Corridor H- Again :)
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November 24, 2006
Member since 12/29/2004 🔗
538 posts
I visited my folks in Petersburg yesterday. I almost missed the 15 mph turns you can read your rear license plate in your mirror turn. Not. Didn't really time myself, but wife complaining level meter was reading way down. 20 miles of not too twisty turns to wardensville, easy 4 lane drive to Moorefield and another 20 mile easy 2 lane shot down the valley to Petersburg. Was able to make the trip with T'day goodies (pies, cakes, etc..) intact with little shifting (Back to the low complaino'meter reading). I also saw a near tragic, but humorous incident. There was an entrance somewhere between Baker and Moorefield that I saw a car coming on to the highway going west While I was going east. At the end of the ramp the car turned west on the east side of the 4-lane. I thought I was missing something. The couple in the car realized their mistake when too cars in both lanes came up the road. Thank goodness the driver reacted appropriately and pulled off into the medium. I saw them get turned around in my mirror, so all ended well. It looked like an elderly couple and could not help of think of the old joke where the guy gets hit turning on a backcountry road and when the sheriff comes the old guy says it's obviously the other fellers fault because everyone knows he turns there at 4pm everyday. I do feel bad for some of the small mom & pop stores which will be hurt as locals use the easier and quicker route which undoubtedly will happen as locals change their driving habits. But Change happens. The road is an engineering masterpiece with huge bridges and magnificent views and hopefully it will create some green friendly economic growth so 80% of graduating high school classes are no longer leaving the Appalachians for good when they go off to college.

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