to drum up more support for DCSKI and find out just how much Scott is really loved by us all.
Pretty slick move Scott

Let me add my two cents worth. I have been enjoying DCSki for the last 3 or 4 years. I am addicted, I go to the site every day. This past year I have noticed far more bashing and negative posts than I remember in other years. I do not know what is driving this, but I, for one, do not find it enjoyable. For example, why, when all DCSkiers are tingling with inward excitement at the onset of another ski season does anyone have to post that SS will not have snow and be a Thanksgiving bust, especially when the poster apparently has no first hand knowledge about that which he speaks. Who knows what kind of weather this winter will bring. But I venture we all will get our runs in, both locally and elsewhere. By the way, Joe B. of Accuweather is forecasting a much colder and 150% snowier winter for the mid-Atlantic...and I hope he is correct.
Scott, I and all the other posters on this thread (well, perhaps not the initial poster) really enjoy DCSki. It keeps us informed about mid-Atlantic skiing, regardless of resort preferences, etc. You have provided a remarkable service and as the others have said...THAN YOU!
I would ask my fellow DCSkiers to keep the rhetoric as civil and positive as possible. Except for Winterplace, I do not think there is a mid-Atlantic ski area that I have not personally visited. I like them all; I enjoy reading about their improvements. I grouse about ever escalating costs, but also want all the newest whistles and bells. Let's all thank Scott for the site and enjoy being mid-Atlantic skiers. If we have a negative experience, then there is nothing wrong with mentioning it, especially since it might lead to corrections or improvements. But we should not continuously harangue and carry on a personal vendetta.
I have not met a fellow DCSkier that I did not like...ok..I have only personally met about three of you...maybe we can all use my walkie-talkie idea and meet more often on busy ski days..but I would like to meet and ski a run or two with all of the posters..
The Colonel

The statements alleged by Wolverine are so outlandish I have a theory........
Wolverine is actually Scot!!!
It is a covert attempt to drum up more support for DCSKI and find out just how much Scott is really loved by us all.
Pretty slick move Scott
That would be some thing. This calls for a poll! haha j/k
Hi all,
I really appreciate the comments and support. I was in a pretty foul mood all morning after seeing Wolverine's post, because there are few things that bother me more than having my integrity questioned. I am always open to constructive criticism, and it is constructive criticism that has fueled improvements to DCSki over the past 10 years. But some criticism I can't help but take personally, particularly since DCSki is such a labor of love for me, as John pointed out.
(By the way, I like myrto's theory, but there is one slight problem with it -- Wolverine's post was at 6:09 a.m., and as those who know me can attest, I am *never* awake that early!

ahem...... 6:09 AM? To some it's early. To others it's late. Myrto's theory could still live, Scott.

Wolverine = Troll
Do you notice how he/she/it disappeared after making that comment. Lurking in the shadows probably getting some demented pleasure out of observing the assuredly intended consequences of his juvenile comment. There's nothing worse than anonnymity muscles.
Scott -- keep up the good work, and I too say cancel his account. He brings nothing to the table. This isn't Russia, is it Danny?

I also took this as an opportunity to renew my support for the site, which I did, but then I realized I was just playing into Scott's evil plan. As Myrto pointed out, Scott obviously posted under Wolverine's identity, not just to increase support for the site but to skim off the vast profits which will be rolling in not only from Snowshoe but from sympathetic support renewers and NEW SUPPORTERS (come on, people, you know you've got twenty bucks). My theory is that he plans to buy Crush's Park City condo with the profits and disappear from DCSki forever. Now excuse me but I need yet another coffee!